Viking Family Digest
September 26th, 2023
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Viking Families:
We are looking for your partnership regarding behavior and after school activities. We encourage our Vikings to stay after school to attend a club/activity and/or sport. It is also a great time to make an appointment with a teacher to receive additional help if needed. Do not forget Term One ends Friday! As you may know, we do offer 10th inning on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday with those activity buses. Wednesday and Friday, 10th inning is done at 3:00PM with no activity buses. 10th inning is a time to receive academic support. We have had many behavior challenges this week and last week during this time. Students are only allowed to be in 10th inning if they are quietly working on their academics. Any students that are disruptive and not working quietly will be asked to call home to get a ride and will not be allowed back.
Thank you for your support in relaying this message to your student.
Kellie Marks
Important Dates
- 09/27: Secure and Teach Drill
- 09/29: End Term One
- 10/03: Ukrainian Lunch Bunch
- 10/03: DC Meeting in Gym
- 10/05: Fall Picture Day Retakes
- 10/06-10/09: DC Trip
- 10/06: Yearbook Orders Due
- 10/09: Columbus Day - No School
- 10/10: Lou Malnati's Fundraiser
- 10/11: Lockdown Drill
- 10/11: PTO Meeting
- 10/18: Early Release - 1pm
Bernotas Sports Calendar
District 47 2023-2024 School Calendar
BPAC Technology Night Open House
We invite our multilingual families to a Technology Open House on Friday, September 29th from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. This event is designed to bring the community together to learn more about the technology tools that keep you connected to your child’s school. Information will be available at stations for families to stop by & visit. Pizza and light refreshments will be served and the entire family is welcome! Click here to register.
Fall pictures are in!
Fall pictures were given to students today, please check backpacks. If you did not order Fall pictures you can still order. It's not too Late! Follow these steps to order additional prints or photo gifts.
- Visit
- Click on After Picture Day
- Enter Your Ticket Code
If you have any questions contact Color Portraits. Fall picture retakes will be on Thurs. October 5th.
Lost and Found
We have a variety of lost items and would like to find their owners! Lost and found is located outside the cafeteria. Please ask your child to check this area if they're missing anything. Any electronic items found, jewelry, glasses, watches, or house keys, are located in the front office. Please claim your lost items. All items not claimed will be donated Nov 17th.
Notes from The Nurse
We are seeing an increase in Pink eye, please keep students home if you notice that their eyes are red and have any discharge.
District Bullying Policy
We want to inform you that there has been a change in the school district's policy regarding bullying allegations. Previously, school officials were required to notify parents "promptly," but a new law now mandates that notifications must be made within 24 hours of the school becoming aware of the allegation. Your child's safety and well-being remain our top priority, and we will continue to uphold these new guidelines to ensure a safer learning environment for all students.
Clinician's Corner
Parent/Guardian Feedback
YOUR feedback is very important to us. The way we grow and learn is through positive feedback. If you have been in the building, or have any general feedback, for us please use the QR code or this link. We appreciate you being a part of our team to improve our practice, ensuring student success.
National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15 through October 15. Bernotas will be recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
What’s Happening in the LMC?
- Attention book lovers, we will be hosting our fall BOOK FAIR during and after conferences in November. Mrs. Brogan will be sharing posters and more specific information for staff and students soon! Please email with any questions.
Boys Basketball Tryouts: Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Basketball tryouts for 7th and 8th grade boys will be held on Tuesday October 10th and Thursday October 12th from 4:00pm-5:30pm. Athletes should plan on attending BOTH dates. Please have rides ready at 5:30pm on both dates. Contact Coach Rahn or Coach Banaszynski with any questions. 2023 Basketball Schedule
Dance Team: Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Dance team/pom tryouts for 7th and 8th graders will be held on Friday, September 29th. The informational meeting was held on Monday, September 25th in Mrs. Geib's Room 33. Students must be registered on SNAP! formally 8 to 18 and have a current physical on file. Students will not be able to try out without both of these. Questions? Contact Mrs. Geib 2023 Dance Team Schedule
Cheerleading: Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Bernotas cheer tryouts will be held on October 10th, 11th, and 12th. The 10th and 11th will be workshops to learn and practice the tryout cheer and dance as well as get to know one another. Tryouts will be on the 12th. In order to participate in the workshops and to tryout, your student MUST have a current physical on file at the school and be registered in SNAP! formally 8 to 18. Please email Coach Terry with any questions at Hope to see you there! 2023 Cheerleading Schedule
Golf Club
Golf Club: Please completed the Golf Club Permission Slip. There is a cost of $5.00 per session. Students will ride the school bus to Turnberry Golf Club 9600 Turnberry Trail, Village of Lakewood at 2:15pm. Students will need to coordinate rides home promptly at 3:30pm. Please contact Mr. Krol.
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer activity buses. Activity buses run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15 pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4 pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Upcoming Events
- The Bernotas PTO meets on select Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Bernotas Middle School Library. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!
- Eat to support Bernotas PTO at Lou Malnati's on Tuesday, October 10th from 11am-10pm. Please note that the fundraiser only applies to take out and delivery orders on the day of the event. See Lou Malnati's Flyer.
- BERNOTAS SPIRIT WEAR IS HERE! Order your Viking swag now through October 15th! Just click on the link to order online: RBMS Spirt Wear. Note: when ordering please indicate your student's name and core 1 class teacher.
Thank You PTO!
The door wraps purchased last year from funds raised by the PTO were installed and they look AWESOME! The students and faculty love them.
Join Us!
If you are interested in joining a committee, or have a question about the PTO, please contact RBMSPTO.
No Fuss Fundraiser
The No Fuss Fundraiser helps raise money without asking students to sell door-to-door, deliver goods, or inconvenience family & friends. Please support our PTO with your donation & help us achieve our goals to provide for Bernotas this school year! To make a ‘no fuss’ donation, please consider using Venmo @BernotasPTO_10 or PayPal Cash/Check (payable to ‘Bernotas PTO’) donations are also gladly accepted. Students will receive a fundraiser flyer with more information. Contact the PTO if you have questions or would like a 501(c)3 tax deduction letter. We are still accepting donations.
Elevate Award
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.