Eagle Express
February 2024 Edition
Dear Citrus Park Families,
January brought us a busy and fun-filled month! We celebrated literacy AND celebrated being 100 DAYS SMARTER! Thank you to all the parents who visited classrooms and helped be part of the engagement! Thank you to all our teachers for planning and facilitating all the wonderful activities.
I also want to take the time to thank you for helping to get your child to school daily and on time as we wrapped up a series of important assessments. A lot of thought and strategic planning goes into picking out the days we assess students. It is important to try and stick to the schedule as much as possible to limit the days for makeup testing. I appreciate your continuous effort in getting your child to school and on time.
Thank you to our PTA for a memorable family movie night! It was a cold one, but students were so excited to join their friends and bundle up with a good movie. A good time was had by all. We love seeing our families enjoy time together!
Ready for Kindergarten with Ready Freddy!
Green Team News! ♻️
Thank you for supporting the Green Team in the month of January as we collected bags full of jackets and blankets to donate to
This month we are partnering up with The Hillsborough County Fine Arts Program. They are creating a mosaic and are in need of your unwanted Gasparilla beads!
Let's reduce and reuse and create something beautiful in the process! Leftover beads will be donated to the McDonald Training Center.
Please send your beads to school by Monday, February 26th to room 16 before 7:40am. Thanks in advance!
❤️Our School has Heart! ❤️
Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts-especially other kids'!
Last week Coach Capo sent home the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge paperwork discussing his fundraiser, Jump Rope for Heart!
This event is so special because there are many ways YOU can help!
The FIRST and EASIEST way is to:
- Register online! (No payment needed. If we reach 200 registries, our P.E. department will get $500 gift card to purchase equipment for our students!) It's that easy!
If you are able to:
- After you register, you may donate to this organizations great cause!
Thank you for your continued support!
Safety First! 🚷🛑
- Please use our crosswalks. If you need to walk onto campus, or are leaving towards the parking lot, please use our crosswalks. Safety First!
- For the safety of the students and families, please DO NOT use cellphones in the car line.
- Patrols are to arrive before 7:10. The front loop is to be utilized for PATROLS ONLY. If your child is a patrol and you arrive after 7:10, please stay in the regular car line.
- At 7:35 patrols are released back into the building. They will not be able to escort your child if you arrive at a later time.
- Do NOT pull away from the curb until the safety patrol has closed the door and stepped away from the vehicle.
- Please do NOT get out of your vehicle to buckle your child or open the door. If your child needs buckling up at the end of the day, you may pull up to a parking lot once they have been loaded.
- As a reminder, please follow all traffic laws/rules and drive cautiously through the neighborhood and surrounding streets.
Important Dates!
February 5th- Early Release
February 8th- Class Pictures
February 12th- Early Release
February 14th- Field Day
February 15th- Happy Valentine's Day!
February 15th- Valentine's Day Dance 6-8pm
February 16th- No School
February 19th- Early Release
February 20th- 4th Grade NAEP Assessment
February 22nd- Conference Night
February 23rd- Student of the Month- 8am
February 26th- Early Release
PTA News!
Calling for memberships! On Monday, January 15th is the last day to purchase a $5 membership. The class that has the MOST parent memberships with teacher included will win a donut party!
Please visit https://citruspark.memberhub.com/store to order spirit shirts, purchase birthday marquee messages, make donations, and/or join our fabulous PTA! Citrus Park Elementary encourages everyone to become a member. Doing so gives you a voice while supporting your child and school community.
We would LOVE to hear from you! Email us at Kyleyvelez.cpe.pta@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or ideas.