Nixon School - Family Check In
September 23, 2022
Upcoming Dates:
September 26: Rosh Hashanah (School Closed)
September 30 - Picture Day
October 3 through 7: Red Ribbon Week & School Spirit Days
October 3-17: PTA Ashley Farms Pie Sale Begins
October 5: Yom Kippur (School Closed)
October 7: PTA Green Fair
October 10 - No School for Students / Professional Development Day for Staff
October 11 - October 14: Early Dismissal for Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 17 - 21: PTA HOWL-oween Scavenger Hunt
October 21: PTA Green Fair (Rain Date)
October 31: NES Halloween Parade (1:45 - 2 PM)
September's Monthly Themes:
Portrait of a Graduate Theme: Active Citizens
SEL Theme: Inclusion
Inclusive Celebration Theme: Hispanic Heritage Month
Thank You For Coming To...
Mr. Siegel Provides Training to SUCCESS Students!
Students in our RHS SUCCESS program are excited and ready to lend a helping hand in our Library Media Design room starting this week. Thank you to Mr. Siegel for sharing an awesome presentation of library duties and responsibilities with the students and their job coaches! The visuals and explanation helped to provide them with a better understanding of what is expected and the tasks to be completed (i.e. shelving books, reading shelves, etc).
Fuddruckers - Burgers for Benefits... PTA Event!
Employment Opportunities...
Mathematics Parent/Guardian Guides
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Special Message from Dr. Seipp Regarding Spring 2022 NJSLA Scores (Applicable to current 4th grade families)
In the spring, your student participated in the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) administration to measure their academic performance in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science as defined in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). Evaluating the results from statewide testing can be a helpful tool in measuring your student’s success in school. For decades, New Jersey has used statewide assessments as a valuable instrument for assessing our students’ annual progress. After two years of disrupted learning, this year’s assessment results represent important data that will support the district’s ability to monitor instruction and learning growth as we return to a typical learning experience. It is important to remember that the data provided by this standardized assessment is a singular piece of the “data puzzle” that our educators use to evaluate, monitor, and adjust learning targets and instructional strategies.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, the state did not administer the NJSLA in the 2019–2020 and the 2020–2021 school years. The Start Strong assessment was administered to provide districts with information on the level of support students may need during the 2021–2022 school year and as directed by the NJDOE, will be administered again this year.
Included with this letter you will find one report for each content area in which your student tested last spring. The reports illustrate how your student performed on each test. There are also charts and graphics that show you how your student performed in relation to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and how your student’s performance compares to other students in their school, district, and the state.
Your student’s ISRs are also available in the New Jersey Parent Portal. The online portal includes your student’s scale score, level of performance, and a video explanation of the score report. The video report communicates information from the ISR through animations and a voiceover in New Jersey’s top five languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, and Arabic. The Parent Score Interpretation Guide is also available in those five languages on the portal. The portal allows you to track your student’s scores from year to year, beginning with spring 2019. If this is the first time you will be accessing the online portal, you must create an account using the unique claim code that is located on your student’s paper ISR. Additional resources to help support your student can be found on the New Jersey Assessments Resource Center under Parent Resources. Additional resources such as the Digital Item Library and New Meridian Item Library are also available.
Should you have any questions or would like to discuss your son/daughter’s learning progress, please feel free to reach out to your son/daughter’s teacher(s), school counselor, principal, or me directly.
PTA Green Fair is Soon!
PTA Membership Drive is on!
Following is a sampling of all of the amazing things that our PTA does with the funds generated through the membership drive and through the various fundraisers conducted throughout the year:
Green Fair & Field Day Book Fairs Author visits & Assemblies Bingo Night, Talent Show, and Halloween Events Monthly Book Swaps Holiday Gift Making & Egg Your Yard Staff Appreciation Week & Faculty Grants
The Paper Store - Community Give Back
The Paper Store (Succasunna) is scheduled to open on Saturday, September 3, 2022 and will have its Grand Opening on Saturday, October 15th and Sunday, October 16th.
As part of The Paper Store's effort to give back to the community, 10% of sales from the Grand Opening on Saturday, October 15 and Sunday, October 16 will be donated to Roxbury Public Schools. Teachers and Students who show a valid school ID can also receive 15% off their entire purchase during the Grand Opening weekend.
Happy Shopping!
Know Someone at NES Who Has Filled a Bucket?
Fill Out our Bucket Filler Nomination Form and we will recognize that individual (student or staff member) during Morning Announcements. Click the button below for the nomination form.
Nixon Elementary School
Email: dlynch@roxbury.org
Website: www.roxbury.org
Location: 275 Mt Arlington Blvd, Landing, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 398-2564