St. Helen's School News
December 2023
Principal's Letter
Dear Lions,
The month of November was one to be thankful for! As our first trimester came to an end we celebrated those who achieved academic and overall excellence for the first trimester of the 23/24 school year at our Trimester and Sports Awards Ceremony. All fall athletes were also recognized for participating in either flag football or girls volleyball. St. Helen’s also recognized those students who showed what it means to be a courageous St. Helen’s Lion at our November Virtue Awards. We could not be more proud of the success and hard work St. Helen’s students have shown and are excited to see what this next trimester will bring in student achievement.
St. Helen’s would like to thank all those who participated in the Catholic Charities Food Drive. The donations were provided to those families who were in need of extra support this holiday season. Thank you to Catholic Charities for your dedication to helping those in need.
During the month of November students participated in the making of rosaries for our veterans. We would like to thank Mrs. Garcia for coordinating this event. St. Helen’s would also like to thank all of our veterans for your sacrifices, your courage, and dedication to keeping us safe.
If you had a chance to visit Crumbl Cookies on November 13th or 14th you most likely contributed to St. Helen’s Crumbl Cookies fundraiser! Our Crumbl Cookie sales brought in $400 to be put back into the classrooms to support our students. Thank you to all those who participated in this fundraiser and thank you to Crumbl Cookies for supporting St. Helen’s School!
St. Helen’s families were able to honor the departed with an ofrenda (altar) in the month of November. Our students and families placed pictures of loved ones on our ofrenda where it stayed the entire month of November. Our ofrenda brought students and families together to help us remember our family members and loved ones who have passed on.
If your student is looking for a gift to give to a loved one for Christmas look no further than our Polar Pals Gift Shop, located in the library. Polar Pals Gift Shop has items ranging from $.75 to $15.75. The Gift Shop is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 12-1pm and 3-4pm. The gift shop runs until December 15th. This is a great way to show students the gift of giving.
Students have been enjoying participating in Penny Wars. Penny Wars has been a great way to demonstrate teamwork and friendly competition. Penny Wars will continue through the middle of December where the Grand Prize Winners will receive a carnival day on December 15th!!
Kristi MacIsaac
Upcoming Events
Fun Run/Health Fair - December 7th
Polar Pals Gift Shop - November 29th-December 15th (M/W/F)
Penny War Grand Prize Winner Carnival - December 15th
Boys Basketball Game December 9th @ 3:20PM vs AVP Red @ SJM
Girls Basketball Game December 16th @ 9:50am vs AVP Blue @ SJM
Girls Basketball Game December 16th @ 11:40am vs SAS @ SJM
Virtue Awards (Patience) - December 20th @ 10:15am
Christmas Program - December 21st @ 6:00 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM)
Dates to Remember
Penny Wars September 5th -December 15th
PTO Officers Meeting- December 4 @ 4:15PM
PTO General Meeting - December 11th @ 6:00PM in Parish Hall
Burn Aware Fresno Fire Department Presentation - December 5th 1st-3rd @ 1PM
No School November 8th - Immaculate Conception
Early Dismissal 12:30 PM December 21st and December 22nd
No Extended Care Preschool-6th - December 21st and December 22nd
Catholic Charity Coat/Glove drive November 27th-December 6th
No School December 25th-January 5th Christmas Break
Donate Gloves and Coats by December 6
Catholic Charities will distribute donations this winter season.
Turn in your pledges by Thursday, Dec. 7, to qualify for prizes!
Fun Run Schedule
Jog 12:15PM-12:30PM
Health Fair 12:30PM-1:00PM
Jog 12:30PM-1:00PM
Health Fair 1:00PM-1:30PM
Jog 1:00PM-1:30PM
Health Fair 1:30PM-2:00PM
Jog 1:30PM-2:00PM
Health Fair 2:00PM-2:30PM