Broncos Bulletin
June 2017 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mrs. Berg, Assistant Principal
Email: sschmidt@ogsd.net
Website: bernalis.schoolloop.com
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Wow I can’t believe the school year is already coming to an end. What an amazing year this has been. From an outside perspective, Bernal may seem like just another regular middle school. But as students learned from the beginning of the school year, once you got to dig a bit deeper, you learned how special and unique the Bernal Intermediate School experience really is. Students and parents learned very quickly that---as our school focus shows—everything we are about and everything we do and every reason for why we exist centers around ensuring positive student outcomes for all students. That goal begins with building and maintaining a positive and safe school environment. Through the use of Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), we developed a R2ISE expectation for all behaviors and expectations on campus. Meaning, we expect and teach our students to be Respectful, Responsible, show Integrity, Safety, and Excellence in all they do at Bernal.
Once we established the culture and consistency, we built connections between and among students and teachers in advisory class. Advisory is a 20-minute class at the start of each morning, except Wednesday, where students and teachers have sprit competitions, learn lessons on citizenship, bullying, digital safety, and hygiene (you’re welcome). Advisory allows students to get themselves ready for the rigor of the academic school day. Speaking of rigor, we maintain high expectations for the standard of lessons that we ask our teachers to prepare for students on a daily basis, using the terms Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships, as the basis for every lesson that takes place in the classroom. We want their minds being challenged with support (Rigor); we want the work to be relevant to the student’s lives (Relevance); and we want all learning goals to be understood in the context of “you gotta connect before you correct” (Relationships).
Outside of class time, we enjoyed student clubs, organizations, dances, field trips, after school sports and athletics, band concerts and competitions, noon-time activities and music, spirit rallies, career day and history day, math club competitions, honor’s nights, OGSD Vision Award winners, student council, recycling, running the mile, buying cool things from the student store, and on, and on! Didn’t I say it was an amazing year?
Be sure to celebrate your student and yourselves for another successful school year. As always, take care of yourselves and each other.
Jamal D. Splane, Principal
June Important Dates
Thursday, June 1st: Science Expo Night 6-7pm @ Bernal
Friday, June 2nd: 8th Grade Dance 4:45-7pm @ Bernal
Monday, June 5th: Talent Show (7th grade show: 9:00-10:10; 8th grade show: 10:23-11:33) @ Bernal
Tuesday, June 6th: 8th grade field trip to Great America (return time approx. 5:30pm)
Thursday, June 8th: Last Day of School! All students are dismissed from school at 10:30AM.
Thursday, June 8th: Promotion Ceremony 5pm @ Oak Grove High School
Summer Student Resources & Events
Strengthening Families Program (Weeks 10-12 )
(June 6th, 13th, and 20th)
Are you interested in having a happy family, strong bonds of love & respect, well-behaved kids, a joyful marriage relationship, and kids kept safe from alcohol & drugs?...The Strengthening Families Program offers all that and more!
All families are welcome! Please register with a school counselor (Tara Reed or Martha Bejar).
Click here to see the flyer for more information.
When: Every Tuesday starting April 4th ending June 20th
Cost: FREE
Program Schedule: 12 weeks
- 5:30—6:30 pm A complimentary family dinner is part of the weekly program.
- 6:30—7:30 pm Families view a short video. Parents and children then break into separate groups to discuss the video.
- 7:30—8:30 pm Parents and children come back together to practice the skills they’ve learned.
The Omnivore's Dilemma Health Fair Presented by Bernal's 8th Grade ELA Classes
The 8th Grade Language Arts students will be presenting their Health Fair projects on Friday, June 2nd and would like to invite parents and community members to come watch the student presentations! The students will be presenting their research from an inspired book, Omnivore's Dilemma. Each Language Arts class has a different focus. Our topics range from GMO’s/Hybrid vs. Non GMO’s, CAFO’s (treatment of animals), what happens to our food once it gets to our plate, and what are the pros and cons of fad diets? We can’t wait!
Our Health Fair is June 2nd, upstairs around the library. Ours students will give speeches about their topic to inform and share opinions about their research. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Language Arts classes presenting:
Period 1- Taylor-Habib, Jahn, Miguel
Period 2- Taylor-Habib, Jahn, Miguel
Period 3- Jahn, Taylor-Habib
Period 4- Jahn, Taylor-Habib
Period 5- Taylor-Habib
Period 6- Jahn, Miguel
Bernal's 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
All students will be dismissed from school on Thursday, June 8th (last day of school) at 10:30am.
Graduates Arrive by 4:15pm (meet on basketball courts)
Family and Friends arrive by 4:30pm
Graduates will not be allowed to have any decorations or flowers during the ceremony
Graduates are encouraged to decorate their caps
All others attending will be guided to the bleachers
Thursday, Jun 8, 2017, 05:00 PM
Oak Grove High School, Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, CA, United States
Oak Grove HS Summer School Courses (Deadline to Register: June 5th)
Oak Grove High School is offer two choices of summer school courses for students attending Oak Grove High School.
Course #1: COMMON CORE MATH 1 (Math Credit)-Students who receive a grade of “B-“ or higher in their middle school Common Core Math 8 Class can sign up to take the accelerated course if they plan to take Common Core Math 2 as a freshmen.
Course #2: SUMMER BRIDGE PROGRAM (Elective Credit)-Students enrolled in this course learn fundamental study skills, develop four-year and post high school transition plans. Students and their families will also be linked to community resources that will aide in their transition to high school. This class is designed to give students who fell below a 2.0 GPA in middle school an opportunity for a fresh and successful start in high school.
Click link below for more information and how to apply.
Due by June 5th to the Oak Grove HS Counseling Office.
A Student's Survival Guide to Enjoy High School
For many, high school is a HUGE transition. Sometimes when you walk around the hallways, and you think to yourself "Dang, I'm in high school!" It seems like just yesterday you were playing hopscotch or tetherball with your friends. High school will only be stressful if you don't set your priorities straight. Get involved with school activities & have fun because you only have four years in high school! Don't regret any mistakes because high school is just that, high school.
1. The first impression is the most important
- Have a good night's sleep they day before & a healthy breakfast so you have energy for the school day.
- Cleanliness is key. Don't forget to brush your teeth so you have a bright smile to share!
- Wear something comfortable and expressive. People judge by appearances so you'll attract people with similar interests/style.
- Don't be late for class! Know where your classes are beforehand.
- Participate in class. Your teacher will be impressed & your classmates will be thankful that they didn't need to answer it.
2. Learn how to make friends
- Don't be afraid to talk to new people.
- Be open! J.F.K. is one of the most diverse schools in the district including many personalities.
- Befriend your locker buddy. You are more or less going to see that person everyday, say hey!
- No one liked Napoleon- You don't have to have supremacy or be rich to impress others.
- Don't focus too much on popularity. The idea of a clique is very cliché and not important.
- Remember people's actions are usually good-nature and at heart therefore respect everyone.
3. Stay focused in class
- The main priority to be in school is to have an education.
- Make sure you have all the supplies you need (ex: paper, pens, pencils.. etc.)
- Only have conversations with other people when the time is right, not during a lecture.
- If you don't understand what is going on, don't be afraid to ask questions.
- Don't interrupt someone and let other students have the opportunity to talk.
4. AP/Honors: Should you sign up?
- The experience will definitely make you a stronger student and prepare you for future academic challenges.
- Prioritize your time and figure out if you have room for more dedication to your studies.
- Signing up for higher level classes looks good for colleges, but if you're struggling & not getting good grades, it isn't worth it.
- Don't make yourself suffer to make other people happy. Choose the classes you know will make you more successful.
- If you're not sure whether to take the next step talk to your teachers & counselors. Ultimately, it is YOUR decision.
5. You should develop your own skills and talents
- Get involved in school! Kennedy offers many sports & clubs, so don't be afraid to join!
- Extracurricular activities are what make your time worthwhile in high school.
- Joining an organization is an easier way to make new friends.
- Every group has a purpose & you should be a part of that experience.
- If there's something you're interested in but we don't have a team or club, start one.
- Don't join to put it on your application, join to have FUN!
6. Don't expect perfection
- Dances, Classes, Sports, Relationships, etc. These are all like tests, sometimes you are destined to fail.
- Always keep your head up high! Releasing negative vibes can affect others around you.
- If you have always been a straight 'A' student, getting a B is not the end of the world. Pick yourself back up.
- You are not a superhero; you are the only one who knows about your limits.
- Accept that you may get rejected so don’t be too dramatic. Just try to make the most out of it.
7. Time management is crucial
- Balance your schedule between education & fun!
- Set your after school priorities, make a lot of time for homework and independent studying.
- Set a time limit to how much time you put in for every class. Don't overkill yourself for one subject & push others aside!
- Use a calendar to remember important dates.
- Think about how other non-educational activities will affect your schedule.
- Find your own personal time to take breathers between studying, so you won't be stressed.
8. Look forward to lunch
- This is your only time in the school day where you won't be locked in a room, use it!
- Don't neglect your health. Just because you have short period of time don't just buy bag of chips.
- Off-campus lunch should be spent wisely so you won't be late for class. Plan before you leave.
- Be open to someone who is sitting by themselves, have lunch with them! You might make a new friend.
- Some teachers might have their classroom open, use this opportunity to seek for help.
- Don't listen to your iPod excessively, it makes you isolated and no one will feel comfortable to start a conversation with you.
- If you want to save some lunch money, pack a nice meal from home for yourself.
9. Procrastination is a problem
- DO NOT put the PRO in Procrastination!
- Students often leave off an assignment if the due date is not tomorrow. Change that stereotype!
- Study in a place far away from distractions (computer, television, etc.)
- When working, only bring supplies that you absolutely need to finish you desired task.
- Start brainstorming on a project once it is assigned, don't wait until last minute.
- To complete 40 hours of service learning, DON'T wait until senior year. Use the free time you have in the beginning of school.
- It is better to be prepared a day before than cramming.
10. Be yourself & have FUN!
Freshmen Year:
- Don't change yourself to impress others.
- Socialize & meet new people!
- Join groups that interest YOU, don't just follow the crowd.
- Have a better understanding of the high school setting & schedule.
Sophomore Year:
- Take challenges
- Don't become restless, stay focused.
- Start drivers education (if you want to).
- Use your summer wisely to get ready for Junior year.
Junior Year:
- Start browsing college possibilities.
- This is the most difficult time for grades/testing.
- Don't give yourself an overload on classes.
- Know your stress relievers.
- Find time to SLEEP.
Senior Year:
- Don't slack off (senioritis strikes)!
- Go BIG or go home!
- Join high school activities to fulfill the high school experience.
- It's your choice to make the best of your LAST year in high school!
**Note: I see you. As a high school student, you were probably too lazy to read the little bullet points. Refer back to this guide when you need help!
Bernal Band 2017-2018
Please check out the attachment on the link below if you are interested in joining a Bernal band class as your exploratory class for the 2017-2018 school year.
Bootcamp for Students: Cyber Security - Ethical Hackers
New Skateboard/Longboard Lockers!
Bernal is very excited to announce that we now have Skateboard/Longboard lockers for students to use! A huge THANK YOU to Candice Salcedo with Farmers Insurance for donating money to Bernal last year to make this possible! The 8 skateboard lockers and 2 longboard lockers provide more flexibility to students when choosing how to get to and from school. The lockers will also help keep our students' personal skateboards/longboards safe during the school day.
Students will need to bring their own lock to use the lockers and the lockers will be used on a first-come, first-served basis daily. The lockers are located in front of the school near the bike racks.
Congratulations to our Bernal retirees!
Sally Schmidt - Principal's Secretary
Dana Johnsen - Science Teacher
Charlie Masuda - Speech Therapist
Employee Recognition Dinner
Sally Schmidt - Principal's Secretary
Congratulations to the Vision Award Recipients from Bernal!!
Mr. Polentz
7th Grade Social Studies Teacher & Chess Club Advisor
Tyler Henley
7th Grader
Tyler Contey
Vision Award for Student Success
8th GraderBernal's 2nd Spirit Rally was a Success!!!
7th grade Rally! Green vs. Orange
Orange Team has spirit!
Teacher & Student Dodgeball Game
8th Grade Rally! Pink vs. Blue
Pink Team has spirit!
An Awesome Performance by the K-Pop Club!
New Student Tours
If you're an incoming 7th grade or new 8th grade student attending Bernal for the 2017-2018 school year and you'd like a tour of the school before the first day of classes, please come to one of the student tour dates below.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017 anytime between 1:30pm and 3:00pm
Friday, August 4, 2017 anytime between 10:30am and 12:00pm
Tours will be lead by 8th grade leadership students. Please click this link to select which date you would prefer to attend. You can drop by anytime between the start and end time of each day. Parents and students are both welcome!
Also, please remember that the New Student Orientation for Bernal will be Tuesday, August 8, 2017 from 6-7pm in the new gym. Parents and students are welcome!
New Student Orientation
Bernal will be hosting an new student orientation on Tuesday, August 8th from 6-7pm in the new gym for all incoming 7th grade families and any new 8th grade families. Please join us to learn more about Bernal Intermediate's expectations, dress code, after school sports, student clubs, and much more!
Tuesday, Aug 8, 2017, 06:00 PM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
First Day of 2017-2018 School Year for Students!
Monday, Aug 14, 2017, 08:00 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Bernal Intermediate - 2016 California Honor Roll School Award
On behalf of our entire school community I want to say congratulations to you and your kids! Our school was chosen by Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE) as a 2016 California Honor Roll recipient!
The California Honor Roll is part of a national effort known for its extensive and rigorous analysis of student achievement in public schools. Our school stood above other schools in the state because of our success in getting students to grade level achievement and beyond.
This year, the Honor Roll includes 1,866 public K-8 and high schools that are recognized for demonstrating consistently high levels of student academic achievement, improvement in achievement over time, and reduction in achievement gaps. The Honor Roll:
• Includes a measurement of improvement
• Is the only award given in collaboration with business leaders
• Includes graduation and dropout rate data
• No application process is necessary
• Establishes a higher bar of performance than any other award
• Takes into account equity and closing achievement gaps
We did not apply for this award (they found us!) and it is a great honor to have been chosen. We will be featured on the Honor Roll website and a banner has been designed for us to hang proudly at our school.
Thanks to the hard work of the students and teachers here at Bernal Intermediate, we are being recognized for our achievement. This is a testament to the relentless focus on results that our school has shown over the years and to the hard work of our entire school community.
From all of us here at Bernal Intermediate, I give heartfelt congratulations. Together, we are improving education for all students by sharing our success.
Dr. Splane