Maggie B. Selman Elementary
Newsletter - January 28th
Parent Reminders
Board Appreciation Month: The month of January is designated as School Board Appreciation. From all of the students and staff at Maggie B. Selman Elementary, we want to take this time to say Thank You, to each of our school board members for their support and dedication to our school district.
School-Parent Partnership: With the many disruptions to the normal school year a common question from parents is how can I help my child. For children in Kindergarten through Second grade the focus is on early literacy and acquiring the skills required for students to eventually learn how to read. These skills include concepts such as phonics, language development, print awareness and letter knowledge. Our teachers have a heavy focus on early literacy skill development so that we can create strong readers. The state of Texas also requires assessments during the beginning, middle, and end of the year to track student progress in their early literacy development. The best way that you can support your child is to ensure he/she knows his/her letters and sounds, and read with your child every night, ask questions about what was read, and practice sight words. For our children in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, reading on a daily basis will further strengthen these foundational skills and prepare them for future success in the classroom. A list of Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade sight words are listed below.
In addition, many of you often hear our teachers discussing your child’s reading level. A reading level is assessed at the beginning, middle, and end of each student’s grade level. If you have ever wondered what an appropriate reading level is for your child, please reference the chart below.
Click here for the SISD Reading Level Document.
Click here for Kindergarten Sight Words
Click here for First Grade Sight Words
Click here for Second Grade Sight Words
Class Meetings: We began the week with our class meetings. Our meetings recognized the students from the 2nd 9 weeks who had all A’s, A’s and B’s, and/or an E in citizenship. Additionally, one student from each grade level was recognized with the Golden Tiger Award for doing their best overall academically and behaviorally. The students also participated in social-emotional lessons regarding emotions and practiced a new skill called Box Breathing to better control emotions and responses to situations. Ask our students about Box Breathing.
C.L.A.W. prizes: "Catching Leaders At Work" is our program of rewarding students for appropriate behavior and for showing their Tiger Pride. Students earn and collect tickets for their great behavior over the 9 weeks period. The students can then cash-in their tickets to purchase prizes or other rewards on campus. Prizes range from reading to other classes, sitting in the Principal’s chair, ice cream treats, sand art party, a pizza party, the Whoot Whoot cart prizes, spraying silly string on your favorite teacher or principal and many, many more! Thank you for encouraging great behavior both at home and at school.
Covid Care: As our district and community continue to battle the Covid disease, we appreciate your support and communication. Our custodial and maintenance crews, along with teachers and staff, will continue to work together to clean the campus throughout the school day. Remember, if your child is quarantined or missing school due to Covid, remote conferencing is available to help continue the learning process. For questions regarding Covid testing, please contact Nurse Jennifer Corbett at jcorbett@sealyisd.com or Nurse Melissa Schmidt at mschmidt@sealyisd.com
Safety Drills: This week students and staff at Selman Elementary participated in both the ALICE drill and a fire drill to practice safety on our campus. The drills are designed to help our students and staff practice what to do in the event of an emergency on our campus. For more on the ALICE training and response protocol visit: https://www.alicetraining.com/our-program/alice-training/
PTA: Please consider joining the Maggie B. Selman PTA. The organization directly impacts our students and staff here on campus. Check us out on Facebook or email us at vamartinez@sealyisd.com
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
Feb 1- Black History Month begins
Feb 1 - Progress reports
Feb 8 - UIL Events at Bellville
Feb 15 - UIL Events at Sealy Elementary
Feb 16 - PTA Meeting
Inside MBS

CLAW Ticket "Silly String" Rewards
Stuffed animal and hat passes are awesome CLAW ticket rewards!

Golden Tiger Awards

Additional Information

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