Schluter Family Updates
Friday, February 3, 2023
2/7 - Spring, Class & Club pictures
2/8 - Western Wear Wednesday
2/8 - Coffee & Conversations with Admin (details below)
2/10 - 100th Day of School
2/13 - 2/17 - Friendship / Kindness Week
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/15 - PTA Boosterthon Kick Off
2/24 - PTA Boosterthon Obstacle Run
2/28 - Multicultural Night
A Note from Mrs. Williams
What a week it has been! I hope everyone has been able to stay warm and dry this week. It started out in a bit of a frenzy, but thank you all for patience, grace, and kind words while we worked to get our kiddos back home safe and sound. I want to also give a special thank you to our teachers and staff, who worked so hard in the cold and wet weather, to help dismiss all of our students. Our Schluter pledge is not only represented well by our students each day, but by our teachers and staff too! They truly take care of each other and our school!
Due to being out this week, this has changed a few dates for some upcoming events. For those who turned in their permission form to audition for the Spurs in the Spotlight Talent Showcase, we are extending the deadline to submit your audition video into the Seesaw class to Wednesday, February 8th. Students will learn if they will be featured in the Showcase on Wednesday, February 15th.
The 100th Day of School has also been pushed back and is now, next Friday, February 10th.
We are also keeping our normally scheduled events for this upcoming week, including Spring Picture Day and Coffee & Conversations with Mrs. Martinez, our counselor, Mrs. McMurdo, our assistant principal, and myself. Check out the graphics below for more information and to RSVP for Coffee & Conversations.
We still have Multicultural Night coming later this month, and we need you! We would love to have as many families as possible sponsor a booth representing your family’s native county, cultural background, or ancestry. Check out the graphic below to sign up!
You may also be wondering if this week will cause any make-up days in the school calendar. We are awaiting guidance from the Texas Education Agency on this. As soon as we know more about this, we will communicate that.
It is already warming up outside, so as you venture out please be safe. Enjoy your weekend, and we can’t wait to welcome our Spurs back on Monday morning!
Mrs. Williams
Picture Day is coming, February 7th!
Join us for food, showcased crafts/souvenirs, and entertainment as we take a trip around the world and discover the many different cultures and countries that represent our students, families, and faculty here at Schluter Elementary. We would like to have as many families as possible to sponsor a booth/table representing your family’s native country and/or cultural background. Your table can include food, items from your country, and/or an informative display. We would also love for you and your student(s) to wear clothing that represents your culture.
Click HERE for photos, examples and to sign up for
Schluter's Multicultural night on February 28, 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
Show our Spurs the importance of reading by taking part in Northwest Reads! Elementary schools are welcoming guest readers across Northwest ISD on Friday, March 3, as part of the annual event. Participants will choose from a variety of books to read to pre-kindergarten through fifth-grade students at one of the district's 20 elementary schools. The program provides community members with an opportunity to inspire district students to become lifelong readers. To become a volunteer reader, visit www.nisdtx.org/northwestreads.
Performance Course is coming!
Hi Schluter Fam!
Click link below if interested:
what: Performance Course
dates: 1/24-2/16
when: T/Th 7:00am-7:30am
where: Schluter gym
who: K-5
cost: $55
Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Withers
It’s GO time! Don’t wait to join!
Schluter Elementary families,
The day is here! You can now register for our Schluter Spurs Obstacle Run! Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Playground Shade Structure. Registering is easy and free!
⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school.
Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
SchoolMed telehealth available for district students
Deadline for ads: March 17, 2023
Deadline for yearbook purchase: April 1, 2023
Upload photos on schluterpta.org or the Facebook page (there are monthly posts with upload links)
Time to kick off the upcoming big game! You can celebrate with your favorite Friday menu items! Let's hear you cheer for your team!
Attendance boundaries set for 2023-2024 school year
School times changing in 2023-2024, slight calendar tweaks
Request support from student-led Big Event by February 24
This year’s Big Event takes place Saturday, April 1, and community members can fill out a job request form by February 24. Students are willing to help with jobs around the house, weeding, mowing, painting, gardening, tree-trimming and general clean-outs!
Too many ParentSquare notifications? Change your preferences!
Families in Northwest ISD have full control of how they receive ParentSquare messages. To change your settings, sign in on the ParentSquare website and hover over your profile’s name in the top right corner to select “My Account.” From there, click “Notification Settings” on the left sidebar and turn on or off any message format (email, text and app) and whether you receive notifications instantly or each evening (in the “digest” option).
Set your language preference in ParentSquare
Alphabest Afterschool Care
Reminder: Use MyShoolBucks for school meal accounts
Free or reduced-priced meals now require 2022-2023 application
For students who meet federal requirements, school meals may be provided free or at a reduced cost. To receive this benefit, a student's parent or guardian must fill out the free or reduced-cost meal application and be granted admission into the program. While students in the program receive the same benefits briefly at the start of the following school year, the application must be completed annually to continue receiving the program's benefits. For any student who received benefits from the free or reduced-priced meal program in 2021-2022 but has not yet applied and been granted its benefits for the current school year, regular costs are now in effect.
In order for benefits to continue, an application must be completed and returned and free or reduced-price meals will continue to be provided, if the student qualifies. The application can be completed at this link. Paper applications are also available at all Northwest ISD campuses. Please direct any questions to Yen Brown, free and reduced specialist, at 817-698-1091.
Consider joining our team following an increase to paraprofessional pay!
Schools across the district have several open paraprofessional positions for those interested in joining our team! See a listing of open positions on this webpage.
After-school care positions
Food Service positions
Aramark is seeking full-time and part-time food service employees for locations in Justin, Rhome, Newark, Fort Worth, Keller, Haslet, Trophy Club and Roanoke.
No weekend, holiday or evening hours.
• Apply online: nisdtx.org/foodservice
• Call 817-215-0007NISD now hiring bus drivers
Northwest ISD is seeking applicants who are 18 years and older for bus driver positions starting at $18/hour. Employees receive paid training, TRS retirement, and benefits, including medical, dental and vision.
• Apply online: bit.ly/nisdbusdriver
• Call 817-698-1287
• Email transportationjobs@nisdtx.orgFollow us to stay in the loop!
Positive attitudes
Use their talents
Respect themselves and each other, and
Strive for excellence every day.
We take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of this place.
Email: schluterelem@nisdtx.org
Website: schluter.nisdtx.org
Location: 1220 Mesa Crest Drive, Haslet, TX, USA
Phone: (817) 698-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/schluterelem
Twitter: @schluterelem