Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 4 November 2021
Dear Lord,
Bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. May they remain constant in your love and be living signs of your presence to their children and grandchildren. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen2021 Important Dates
Week 4:
Fri 5 Nov: Whole School Wellbeing Day
Y4 Performance Assembly - 2.15pm
P&F Silent Disco
Week 5
Thu 11 Nov: Remembrance Day Service 5J - 11am
Fri 12 Nov: Pupil Free Day
KG22 Children's Orientation
Songfest pm in the hall and over weekend
OLC Choir performing at Songfest
Week 6
Fri 19 Nov: General Assembly
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Grandparents Afternoon
A huge number of parents and grandparents were able to attend school last Friday afternoon. The students really valued the visits in their classrooms, playing games and attending assembly.
(Grandparent's afternoon is set down for Friday October 28 next year before the official grandparent's day on Sunday October 30.)
Wellness Week
This week we have included a number of activities in our curriculum. The students all participated in a yoga session on Monday with Miss Christie, square breathing every day before lunch, tapping with Mrs Geraldine Page or a sound healing session with Mrs Heather Starr, …..culminating on Friday wearing a shirt or dress to school that makes you feel good.
Interschool Athletics
A large number of our students competed in our interschool athletics sports carnival at Hay Park in Bunbury last Thursday. Our students did exceptionally well. Congratulations to Mrs Sinclair and the team.
Pupil Free day
A reminder that there is a pupil free day on Friday 12 November. The staff will be creating our School Improvement Plan for 2022, work on our school Vision for learning, analyse our NAPLAN and PAT test data and school strategic plan.
On Thursday 11 November at 11am we will hold a special ceremony, led by Mr Jones’ Year 5 class to remember all those who have died in war. We pray that we keep alive the memories of those who laid down their life for the sacred cause of freedom. Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly.
Excellent Art Display at Busselton Show
Thank you to Mrs. Birch for skillfully arranging artwork from a number of our students at the Busselton show on the weekend.
Thank you, P&F
Thanks to our hard-working P&F from our students for the new Bee Bots for coding and higher order thinking. The P&F have also funded aluminium seating for lunchtimes, paid for the busses for the Year 6 camp, pizza for family masses, $300 per class for resources, $2,500 for library resources and the major project of the massive new playground reflecting the six indigenous seasons.
We encourage families to join us at our School P&F and School Advisory Council (SAC) AGMs commencing at 6pm on Wednesday 24 November in the school hall. (Both AGM’s were over within an hour last year!) All positions on the P&F are declared vacant each year and there are two vacancies on the school board. Please fill out the form attached to this newsletter if you would like to nominate for these positions which are an excellent support to our school.
Please find attached Nomination forms for the SAC and P&F.
Great News!
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who have purchased “Worm Wizz” and fresh eggs at our assemblies. We have now raised enough money to purchase THREE wheelchairs for kids in Third World countries. Top effort and fits in with our school value of compassion beautifully.
Excellent work from our Year 6 Environmental Ministry. Fresh eggs and Worm Wizz will always be available for purchase at assemblies. (1:10 ratio in your watering can for the Worm Wizz.)
Accommodation Required for new staff member
We have a new staff member commencing work at OLC next year that is in need of accommodation next year. Please let us know at school if you may be able to assist.
Uniforms 2022
Kindy and Pre Primary Parents, this is a good time to start planning your transition uniforms for next year. You will be receiving an email shortly to advise what uniforms are required for PP and Year 1.
You can check our second hand uniforms at any time by getting the key from the office, or visit the Uniform Shop on a Wednesday from 8.20 - 8.50 for fittings to enable you to put in a uniform order at Permapleat.
Cape to Cape Walkers
Florence and her mum Monika have started Cape to Cape walk with some friends. They are planning to achieve it in 10 days taking time to walk during the weekends, also camping along the way. Last weekend was their first 24km from the Cape Naturalist to Injidup. We are very impressed by Flossie!
Did you know
- One of our responsible adults thought the silent disco commencing at 4.30pm was for parents.
- We have sold 272 CAPE Registration Plates. All funds raised go towards the construction of the new playground on the hill overlooking the oval for all Year 1-6 students to use at recess and break times.
- We had a magnificent display of student art in the Busselton show.
- Halloween is like anchovies and coriander, it’s not for everyone.
- Ellie, Cam and Avalon (6) delivered flowers to two staff members last Thursday.
- Patrick Wray commenced at OLC in Year 1 earlier this week.
- Aurelia Partridge (3) was laying on the warm bricks in the sun trying to increase her body temperature on Monday morning at recess time.
- There is a pupil free day on Friday November 12.
- There is one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. (Aristotle)
- At the bus waiting area on Monday after school, Sophie Cheffins (K) told Mrs Kartana and Mr Lee about 16 jokes in three minutes.
- Our school choir will be performing during the songfest weekend on November 13 and 14.
Seth (4) is outstanding at art.
We will have three Archies and one Archer at OLC next year.
Watching our students happily playing with the large 'Connect Four', 'Corn Hole' and Table Tennis at lunchtime. All provided by the P&F and departing families.
RE Update
You will be aware that the community of Carnarvon has recently been dealing with the disappearance of Cleo Smith, who by the grace of God was reunited with her family yesterday. Cleo is a student at our fellow Catholic School "Our Lady Star of the Sea" in Carnarvon. Catholic school communities are called to witness faith in times of joy, sadness and sorrow, and to support one another in difficult times. Thank you for your prayers for Cleo to this point. We are blessed that they have been answered!
We ask that you continue to keep Cleo, her family, and her community in your prayers, and offer this prayer to Mary, patroness of our school:
Mary our Mother, keep in your prayers the families of all missing children. Thank you for providing comfort to Cleo’s parents as they faced this situation. and for enabling Cleo to come home safely, back to her loving family. We thank you, Blessed Mother, for listening to our prayer and for your merciful intercession. Amen
The following message is from the Principal at Our Lady Star of the Sea:
On behalf of all at St Mary Star of the Sea Carnarvon, thank you to all our schools for the many prayers that have been answered today with the return of Cleo Smith to her family. The whole Carnarvon community is rejoicing today with this fantastic news. The police and volunteers have done an amazing job in locating Cleo. Thank you, and we continue to pray for little Cleo and her family.
Steve O'Halloran
St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School Carnarvon
Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be in the shared work areas of the school and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for the labelled boxes in the following areas in the next few weeks and give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Thank you.
K & PP: Christmas goodies, chocolates, bonbons, puddings, decorations, small children's gifts and stocking stuffers etc.
Years 1, 2 & 3: Pasta sauces, meal kits, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas. Please, no baked beans or tinned vegetables 🙂).
Year 4, 5 & 6: Christmas Goodies: Chocolates, tinned fruit, non perishable fruit juices, nuts, small gifts, pampering items, vouchers (KMart, coffee, etc).
Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year.
community news
Dunsborough Songfest is in its 11th year and is using OLC as the festivals home base. The weekend is for community singing and brings together over WA 300 singers. 2021 will bring WA’s finest barbershop groups, 4 are current Australian Champion ensembles and many other vocal ensembles along with the Eneksis choir from the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts or WAAPA. The festival is made possible by a large group of volunteers from here and Perth who have a passion is to connect community through singing to engender the many benefits that being involved gives us all, along with support from the City of Busselton and Voice Moves.
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/