Bobcat Bulletin
November 15th
Letter from Mrs. Anderson
Dear Bobcat Families:
During this time of Thanksgiving, I want to share my gratitude and thank you for playing an important role in our school community.
We are grateful for the teachers, assistants, secretaries, support staff, tutors, health aides, interns, nutrition staff, coordinators, counselors, youth relations deputies, and administrators, who care about student success and have the best interests of our students at heart. We see dedicated and hard-working individuals going above and beyond to make sure great things happen at Eden Park!
At this time of the year, it is critical that we review important safety reminders. Please remember that drop-off time is 7:25 am. Students who are dropped off in car line earlier than 7:25 will not be supervised on campus. Please help us by adhering to our school hours, 7:25 – 2:55 pm. Additionally, if you have a scheduled doctor’s appointment for your child during the day, please bring your child back to school when the appointment is complete. Please bring a doctor’s note so that we can excuse the absence. Remember – attendance matters.
Finally, please consider sharing with us what you are thankful for at Eden Park. Your answers will be shared with our staff at a later date.
We hope to see you at our Thanksgiving luncheon on Friday November 17th during your child’s lunch time.
I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
In partnership,
Mrs. Anderson, Principal
November/December Important Dates
November 16: Interims Published
November 17: Student Leadership Clubs 8:00am
November 17: Thanksgiving Lunch- Parents invited to attend and eat lunch for $5
November 20-21: Hurricane Make up Days- No School
November 22-24: Fall Break- No School
December 1: Buddy Classrooms 8am
December 5: Fall Picture Retakes
December 9: Immokalee Christmas Parade
December 15: Student Leadership Clubs 8:00am
Winter Testing Dates
December 5: Kinder, 1st, 2nd grade ELA Assessment PM2
December 6: 3rd, 4th, 5th grade ELA Assessment PM2 starts 8:30am
December 7: Kinder & 1st grade iReady Diagnostic 2
December 8: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th iReady Diagnostic 2 starts 9:00am
December 12 Kinder, 1st, 2nd grade Math Assessment PM2
December 13: 3rd, 4th, 5th grade Math Assessment PM2
Counselor's Corner
Hello Bobcat Families,
November is a month known for being thankful. I am so thankful for the smiles I see every single morning. Did you know that Eden Park Elementary is the most polite school I have ever worked in? I see kindness and respect on our children’s faces on a daily basis.
Our families can practice thankfulness all month! Here are some activities you can do at home with your children:
· Gratitude Scavenger Hunt: See the attached scavenger hunt. At the end of each day, ask your children to share what they are thankful for.
· Thankful Turkey Craft: This fun craft allows you to come up with as many things as you can that you are thankful for:
· Thankfulness Chain: Create a paper chain that you add to each time you think of a new gratitude item. Make it a competition to see who can think of the most things!
· Thankful Sign Language: Teach your children the different gratitude sign language words! See the attached picture for guidance.
· Gratitude Letters: Have each person in your family write a letter of thankfulness to someone in their life. They can write one for another family member, someone at school, a postal worker, someone at the grocery store – the options are endless!
Research shows that the more thankful we are for small things in our lives, the happier we are. Let’s see how many gratitude activities your families can complete! I am so excited to hear about all the thankfulness your children are practicing!
Kimberly Combes
School Counselor
Leader in Me
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood means practicing Empathetic Listening- listening with the intent to understand another person and their frame of reference. We have a greater influence with others if we truly understand them first.
Learn Sign Language
Grade Level Lunch Times
2nd Grade: 11:45-12:05
3rd Grade: 12:00-12:20
1st Grade: 12:10-12:30
PreK: 12:20-12:50
5th grade: 12:25-12:45
Kindergarten: 12:50-1:10
Snowman Book Character Contest!
SAC Meeting
TUESDAY, December 12, 7:30AM
Join us in the media center to help make important decisions for our school’s improvement and increased student achievement.
In collaboration with Benison Center, we are excited to enter all community members who attend our SAC meeting into a raffle drawing. We look forward to seeing who will walk out of the meeting with a prize.
The December 12th agenda can be found on our school website under About Us- School Advisory Council (SAC)
Platinum Level School!
Student ID and Lanyard
All students will be issued and are required to wear a school ID and lanyard while at school. This is part of our school dress code. Students will use badges to sign on to their bus, check out library books, and go through the lunch line. Lost badges may be replaced in the front office for $2.00 cash.
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.