SBUSD Important Information
2023-24 #LevelupSBUSD
In SBUSD we believe communication is an integral part of an effective school system. Communication is clear, consistent, timely and accessible.
District Wide Assessments
- Fountas & Pinnell
- iReady Pilot Schools
- K-2: Phonics-Writing Assessment-HFW-Informal Running Records
- TK: Formative Assessments
- IAB's and Test Prep 3rd-8th
- Dual Language Immersion Schools for 3rd-8th
- Sunnyslope 4th Grade: Wednesday - January 31, 2024
- Nestor Language Academy 4th Grade: Friday - February 9, 2024
With the transition of Illuminate to Synergy where is the DATA currently located?
- Click HERE to see where data is located AND where to input your data such as report cards and F&P/DRA?
Professional Development
- Please click HERE to see upcoming professional developments.
- Educational Services Website - click HERE
- Equity, Multilingual Learners, and Innovation Website - click HERE
- Technology Department Website - click HERE
- Student Services Website - click HERE
Report Cards
Report Cards are NOW in Synergy!
- Report Cards will be inputted in Synergy.
- Report Card Communication Information
- Click HERE for a step-by-step video on how to access, enter grades, and print your report cards in Synergy.
Below are Professional Development opportunities to learn how to input data into the report card in Synergy:
Early Start Schools only 7:30-8:00 on Zoom: 9/18 or 9/19 or 9/20 or 9/21
Late Start Schools only 8:00-8:30 on Zoom: 9/18 or 9/19 or 9/20 or 9/21
Technology Department is creating a Parent Guide - stay tuned!
Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP)
- At a Glance 23-24 Extended Learning Opportunity Program
- ELOP Website: Click HERE
TEACHER - TOSA Request Google Form
Need support from one of our TOSA's?
- Be sure to BOOKMARK this google form!
- Please complete THIS GOOGLE FORM each time to request TEACHER TOSA REQUEST.
- Please allow one working day for a response.
Sequence of Units
- Units of Study for 2023-24
- The sequence of units for K-2 remained the same.
- TK will use Splash! Curriculum - sequence.
- The 3rd-8th changed due to the deletion of the TC Test Prep Unit and the embedding of the IAB’s throughout the year as district wide assessments per conversations through Consultation and IAB Committee.
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
Math Units of Study (developed in 2018 with Committee)
California approved the Revised Math Framework on July 12, 2023. We will first do a deep dive into learning about the revised Math Framework. We will then deepen our understanding around the research based effective best practices for Mathematical instruction. This will all take place BEFORE beginning the journey of piloting any new Math curriculum.
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- DELAC: Representatives from each school's ELAC attend the district meeting. Information that is presented at each DELAC meeting is then shared at the school's ELAC Meeting with families.
- Click HERE for DELAC dates/times/locations.
- ELAC: English Language Advisory Committee from each school site. These meetings are held the following month after the DELAC Meeting.
Consultation Committee Meetings
- Pamela Reichert-Montiel, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Leadership (Co-Chair)
- Susy Chavez, Director of Educational Services
- Tom Bevilacqua, Director of Student Services
- Paola Flores, Director of Multilingual Learners, Equity and Innovation
- Principal - Rebecca Nelson
SWTA Representatives:
- Noemi Flores Salcedo (Co-Chair) represents General Education Teachers
- Monica Hueso-Melgar represents Special Education Staff
- Alejandra Nuno represents General Education Teachers
- Danitza Nieblas represents Dual Immersion Teachers
- Kelly Sullivan represents Early Education Teachers
Meeting Dates: 8:30-2:30 Ed Center Conference Rooms 1-3
Aug 15, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 7, Jan 9, Feb 8 , March 8, Apr 16, May 2, May 14
*Minutes from each meeting will be linked to each date listed above