January 29th: Letters of Intent to Run for Office Due
January 29th: GASC Convention Registration Due
February 5th: Applications For Awards Due
February 5th: Senior Scholarship Application Due
February 5th: Speech Contest Due
February 12th: Campaign Speeches Due
February 19th: Skit/Videos and Campaign Materials Due
February 26-27th: GASC Convention
- Download the CrowdCompass App to be prepared for the convention.
- The theme of is Got to Lead Them All, so turn on your cameras and show your pokemon gear!
- Links to the Speech Contest Rubric are listed below!
Interested in receiving a GASC Award? Here is the list of awards your council could qualify for!
- Council Of Excellence
- Advisor Of The Year
- Administrator Of The Year
- Outstanding Projects
More information is in the link attached below
GASC’s Senior Leadership Scholarship
Duties of the President School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Serve as chair of the Executive Board and establish the agenda in conjunction with the executive director for all meetings and conventions.
Plan for the annual convention.
Select the annual convention theme.
Select workshop topics and presenters.
Select keynote speakers for general sessions of the annual convention.
Give the opening address.
Serve as convention chair.
Provide convention registration materials & copies of convention rules
Provide individual delegate packets including but not restricted to name badges and housing information.
Develop and arrange for the printing and distribution of the printed convention program.
Organize the assignment of workshops to delegates.
Select, train, and organize school guides.
Propose state service project and promote at all GASC events.
Represent or find a school to represent GASC at regional (SASC) and national (NASC) meetings at the expense of the association. (One delegate registration paid per event)
Preside at Leadership Summit.
Serve as a liaison for GASSP and other affiliations.
Duties of the Vice President School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Coordinate the annual membership drive.
Secure the proclamation by the Governor of “Georgia Student Council Week.”
Provide promotional materials for a membership drive and district representatives to Communication School.
Organize the application and election of district representatives.
Host a meeting(s) for district representatives and oversee district representatives by providing outlines & expectations for district conferences.
Organize district meetings at the convention.
Duties of the Secretary School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Record and distribute the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.
Record minutes at State Convention and all Advisor Business Meetings.
Develop and distribute an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Summit and Convention.
Publish and distribute monthly newsletters (with upcoming GASC events and council ideas) to member schools.
Host a president’s meal at the annual Convention if facilities are available.
Coordinate decorations and refreshments for the Advisor Hospitality Room at annual conventions.
Duties of the Communication School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Maintain and update the GASC website and social media outlets.
Provide an evaluation for all GASC events, compile the results, and submit to the Executive Board to be used in planning future events and all schools in attendance.
Serve as official GASC photographer at all GASC meetings and events at which they are in attendance. When not in attendance, collect pictures from attendees.
Produce videos for arrivals, convention summary, etc. to be used at the convention.
Publish the convention report on the website.
Publish a textual convention recap and demographics on the website.
Duties of the CrowdCompass App Consultant
Attend all Executive Board meetings & GASC events, including their own district conference.
Manage the GASC CrowdCompass Account online.
Develop the app for District Conferences, Leadership Summit, Convention, and any other specified GASC events.
Stay in contact with the CC assistant and corresponding school during app builds.
Offer live app assistance during the events of Leadership Summit and Convention (and District Conferences, if specified).
Build and customize the click game for each event.
Send out push notifications as needed during events.
Create the Metrics report and survey report and present District Conferences at Summit Meeting, Summit at the January Meeting, and Convention at Turnover.
Design an Emergency Action Plan and distribute it through the app in conjunction with the Executive Director.
Duties of the Parliamentarian School
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Keep a current version of the GASC Constitution and serve as protector of the constitution.
Speak on behalf of the Executive Board in questions concerning the parliamentary procedure.
Notify all member schools about qualifications and procedures related to running for a state office per the election policy document.
Act as sergeant-at-arms during elections and select tally clerks per the guidelines in the constitution.
Present a workshop at Leadership Summit to promote running for office.
Duties of the Middle School Member-At-Large
Attend all Executive Board meetings and GASC events, including their own district conference.
Assist the president with recruitment for middle school membership and middle school participation at all GASC events.
Represent middle school interests on the Executive Board.
Compile resources for middle school members.
Provide support and resources for middle schools at District Conferences.
Coordinate middle school workshops and roundtables for convention and Summit.
Coordinate a middle school event for Saturday night of the convention.
Alexis German
School: Grayson Highschool
Grade: 12th
Favorite Quote: "It's a good day to have a good day if you want a good day!"
Alexis is originally from Miami Florida! Alexis stated that "GASC Convention 2019" was her favorite GASC memory. When asked about her biggest inspiration, she stated "My mom. She has been my biggest cheerleader and my biggest supporter since I could remember, and I'm forever grateful for that. She has the best advice and doesn't hesitate to call me out when I unknowingly make a mistake, which I also appreciate."
Nkosi Nesmith-Nelson
School: Grayson Highschool
Grade: 12th
Favorite Quote: I’m sure it’ll change soon but right now it’s
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” -The Perks of Being A WallflowerWhen Nkosi isn't managing the roles of many different leadership organizations, he spends his time painting and supporting the arts. Nkosi has even had his work shown at the High Museum! When asked about his favorite GASC memory, Nkosi responded with "When I went to Convention for the first time ever in 2019, my leadership pillar worked so hard as a team and ended up bringing home the Leadership pillar award for GASC. It was an eye-opening experience thought brought me even closer with my school, community, and the people that cared about student council the most." Nkosi's mentor is his AP European history teacher because "not only is he amazing at teaching, but he always provides an encouraging environment for people to discuss and debate. He gives us different perspectives of things in ways we’ve never seen before. He creates an environment where people feel safe to talk, and create a true family in his class. He really does care about his students and their success."
Kenya Garcia
School: Grayson Highschool
Grade: 12th
Favorite Quote: "Life is too short to hold back, so don’t "
Kenya says that her favorite animal is the great white shark! Her favorite GASC memory is "Getting to be a paleontologist for Grayson during summit 2018 ". When asked about her mentor, Kenya responded with "My mentor would have to be my mom because she has had a very challenging life, and to see her overcome it and manage a whole family is unbelievable. Not only has she taught me to work hard, but she continuously gives me advice on how to reach my goals as she has done. "
School: Grayson High School
Grade: 11th
Favorite Quote: “There's beauty in the most unexpected of places and that there are bright places, even in dark times. And if there isn't, you can be that bright place, with infinite capacities.”
When Abby Isn't planning GASC events, she enjoys photography, journaling, and thrifting. She enjoys "pretty much anything artistic." she also loves dog sitting for families as well as hanging out with her three Labradoodles. Her favorite GASC memory is "definitely BLAST camp 2019, and especially the last night when we performed our skits, sang our last roll-calls, and just took in the positive environment around us." When asked about her mentor, Abby stated "I would say my mentor would be my mom. She and I have a lot in common, and I look up to her ability to connect with anyone she speaks with as well as her overall kindness towards others."
Just in case you were wondering, an advisor of the month is someone who
- Goes above and beyond all expectations.
- Encourages his/her students to reach their full potential
- Someone who is hardworking, kind, and passionate
- Someone who dedicates their time and energy to see the growth of the council
If any of these descriptions remind you of an advisor, please fill out the form!
Snapchat: @georgiastuco
Email: gascsecretary@gmail.com
Website: gasconline.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaStuCo/
Twitter: @georgiastuco