Williamson Weekly Newsletter
November 29th, 2023
❄️ Winter Cookie Social ❄️
Please take a moment and complete these surveys to help our school!
Each survey only takes a few minutes. We appreciate your time.
Have your students bring snacks!
Please send your students to school with a snack to eat at recess. Students get hungry during the long school day. HEALTHY SNACKS are the best choice, like crackers instead of chips, or fruit snacks instead of candy.
A message from our Health Office
Folsom Cordova Job Center Events
Strengthening Families Program
Please have your students look for their items before Winter Break donations!
Student Attendance
Please report your student’s absences with the following link:
You can also call us at 916-294-9185 if your student will be absent or late.
We have lots of areas where we can use your help!
ROAR Store - Ongoing
Kindergarten Math Centers: M-F (Ongoing) 12:15 PM -1:15 PM
Please contact: amharvey@fcusd.org
If you are interested in joining your student on a field trip or volunteering in their classroom, click this link to apply:
Join Our PTA!
Important Reminder
Williamson Elementary School is a closed campus 7am - 3pm.
Please come to the office for any student needs or concerns.
Williamson Elementary School
Email: cpimentel@fcusd.org
Website: https://www.fcusd.org/Domain/25
Location: Williamson Elementary School, Benita Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA
Phone: (916)294-9185