The Eagle Express
February 23, 2024
Important Dates
Fri., Feb. 23 - Stations of the Cross (6pm - led by school)
Wed., Feb. 28 - Eat & Earn at Johnnie’s
Thurs., Feb. 29 - School mass (8:15am)
Thurs., Feb. 29 - Dads’ Club (7pm)
Fri., Mar. 1 - $5 Free Dress Friday
Fri., Mar. 1 - Live Stations of the Cross (8:15am)
Fri., Mar. 1 - Basketball Pep Assembly
Sat. Mar. 2 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Jansen!
Sun., Mar. 3 - Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel
Tues., Mar. 5 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Borgert!
Wed., Mar. 6 - Eat & Earn at Ted's
Thurs., Mar. 7 - School mass (8:15am)
Fri., Mar. 8 - SALT Day of Service
Sun., Mar. 10 - Prospective Family Open House
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
Dear CSSE Families,
Lent is a good time for us to reflect on the way we interact with the people who surround us. Each and every one of us is made in the image of God, and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. The media is full of stories of the mistreatment of others - more so than the stories of kindness. It is heartbreaking to witness the everyday acts of violence and neglect. There but by the grace of God go any of us.
We are not helpless or unable to act. As Catholics and Christians, we are called to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to give shelter, to visit the sick, to visit the imprisoned, and to bury the dead. In just two weeks, our students, staff, and many of you will go out into the community to give of ourselves through those very acts on our SALT Day of Service. I feel so blessed to be a part of a school and church community that values life in all its stages, and strives to help everyone live and die with dignity. May we always remember to care for everyone around us as a fellow child of the same Father.
Faith Forward,
Mrs. Goldsworthy
Support Our Eagles at the City Tournament!
This weekend is the 4th and 5th grade city basketball tournament. Come out and support our girls and boys teams! CSSE will be hosting games on Friday night and all day Saturday. Updated Tournament brackets are on the CGSAA site.
We will need some help running the concession and score table, so please sign up to help if you are able!
School Stations of the Cross
Parents and guardians are welcome to join us at school Stations of the Cross on the following dates at 8:15am:
March 1st - Led by 3rd Grade (Live Stations of the Cross)
March 8th - Led by 5th Grade (SALT Day of Service)
Please follow our school mass guidelines in regard to parking, seating, etc.
Prospective Family Open House
If you have friends and family who are interested in a Catholic education, we will hold an open house for prospective families from 3:00-4:30 pm on Sunday, March 10th. While we have very limited seats for the coming 2024-25 school year, this is a good opportunity for families who are looking a little further ahead to come and take a look at our school.
CSSE Basketball Event!
Save the date for our traditional 8th Grade Players vs. Coaches game on Friday, March 8th! We will also have a Free Throw/3 Point contest for students leading up to the main event. Sign up your child for the Free Throw/3 Point Contest. The CSSE Chubbuck Family Gym will be open at 5pm for registrations, warmups, and concessions. Contests will start promptly at 6pm with the Main Event at 7pm. See flier for details. Questions -
News on Repeat
Purchase Your 23-24 Yearbook! - The 2023-24 yearbook is in development by our MS Yearbook Elective Class! Please complete the yearbook form for EACH COPY you wish to order. Yearbooks are $25 each. Orders will be billed through your FACTS account in March, or cash/check due to the school office by the end of March. Yearbooks will be distributed the last week of school.
Soccer Sign Up - It’s time to sign up for CGSAA Soccer! Girls and boys in Kindergarten through 8th grade may participate in co-ed teams. We also need coaches at all grade levels with Safe Environment approval and PLACT training. Sign up deadline is March 1st.
CGSAA Track Meet Sign Up - Our track coordinator will be starting up practices for the CGSAA meet soon! Sign up your 1st-8th grade student and see details at the track sign up link! Sign up deadline is March 1st.
School Mass Weekly Collection - Please encourage your child to bring change or a couple of dollars as a way of practicing charity. Let them give their own money if they have it! This is a great opportunity to teach your child about budgeting and tithing since many of us now use Faith Direct instead of putting cash and envelopes directly in the basket.
Eagle Excellence!
6th grade students Kylie Siler and Addie Boudreaux competed at Tribute national talent competition this past weekend in Tulsa. They placed with an elite first place score and ranked 4th overall in their junior division! Great job ladies!
Congrats to 8th Grader Aaron Varghese for his Archdiocesan Spelling Bee triumph! Aaron was the best of the best 7th/8th grade spellers at the bee this week! Congrats, Aaron! We are also so proud of all our St. Eugene students who represented our school. They took the time to study and mentally prepare for the challenge of spelling in front of a large group - no easy thing!
Our 7th/8th Grade Academic Bowl Team swept the competition for a First Place finish in their Phoenix Tournament this week! They had a great season with their coach, Mr. Johnston. Team members are Maddie de Keratry, Joseph Horn, Matthew Jea, Michael Jea, Joey Mathew, Justin Tran, and Aaron Varghese.
7th grader Maddie de Keratry and 6th graders Teddy Hattaway and Connor Yamamoto competed in the Crossing Christian School Tournament of Champions scholastic meet this past week. They all ranked in the Top 10 for their individual tests! Connor placed 1st in Humanities and Top 5 in Language Arts. Teddy placed Top 5 in Humanities and Top 10 in Social Studies and Current Events. Maddie placed Top 10 in Humanities, Science, and Social Studies.
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a percentage back to our school!
- Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler (N. May & Britton) - All Day Wed., Feb. 28th
- Ted’s Cafe Escondido (Lleyton Place) - Wed., Mar. 6th from 5-9pm
* If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info. *
Youth Group
Saturday, March 9th: Hike & Mass at Elk Mountain. We are looking forward to having youth and families and their friends join Fr. Jerome as we hike Elk Mountain and spend time immersed in the beauty of Nature and God's creation. We will give our thanks as we celebrate Mass at the top of the summit. Afterwards we will have lunch and enjoy the view from the mountaintop. Please let us know if you would be able to drive or if your youth will need a ride on that day. If your youth will be needing a ride, we will be sending you an email to fill out medical and liability release forms prior to our trip.Register at
Sign up for Youth Group, or if you would like to volunteer, please email
Parish News
St. Eugene Welcome Committee Seeks New Volunteers - If you have a heart for helping people, consider joining the St. Eugene Welcome Committee to make our newest parishioners feel right at home. Volunteer opportunities include making a few phone calls monthly to welcome newly registered parishioners as well as attending and helping at the twice-annual Welcome Reception at the rectory. For more information or to volunteer, please call Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359.
Advent by Candlelight seeks new coordinators - For six years now, women from the parish and school have enjoyed attending Advent by Candlelight a beautiful evening of celebration and reflection that takes place on the first Sunday of Advent. The event coordinators from the past three years are seeking a couple women or team of ladies to help lead the event this year, which will take place on Sunday, Dec. 1. Please call Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359 with questions or if you'd like to help.
Sunday Breakfast Ministry - Help out with our Sunday Breakfast ministry!. Food items can be homemade, baked or store bought! Biscuits, breads, crackers, cookies — you name it. Please sign up to host a regular Sunday or bring an item to share. It is a wonderful opportunity for a family to volunteer together.
Subscribe to the church newsletter, the St. Eugene E-Pistle. Read notes from our priests, find out what events are going on in the church and diocese, and more!
Please Pray For...
Please pray for a swift and successful recovery for Father Jim as he continues to recover from knee surgery. The procedure went well! | Please pray for Sandy Goldsworthy, grandmother of Samuel and Henry, as she recovers from a broken hip. | Please pray for Carl Greuel, grandfather of Teddy Hattaway, who is in need of prayers for healing.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer requests, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Around the Arch
CCYO Tennis! - Sign up your 6th-8th grade student to play Celtic Catholic Youth Organization Tennis! Season begins in March with duals and meets held after school hours. Find more info and the registration form - CCYO Tennis Info. Sign up by March 1st!
Come check out a great show featuring MANY CSSE alumni! Come see Sarah Elder, Hope Barnes, Benji Silvernail, Taylor Davidson, and Lauren Kusel on February 22nd-24th at BMCHS.
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067