Edison Charger
November 5th, 2023
Conference Week Schedule November 13-17
You should be getting information from your child's teacher on sign-ups for parent teacher conferences. Here is the schedule that week:
Monday 11/13.........Student Free Day (Conference Day)
Tuesday 11/14- Friday 11/17:
TK(Stepping Stones): 8:30-12:30
TK: 8:00-12:00
Grades 1-2: 1:25 dismissal
Grades 3-5: 1:30 dismissal
No change to Kinder schedule
Upcoming Events At Edison
Nov. 6....School Site Council Mtg. in library at 3:15 pm
Nov. 9.....FRC mtg. @ 6:15 p.m.
Nov. 9...PTA mtg. @ 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 10...No School/Veterans Day
Nov. 13....Pupil Free Day, Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 14-17....Minimum days for Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov.22-24....No School (Thanksgiving Break)
After school time on the front lawn
Just a reminder that we have classes in session until 2:45/3:00. There have been gatherings that are disruptive to the students that are still in class and have windows that face the front lawn. Please be mindful of activities during our instructional time. Parties and games might be best done off campus.
Help the PTA by filling out this survey on your thoughts of Trunk or Treat
Here is the Trunk or Treat post-event survey: https://us12.list-manage.com/survey?u=4e15aa25ab62bf16fc0a682d2&id=4830992c00&attribution=false
PTA Newsletter
Here is the link to the November edition: