Adherence & Self-Management SIG
Quarterly Update - September 2021
Welcome to the Society of Pediatric Psychology (DIV 54) Adherence & Self-Management Special Interest Group's September 2021 Newsletter!
In This Newsletter:
2. SIG Leadership
3. Call for Adherence & Self-Management Manuscripts in CPPP Special Issue
4. SIG Member Shoutouts & Accomplishments
- Trainee spotlight
- Grants and Awards
- Publications
Updated Format/Content of Newsletter
In an effort to keep you up to date and minimize text, we have decided to break up our biannual newsletters into four quarterly newsletters. Each of the newsletters will still contain SIG accomplishments and highlight someone or their adherence and self-management related work. Further, in an effort to increase SIG involvement among trainees and increase ease of access to recent SIG-related manuscripts, we will now be including a link in the newsletters that will take you to the full-length article as well as a lay synopsis on Kudos.
If you are interested in contributing to this initiative via finding manuscripts or writing up lay synopsis, please email our Communication Chair, Desireé Williford, PhD, at desiree.williford@cchmc.org.
SIG Leadership
SIG Co-Chairs:
Jill Plevinsky, PhD
Kate Gamwell, PhD
Assessment Committee Co-Chairs:
Melissa Young, PsyD
Shweta Ghosh, PhD
Intervention Committee Co-Chairs:
Kim Klages, PhD
Marie Chardon, PhD
Dissemination Committee Co-Chairs:
Lindsay Durkin, MS
Rachel Tenenbaum, PhD
Communications Chair:
Desireé Williford, PhD
Adherence & Self-Management Special Issue in CPPP
Reminder: Submit Your Awesome Adherence & Self-Management Work!
Call for papers: Overview and clinical application of evidence-based assessment and intervention within the field of pediatric adherence and self-management
Important dates
- Letter of intent deadline: October 1, 2021
- Manuscript submission deadline: March 1, 2022
Guest edited by Melissa Young, PsyD, Jill Plevinsky, PhD, and Julia Carmody, PhD, the purpose of the special issue is to highlight topical reviews of evidence-based assessments and interventions, within the field of pediatric adherence and self-management, while also describing the clinical applications of these techniques within specific pediatric populations and/or practice settings.
The existing body of pediatric adherence and self-management literature exists largely within the research context (e.g., clinical trials), leaving a gap in the literature for pediatric psychologists seeking to adapt and utilize evidence-based assessments and interventions within their clinical practice.
For this special issue, preference will be given to submissions that 1) include a topical review of evidence-based assessments and/or interventions designed to measure and/or promote adherence and self-management, 2) emphasize working with vulnerable and underserved populations, and 3) include a case study highlighting the clinical application of evidence-based assessments and/or interventions with clinical outcome data.
Topics may include:
- Disease-specific adherence and self-management assessments and/or interventions for vulnerable and diverse populations.
- Adaptation and implementation of evidence-based assessments and/or interventions for various practice settings.
- Use of digital health tools and/or digital adaptation of assessments and/or interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Implications for psychology training, interdisciplinary collaborations, and program development.
In addition to the aforementioned topics, topical reviews accepted for publication in this special issue are expected to provide a foundational discussion of current clinical practice and implications for care, identify existing gaps in knowledge regarding the applicability of adherence and self-management evidence-based practices with diverse populations, and/or discuss the application of evidence-based practices and lessons learned in various clinical practice settings.
Submission details
Please note that all submissions should follow Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology guidelines for manuscript submission, which includes not exceeding 25 pages, inclusive of all parts of the manuscript, including the cover page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figures.
Letters of intent should be no longer than one page and outline the content of the proposed manuscript and relevance to the special issue theme, due October 1, 2021.
Approval to submit a manuscript for the special issue does not guarantee acceptance.
Full manuscripts are due March 1, 2022.
Please submit letters of intent electronically through the Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology online submission website using the “Special Issue – Letter of Intent” Article Type
These instructions and additional details on the special issue can be found at: https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/cpp/overview-clinical-application-evidence-based-assessment-intervention
SIG Member Shoutouts & Accomplishments
Trainee Spotlight: Kristine Durkin, M.S.
Ruth L. Kirschstein Pre-doctoral Fellowship Grant (F31)
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Kristine Durkin, M.S. (West Virginia University) was awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (F31) grant through the National Heart Blood and Lung Institute for a multi-site project investigating nutritional adherence in adolescents with cystic fibrosis.
Project Description: Adhering to dietary recommendations and nutritional supplements to deter inadequate absorption of nutrients the development of malnutrition in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is critical, given that nutritional status is significantly related to health outcomes (e.g., lung functioning) and longevity. Yet, non-adherence to the CF care regimen, including nutritional recommendations, is high in adolescents, in particular. Though behavioral interventions have been very effective in improving nutritional intake in young children with CF, little is known about what factors are associated with nutritional non-adherence in adolescents with CF. With increased independence and control over dietary intake, adolescents likely have adherence challenges that are different than their younger counterparts. Therefore, using a convergent mixed methods design the overall goal of this study is to identify factors related to adherence to nutritional recommendations in adolescents with CF and to obtain rich qualitative data from key stakeholders (i.e., adolescents & dietitians) regarding barriers to nutritional adherence and challenges in working together in clinic to improve it. Kristine will apply an organizing framework, the Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model, to interpret her findings and identify specific factors necessary for behavior change in future interventions. This study is innovative, as no other behavioral research has focused on understanding adolescent-specific challenges to nutritional adherence in the CF care regimen. Adolescents (ages 12-18) will be recruited from 5 CF centers across the US. Adolescents will complete surveys measuring a range of potential factors associated with adherence, as well as 2 random days of 24-hour diet recall to indirectly assess nutritional adherence through the CF-INTAKE measure (daily caloric intake, fat grams, enzyme use, number of meals & snacks). Adolescent patients will be randomly selected from the larger sample to provide in-depth stakeholder perspectives on the difficulties they experience around nutritional adherence. Dietitians (from the 5 recruitment sites) also will take part in focus groups to share their perspective on challenges they experience in communicating with and supporting adolescents on nutritional adherence. Qualitative results will be integrated with quantitative findings for final analyses. The contribution of this project in advancing science and care is to gather and integrate quantitative and qualitative data regarding in-depth perspectives and experiences from adolescents and dietitians, as key stakeholders, regarding nutritional adherence. Results from this F31 fellowship project are expected to provide better understanding of behavioral determinants for adolescent nutritional non-adherence so that a developmentally-sensitive, yet practical, clinic-based adherence promotion intervention can be developed to target these factors in the future. As a part of this project, Kristine will obtain training in nutritional adherence to develop expertise in an important and understudied area of pediatric chronic illness, acquire grantsmanship experience in multi-site research, and develop competence in mixed methodological clinical research, thereby establishing skills necessary to complete early-career projects that build on the F31 project.
Congratulations Kristine Durkin, M.S.!
Grants & Awards
Innovation Fund, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Digitally-Enabled Adherence Platform (DEAP)
Avani Modi, Ph.D. & David Hooper, M.D.
Drs. Avani Modi and David Hooper (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center) were awarded the CCHMC Innovation grant to develop an adherence digital platform to assess and address adherence barriers for adolescents and young adults with chronic illnesses, with an initial focus on kidney transplant recipients.
Congratulations Drs. Avani Modi & David Hooper!
2021 Health Care Hero
Timothy S. Zeiger, Psy.D., PLLC
Each year the Central Penn Business Journal and Central Penn Parent recognize and honor a handful of individuals who promote innovation, excellence in their field, and make significant contributions to the quality of health care in central Pennsylvania. Dr. Zeiger (Timothy S. Zeiger, Psy.D., PLLC) was among five honorees selected to receive the 2021 Health Care Hero award under the Mental Health Caregiver Hero category.
Congratulations Dr. Timothy Zeiger!
In an effort to increase SIG involvement among trainees, and increase ease of access to recent SIG related manuscripts, we will now be including a link in the newsletters that will take you to the full-length article as well as a lay synopsis on Kudos. Click here to visit our Kudos profile!
Kudos is an online research community aimed to showcase and disseminate your research to ensure knowledge is found, understood, and applied by broader audiences. For more information, please visit https://growkudos.com/.
If you are interested in contributing to this initiative via finding manuscripts or writing up lay synopsis, please email our Communication Chair, Desireé Williford, PhD, at desiree.williford@cchmc.org
Featured Publications:
Fidler, A., Sweenie, R., Ortega, A., Cushing, C. C., Ramsey, R., & Fedele, D. (2021). Meta-analysis of adherence promotion interventions in pediatric asthma. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsab057. Kudos summary available here.
Gamwell, K. L., Kollin, S. R., Gibler, R. C., Bedree, H., Bieniak, K. H., Jagpal, A., Tran, S. T., Hommel, K. A., & Ramsey, R. R. (2021). Systematic evaluation of commercially available pain management apps examining behavior change techniques. Pain, 162(3), 856-865. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002090. Kudos summary available here.
Hoch De Keyser, H., Ramsey, R., & Federico, M. J. (2020). They just don't take their medicines: Reframing medication adherence in asthma from frustration to opportunity. Pediatric Pulmonology, 55(3), 818-825. doi:10.1002/ppul.24643. Kudos summary available here.
Kharofa, R.Y., Khalsa, A.S., Zeller, M.G., Modi, A.C., Ollberding, N.J., & Copeland, K.A. (2021). Giving “Prescriptions” for pediatric weight management follow-up in primary care. Clinical Obesity, 11(3), e12448. doi:10.1111/cob.12448. Kudos summary available here.
McGrady, M. E. & Ramsey R.R. (2020). Using electronic monitoring devices to assess medication adherence: A research methods framework. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(9), 2707-2714. doi:10.1007/s11606-020-05905-z. Kudos summary available here.
Modi, A.C., Guilfoyle, S.M., Glauser, T.A., & Mara, C. A. (2021). Supporting treatment adherence regimens in children with epilepsy: A randomized clinical trial. Epilepsia, 62(7), 1643-1666. doi:10.1111/epi.16921. Kudos summary available here.
Modi, A.C., Patel, A.D., Gutierrez-Colina, A.M., Wetter, S.E., Heckaman, L.M., Debs, A., Mara, C.A., Wentzel, E., Schmidt, M., & Stevens, J. (2021). The Development of a social norms adherence intervention for adolescents with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior, 114(Pt A), 107628. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107628. Kudos summary available here.
Ramsey, R.R. & Guilbert, T.W. (2021). Exciting era of sensor-based electronic monitoring of adherence in pediatric asthma. Pediatrics, 147(1), e2020036749. doi:10.1542/peds.2020-036749. Kudos summary available here.
Ramsey, R.R., Plevinsky, J. M., Mligrim, L., Hommel, K., McDowell, K., Shepard, J., & Guilbert, T.W. (in press). Feasibility and preliminary validity of mobile spirometry in pediatric asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2021.06.005. Kudos summary available here.
Varnell, C.D., Rich, K.L, Zhang, B., Carle, A.C., Pai, A.L.H., Modi, A.C., & Hooper, D.K. (2021). Predicting Acute Rejection in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with a Kidney Transplant by Assessing Barriers to Taking Medication. Pediatric Nephrology, 36, 2453-2461. doi:10.1007/s00467-021-04946-8. Kudos summary available here.
Upcoming Publications:
Feldman, E. C. H., Balistreri, K. A., Lampert, S., Durkin, L. K., Bugno, L., Davies, W. H., & Greenley, R. N. (2021). Emerging adults’ adherence to preventive health guidelines in response to COVID-19. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Manuscript accepted for publication.
Clinical Initiatives
Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System (ELHS)
Avani Modi, PhD (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center) and the Barriers to Adherence Workgroup comprised of patients, nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals developed a barriers to adherence toolkit for roll-out nationally as part of the Epilepsy Learning Health System nationally.
Want to see yourself or a colleague featured?
Join Our SIG - New Procedures
Please update your profile and select the option to join the Adherence & Self-Management SIG through the Society of Pediatric Psychology website: www.pedpsych.org.
To become member of the SIG you must be a member in good standing of the Society of Pediatric Psychology.
Unsure if you are already a member? Check your SIG membership on your profile as a double check.
Questions? Comments?
Reach out to us anytime. For more information on the Adherence & Self-Management SIG and to contact us, please visit our website at: https://div54adherencesig.weebly.com.