Mulino Mustang News
March 5, 2023
Principal's Message
Dear Mulino Families,
Our students are learning and growing so much every day! This past week we had several very special events beginning with STEAM day, our author visit and literacy night, and our community event, BINGO night. Our students truly enjoyed each of these events and were able to learn and grow through these experiences. As a school community, we are grateful for all of the hard work and dedication that goes into making these events happen.
As report cards will be shared with families during conferences, I encourage you to use the document to celebrate all the growth your children are making and to reflect on their goals for the school year. Another important measure of progress is how your child feels about school. Please ask them what's going well, what they're most proud of, and what is most challenging for them. I'm interested in their feedback, please feel free to share their thoughts with me and their teacher.
While you are reviewing your child's report card, please take a moment to check their attendance totals, located in the top right corner. Each minute of the school day provides an opportunity for learning, and it’s noticeable when students miss time. Frequent absences and tardiness affect your child’s learning opportunities. Mulino is committed to student’s academic achievement, health, and social and emotional well-being. It is so important for students to be at school, each and every day. And, we love having them here! Thank you for your support.
We are looking forward to a great week,
Principal Hall
Parent & Teacher Conferences March 15-17
Author Visit
This week we welcomed authors Peter Valdez and Tasche Laine. They shared their stories and passion for children's literature with all of our students. Each one of our students left the presentation excited about writing and the thought that they too could be a published author someday.
This amazing duo has published several books available for purchase and has created a beautiful website, https://lilpeterbooks.com/, to access various activities.
STEAM Day Success!!
We celebrated the first day of March with STEAM Day! Our students had the opportunity to engage in a variety of science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math activities.
They were able to have meaningful conversations to solve problems with their peers, work as a team and create together.
All of this would not have been possible without the hard work of our teachers, especially Kelly Blackman our 1st-grade teacher, Jackie Anderson, our reading specialist, and Jennifer Reese one of our 5th-grade teachers. Also, a big thank you to our amazing parent volunteers: Kim Anderson, Kasey Stafford, Ashley Kantsuler, Melody Smith, Breanna Manley, and Patty-Jo Benz.
Mulino Parent Group
Hello Mulino Families!
Thank you to all of the wonderful families and community members who were able to join us on Friday for our BINGO night. It was a huge success!!
Our next MPG meeting will be on Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30 pm. We would love to see families join us to hear what is happening at our amazing school and ways for parents to be involved.
If you have any questions or would like to help in any way with our school please contact parentgroup.mulino@gmail.com
Flash Alert
We encourage all families and community members connected to the Molalla River School District to subscribe to our FlashAlert System for notification in emergency situations. We use it for weather-related emergencies as well as other situations that might require immediate notification of our public. You can subscribe to this electronic notification system and receive emails or text messages. Please subscribe below:
Safe Oregon provides 24/7 services for Oregonians to anonymously or confidentially report student safety concerns (suicidal ideation/thoughts, cyberbullying, child abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, etc.) and will pass this information on to school personnel and law enforcement (when necessary).
You can file a confidential report by:
Email tip@safeoregon.com
Text or call 844-472-3367
Report on the https://www.safeoregon.com tip line
Upcoming Events
March 15 - 17 - Parent & Teacher Conferences
March 27 - 31 - Spring Break
April 14 - Kindergarten Round-up and Carnival
Mulino Elementary
Mission: Success for All Students
Vision: All members of our community are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment that cultivates empathy, provides challenging opportunities, and fosters lifelong learning.
Email: elise.hall@molallariv.k12.or.us
Website: https://mulino.molallariv.k12.or.us/
Location: Mulino Elementary School, Oregon 213, Mulino, OR, USA
Phone: 503-829-6888