The Communicator
PYP and MYP Update
The Current State of IB at Peirce
Primary Years Programme (PYP) - IB World School
Middle Years Programme (MYP) - IB World School - Evaluation Fall 2017 -
November 8-10 - Report to follow shortly
The Learner Profile Attributes
The Learner Profile Attributes
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
Let us know how you encouraged your child to be an INQUIRER and KNOWLEDGEABLE by using the form at the bottom of the newsletter!
The PYP in Pictures
Spanish - 5th Grade
Exploring Math in the PYP
Don't worry - Be on the lookout for the powerpoint and materials on the Peirce Website.
Kindergarten - Room 110 - Walks their letters to Veterans to the mailbox
Have you looked at the Peirce PYP Documents lately?
You will find:
PYP Assessment Policy
PYP Language Policy
Peirce PYP Programme of Inquiry
Peirce Specialists Programmes of Inquiry
...And Much More!
The MYP at Peirce
Read all about what the MYP learned last month!
Ms. Puente- MYP Year 1 Language and Literature
The MYP Year 1 Literature & Language program continued to read and discuss “Life As We Knew”. Students learnd to integrate the IB components of the 1st Quarter unit, “In the Beginning…” through their discussions and writing. In addition, they are learned to craft their writing in an argument centered method. It as a challenges that they really enjoyed.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Brugman- MYP Years 1-3 Physical Education & Health
As October came to a close, the MYP students were working on their summative assessments in P.E. Students designed their personal fitness plans and then taught portions of their plans during class. Orange Shoe was gracious enough to teach a circuit training class for 8th graders. It was incredible!
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Chiang- MYP Year 2 Science & Design
Students continued to learn about cells as the basic building block of life. For their unit 1 summative assessment, students worked on combining their knowledge of the scientific method with what we have learned about microscopes and cells. They were assessed on IB criteria “Inquiring and Designing” as well as “Processing and evaluating” the information they gathered.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Kerkstra- Year 1 Mathematics
Students finished their first unit, “Are You Proportional?” Students have learned to identify and analyze ratios, rates and unit rates. In the final stretch, students will work with percentages. Students also spent several days working on their summative assessment. Students were given a “budget” to create a perfect party, breaking down the budget into rates, unit rates and percentages to apply their new skills.
Learn more by visiting my Google Classroom. Email me aekerkstra@cps.edu for access.
Ms. Ferrand- MYP Year 2- Individuals and Societies
MYP Year 2 IAS, students are working to improve critical thinking through the summarization of information to make valid, well supported arguments and in researching the impact of colonization on people in early colonial America, students recognize different perspectives and explain their implications.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Lawrenz, MYP Year 2 Language and Literature
During the month of October, students practiced fundamental argumentation skills using current public policy issues. Seventh grade students participated in table debates on the issues of transgender soldiers in the military and the nuclear capabilities of North Korea. Students used the claim, evidence and reasoning process to build arguments to support their overall positions. Students were expected to respond their opponents’ claims with counter arguments and conclude their debates with a rebuttal.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Hopkins- MYP Year 3 Science
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Mangas- MYP Year 1 Individuals and Societies
Students in 6th grade Individuals and Societies continued to work through Unit 1: In The Beginning. They explored Mesopotamia by taking a look into the 8 features of a civilization. The students compared our society with early civilizations, as well as the impacts early civilizations have had on our society. Their summative assessment, was an argumentative paper.
Mr. Rossiter- MYP Year 2 Math
Students worked on finishing up the unit about rational number operations. Specifically, they focused on order of operations of these rational numbers. By the end of October, students had summarized learning through assessment nda reflection. By the beginning of November, students will be starting a new unit about expression and equations/inequalities with an emphasis on word problems.
Ms. Hooper-MYP Year 3 Language and Literature & Individuals and Societies
MYP Year 3 students are worked on implementing writing skills to compose a letter from the perspective of the protagonist of the novel Behind Rebel Lines. Students demonstrated their understanding of Criterion C in both Language and Literature and Individuals and Societies, which is Producing Text and Communicating. Students also focused on the Common Core Standard of 8th grade Writing 1, which is to write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Students worked on not retelling the story through their writing; rather, finding specific details and using reasoning support their arguments.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
El Dia De Los Muertos at Peirce
Science: Identifying body parts in English and Spanish and Building Skeletons!
Language And Literature: Studying Spanish Poetry
Art: Making Sugar Skulls
Expertas de Espanol!!!
Weston & his new amigo, "Mr. Bones".
We displayed our Spanish-English Skeletons on our Lockers
International (Global) Mindedness & Service as Action
International-mindedness is a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility to its members (from Classroom Culture, Jan.2017).
Service as Action is when apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service—making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment (from ibo.org)
Here's how students at Peirce are demonstrating International Mindedness and Service as Action!
Several sixth grade students - Carlos Villegas, Alondra Solis, Charlotte Butcher, Altin Ulkshini, Alexcyn Huicab, Juan Linares, Miguel Fabian, Leonardo Pablo, Joseph Gonzalez - have reached out to the Student Council. They all are interested in raising money and/or sending supplies to victims of the recent natural disasters in Mexico City and Puerto Rico.
Several 8th grade students have taken action while I have been working with younger children. Quiya, A.J., Marlene, Stephanie, Amelia, Jaylin, Miles, Luis, and Cassandra have all stopped on their way to class to listen individually with 2nd/3rd graders who are practicing their reading skills. While it may only be a few minutes of action each day, this service helps me a great deal, but more importantly, is beneficial for the younger students. This extra help boosts their confidence and gives them even more motivation to keep working on their reading.
Students have been considering the consequences of the Civil War today in the United States. Weston Christmas supports the Southern display of Confederacy, and took it upon himself to write a paragraph on an exit slip that explains Southern pride expands racism. On another side, Rachel Nguyen addressed all people should feel safe in their own country. In response to an article in Upfront that discusses taking down of Confederate leaders, Rachel suggested an expansive unbiased teaching of the Civil War throughout the United States so that students can understand the negative ramifications of perpetuating historical symbols without previous background knowledge.
In considering the rationale for celebrating Columbus Day and juxtaposing it to Native American peoples perspective on this explorer, Miguel decided he was a supporter of the recognition of Indigenous People’s Day and would create a sign to display in his window at home hoping to help inform about the issue as well as indicate his support for the change.
Washington D.C. Fundraising
This year, Peirce is looking to raise $11,500 in scholarship money to help students in Year 2 and Year 3 go to Washington D.C this coming May. So far we have raised a little over $300.00. Here are some ways that you can help us reach our goal!!!
- PEIRCE SWAG for sale. T-shirts available for $10! Totes for $5 and Drawstring Bags for $3. Pick -up yours at Report Card Pick-Up!
- 50/50 Raffle: On November 15, we will be selling tickets for a 50/50 raffle. Tickets are $2 each, 3 for $5, or 7 for $10. The winner keeps HALF the cash collected, just in time for some HOLIDAY SHOPPING!!!
- If neither of the options described above appeal to you, you can always make a donation in the Peirce Main Office. No amount is too small and every contribution gets us a little closer to our goal.
Make checks payable to HELEN C. PEIRCE school of International Studies, and on the memo line, indicate "D.C. TRIP".
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Dr. Talyia Eve Riemer - MYP Coordinator
Website: peirce.cps.k12.il.us
Location: 1423 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 773-534-2440