Pirates Post
Week of January 30th
Message from Principal Drew...
Congratulations to Mrs. Chiquita Sutton, Mrs. Grace Jones and Mrs. Rebecca Murray on being named a PQ Champion this week. PQ Champions are staff members that go above and beyond in their job to support our students, staff and community. They each make our school a better place to work and learn each day.
We have lots going on this week at PCHS:
Tuesday - JV Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys will host South Creek starting at 4:30 PM.
Wednesday - First day of Black History Month, JV Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys will play at Camden at 4:30 PM.
Thursday - The PCHS Athletic Boosters Club will meet at 6:00 PM in the media center.
Friday - JV Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys basketball will play at Tarboro starting at 4:30 PM.
As we enter into the month of February we will have several opportunities to recognize impactful people in our country's history as well as those having an impact on our school and community on a daily basis. February is Black History Month and we will recognize the impact of African-Americans on our past, present and future throughout the month. The week of February 6-10 is School Counseling week. This week gives us a chance to show appreciation to our school counselors, Mrs. Stallings and Mrs. Thomas, for the work they do to support our students and staff. Also the week of February 13-17 is Love the Bus week. This week is an opportunity to show appreciation to our bus drivers and bus monitors for the work they do each day transporting our students to and from school safely.
Important Upcoming Dates:
February 6 - Progress Reports will be sent home with each student
February 10 - HOSA Blood Drive will be held at PCHS
February 13 - Beginning of Spring Sports practice. Any student wishing to play Girl's Soccer, Track, Softball, Golf or Baseball must have a physical on file before trying out.
April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 22 - PCHS Prom will be held for Seniors, Juniors and their guests at Albemarle Plantation
May 18 - Baccalaureate Service
June 9 - Graduation
Breakfast/Lunch Menu: January
PCHS Highlights...
NC Check-in Assessments will be administered on the following dates:
January 31, 2023 - English II
February 1, 2023 - NC Math 1 and NC Math 3
Math Department: Students of the Week...
Mrs. Baker - Dawson Brickhouse - Pre-Calculus
Ms. Carver - Jayla Jackson - Math 4
Mrs. Riddick - Brianna Wilson - Foundations of Math
Mr. Spruill - Kaysha Perry - Math 1
Social Studies Department: Students of the Week...
Mr. Castle/American History -- Crishya Sellers
Mrs. Jackson/World History -- Heidy Herrera-Garcia
Mrs. Jackson/Civics -- Kendra Graham
Mr. Kajca/Civics -- Amiya Jackson
Marching Pirates Winter Guard: This Saturday our PQ winter guard team placed 2nd at Rolesville High School at their first competition of the season. Their next performance will be February 11 at Grassfield High School in Chesapeake, VA.
Auditions will be on February 23rd, throughout the day. You will be pulled out of class to attend auditions and then sent back to class afterward.
You will need to prepare a monologue no longer than 1 minute and 8-16 bars of a school-appropriate song.
Drama Club: Will be taking a field trip to COA to see Cinderella on March 17th. To attend you must be an active member of the drama club, have paid your dues (5 dollars), and you must take your midterm on the day of the midterms. Being that the 17th is a midterm make-up day, if you have not completed your midterms you will not be allowed to attend.
PCHS Winter Color Guard
"PQ Champions"...#BeTheOne
Mrs. L. Baker does an awesome job creating and facilitating exciting, real-world learning experiences for the students in her classes. This week, students were in the lab engaged in experiments to test theories and to provide the basis for scientific knowledge. Mrs. Baker always ensures that the students have a clear understanding of the expectations for their assignments and equips them with the necessary tools to be successful. She also does a great job demonstrating the processes needed to perform experiments accurately. Students often gravitate to her because of her loving and caring nature. Whether in her classes or not, Mrs. Baker encourages all students under her influence to do their best and do what’s right in all situations. She is also a valuable player on our PQ High School team. Hats Off to this PQ Champion, Mrs. Lynette Baker!
Mrs. Riddick teaches several levels of math at PCHS. She does so with a passion for student learning and growth. She uses student data to address current student needs and fill gaps that might exist. Mrs. Riddick is a leader in our building and PCHS is blessed She chooses to work with the Pirates!
Coach Awrey makes a positive impact on our school climate each and every day the way he works with staff and students. He is always available and has that whatever it takes attitude. Our tardies and discipline have greatly decreased due to his proactive approach and strong rapport he has with students. He is meets with students and staff throughout the day giving helpful advice, working through an issue, or just having a friendly conversation. Coach Awrey makes PCHS a better place...he's a true PQ Champion!
North Carolina: Portrait of a Graduate
Financial Aid February - "How to Pay for College" Free Webinar Series
February is Financial Aid Awareness Month! As part of Financial Aid Awareness month, NCSEAA and CFNC are pleased to bring you the "How to Pay for College" webinar series. Students and their families are often confused about how to bridge the gap between family funds, financial aid and the total cost of paying for college. Funding a college education shouldn’t be a mystery. Having a better understanding of the funding landscape can help families build a sound plan so students can focus on their studies.
The first webinar of the series, on February 2 at 6 p.m., is How to Pay for College where participants will learn how many families and students pay for college. Experts will also share insider tips on lesser-known sources to pay for college.
Learn more about the webinar series and register here.
Blood Drive: February 10th (registration open)
What's the Word??? (Common mistakes)
Your versus You're
The difference between these two is owning something versus actually being something:
You made it around the track in under a minute -- you're fast!
How's your fast going? Are you getting hungry?
See the difference? "Your" is possessive and "you're" is a contraction of "you are."
Again, if you're having trouble keeping them straight, try doing another grammar check before you hit publish. Reread your writing and say “you are” instead of using the contraction. This editing tip will snuff out most misuse of the two words.
Let’s test your new skills. Can you identify if your and you’re are used correctly in these sentences?
- Your so talented at playing you’re piano.
- It’s important you express you’re emotions.
- Washing your clothes is necessary.
Both your and you’re are incorrectly used in the first sentence; they should be switched. It should look like this instead: You’re so talented at playing your piano. In the second sentence, your is the correct word to use. The third sentence is correct. How did you do?
State Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Now Accepting Applications
Attention Juniors...
High school juniors are invited to apply to serve as a Student Advisor on Superintendent Catherine Truitt's Student Advisory Council. If you are interested in state education issues, advocating on behalf of your fellow peers, and serving as an advisor to decision-makers in K-12 education, this opportunity is for you!
Advisory members meet monthly and serve a two-year term that concludes at the end of senior year of high school. At the conclusion of each year, advisors will present a proposal to address an evolving state education issue to the Superintendent among other state leaders.
The deadline to apply is February 7. Learn more and apply here.
Spanish Club Invites You...Carnaval de Barranquilla
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Mrs. Thomas = Last names A-K
Mrs. Stallings = Last names L-Z
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year begins next week!
Counselors will begin meeting individually with rising seniors starting Monday, January 31st, and will continue by grade level until all students have met with their counselor.
Tentative Registration Schedule:
January 31 - Feb 3 - Individual meetings with juniors
February 3 - Sophomore class meeting during WIN
February 6 - 10 - Individual meetings with any remaining juniors, then sophomores
February 10 - Freshmen class meeting during WIN
February 13 - 17 - Individual meetings with any remaining sophomores, then freshmen
February 22 - 24 - Individual meetings continue
February 27 - March 3 - Individual meetings continue
Students will receive their registration form during the class meeting. Please review the course catalog with your parents over the weekend, complete the registration form, and return the signed form to student services on Monday.
Governor's Page Program Applications Open
Established in 1973, the Governor’s Page Program gives high school students (Junior, Senior, or recent high school graduate) from all over North Carolina the opportunity to come to Raleigh for a week of hands-on participation in their state government. We want the Page Program to represent North Carolina’s diverse communities and help inspire a new generation of leaders.
Pages who serve in-person will receive a stipend of $200.00 per week to offset the costs of expenses incurred due to travel and/or lodging.
See Instagram or Facebook for activities from previous weeks. To better visualize the experience for applicants, one group of pages created this parody of their week.
Page Program Applications Open for NC General Assembly
North Carolina General Assembly House & Senate Page Programs
- Students must be a current sophomore, junior, or senior in high school.
- Have not served as a House/Senate Page previously.
- Be sponsored by a Member of the North Carolina General Assembly (House/Senate).
- Be in good academic standing at your school.
- Have prior approval by the principal of your school if you are appointed to serve as a Page during the school year.
- Information on how to apply for the House Page Program - HERE | FAQs | Brochure
- Information on how to apply for the Senate Page Program - HERE | FAQs
Pages may be compensated by stipend or community service credit. Pages who opt for a stipend will be paid a total of $150.00 for one week of service. Pages who opt to be compensated through community service credit will receive 30 hours in accordance with their school policy. A form verifying such service may be secured from the Page Coordinator upon request. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to make lodging arrangements for their child while he/she is serving as a page prior to arriving in Raleigh.
Chowan University Summer Camp (scan the QR code)
College Center with Ms. Gray...
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application opened Oct 1st. If you intend to attend college or think you might attend college after high school, and are looking for money to help pay for school, you will need to complete the 23-24 FAFSA Application.
It is never too early to start thinking about funding college and start the scholarship application process. Please check out the Student Scholarship Spreadsheet for a list of current and active scholarships.
The 22-23 SECU Scholarship "People Helping People" has opened! The scholarship is valued at $10,000 over four years. Someone from the school will receive the scholarship! So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
Golden Leaf Scholarship:
The 22-23 Golden Leaf Scholarship has opened! The scholarship is valued at $14,000 over four years. So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
It is post graduation planning season! Ms.Gray, the College and Career Advisor, will continue to meet with juniors 1:1 to discuss their post graduation plans.
"How to Pay for College" Series with NCSEAA:
As part of Financial Aid Awareness month, NCSEAA and CFNC are pleased to bring you the How to Pay for College webinar series. Students and their families are often confused about how to bridge the gap between family funds, financial aid and the total cost of paying for college. Funding a college education shouldn’t be a mystery. Having a better understanding of the funding landscape can help families build a sound plan so students can focus on their studies. We will cover all the important topics they need to know to pay for college: Week 1 - How to Pay for College February 2, 2023, 6-7 pm In this session we will cover the main ways families and students pay for their education and provide some additional places to look for support that they might not have thought of.
Week 2 – Scholarships “Ask the Experts” panel February 9, 2023, 6-7 pm This week we bring together experts who lead scholarship programs at various organizations throughout North Carolina. The best scholarships are local ones, and these experts will share where to look for scholarships students qualify for and how students can put their best foot forward in their application.
Week 3 – FAFSA’s done – show me the money! February 16, 2023, 6-7 pm Completing the FAFSA is one of the most important steps you can take in accessing financial aid to help pay for college. But there may still be steps to take once the application is submitted. In this session we will share how to read the Student Aid Report, how to correct any errors, what to do if students get selected for verification and how to work with their college financial aid office if their family’s financial situation has changed.
Week 4 – Comparing financial aid award letters February 23, 2023, 6-7 pm The cost of going to a private college can be very different from going to a public one so it can be hard to compare financial aid award letters. In this session we will help students consider the financial aid award packages they received so they can make the best choice for their education goals.
CFNC en Español Parent Program:
Hello CFNC Friends! In just another two weeks, our Spanish Services team will be launching CFNC en Español Parent Program. It consists of three parent workshops for our Spanish speaking community. Attached you’ll find flyers in English and Spanish. Descriptions are of the programs are listed below.
Workshop 1: Emotional Support for Connection with your Children
The purpose of this session is to discuss challenges such as imposter syndrome, pressure, and guilt that students face on their path to college. In addition, we will offer strategies on how parents can further support and connect with their children.
Date: February 2, 2023 at 6pm.
Registration: https://bit.ly/3EQIJmt
Workshop 2: Supporting my Children to Take Advantage of High School Opportunities
The purpose of this session is to discuss with parents the great opportunities students have during high school to maximize their time and minimize costs. Topics such as graduation requirements, careers, college credit, internships, extracurricular activities, entrance exams, and personal development activities for future success.
Date: March 2, 2023 at 6pm
Registration: http://bit.ly/3Inceje
Workshop 3: Supporting my Child to Cover College Costs
The purpose of this discussion is to talk with parents about the different strategies available to pay for college. Including Residency Determination (RDS), Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), student loans, scholarships, grants, sponsorships, and other creative ways to finance post-secondary education.
Date: March 30, 2023 at 6pm
Registration: https://bit.ly/3vw8EM1
Elizabeth City State University’s Upward Bound Program provides fundamental support to high school students preparing to attend college. This federally funded program is also designed to motivate students academically and to provide opportunities for participants to improve their pre-college performance and ultimately succeed in higher education pursuits. If your student is interested in the program please see Ms.Gray in guidance for more information.
Students must meet the requirements set by the U. S. Department of Education in order to receive services provided by the TRiO Upward Bound Program:
• Rising 9th, 10th or 11th grader with a grade point average of a 2.5 (if lower than a 2.5, the student may still be accepted, if other criteria is met).
• A United States citizen or legal resident.
• Potential first-generation college student.
• Income eligible, according to the guidelines established by the U.S. Dept. of Ed.
• Have potential to succeed in high school and in college.
• Have a need for academic support and guidance in order to successfully pursue a post-secondary educational program.
Interested students should know that Upward Bound participants who fully participate in the program receive a stipend (check).