District 95 Wellness Resources
Updated Weekly - 9/3/2021
We hope that you are staying safe and well.
District Contacts and Resources
Building Contact Information:
School Administration are available via email
Ryan Evans, Principal SEG
Jeff Tumpane, Assistant Principal SEG
Kelly King, K-2 Principal BP
Michael Sorensen, 3-5 Principal BP
Jill Johnson, Assistant Principal BP
Dean Pappas, Director of Instructional Services
School social workers/behavior specialist are also available via email
Jenny Castro, School Social Worker BP
Jenna Hickey, School Social Worker BP
Staying "Active" As A Family
Great Resources for Practicing Mindfulness/Self-Regulation
Access One of Our Virtual "Calm Corners"
Taking Care of Yourself (and Your Family)
- Care for Caregivers
- Promoting SEL at Home, Optimistic Thinking
- Flexibility in Times of Crisis
- Center for Disease Control: Stress and Coping
- Avoiding Passing Stress on to Your Child/ren
- Helping Families Cope
- Handling Stress
- Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet For Parents Financial issues, isolation, and trouble coping at this time
Supporting and checking in with your kids, to see how they are coping is also really important. Here are some online resources to support you:
Brookfield/LaGrange Park Local Village Information
- Brookfield Police Non-Emergency Phone Number (708)485-8131
LaGrange Park
- LaGrange Park Police Non-Emergency Phone Number (708)352-2151
Reasonably Priced Internet Access
- Internet Essentials https://www.internetessentials.com/
Medical and Dental Care Free/Reduced Cost (including physicals & immunizations)
La Grange Family Medicine Center
Our clinic continues to accept uninsured patients, Medicaid, and also participates in the Vaccines for Children program so we should be able to catch up children who need them. These physicals and vaccinations done at our clinic are generally without cost to the families with any type of insurance. For those families with no insurance we are able to vaccinate and only charge the administration fee. We will remain open throughout this covid crisis and typically are able to do same or next day appointments. Our clinic also functions as one of the few local covid testing centers.
1325 Memorial Drive, Lagrange, IL 60525
We are also operating a “Hygiene Pantry” where families in need can get a bucket of household cleaning and personal hygiene supplies since most food pantries don’t tend to stock those items. We also have formula for infants.
Pillars Community Heath Medical and Dental Services:
- Vaccinations
- School and sports physicals
- Pediatric care (virtual visits available for some services)
- Dental care (cleanings, emergency procedures, and more)
- COVID-19 testing and services
- And more
Click here to visit the Pillars Community Health website or call 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277) today.
Health Connection (HUB) for quality care and services
Find services for individuals and families, including: senior and youth services, developmental disabilities, medical health care, behavioral/mental health services, and other social supports.
COVID Rent & Utilities Assistance
NEW: Illinois Rental Payment Program
Applying for Assistance
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Unemployment Insurance: 800-244-5631
Childcare Assistance
SASS Cares for Kids Hotline: Call 800-345-9049 for emergency mental health services for children with Medicaid
Emergency Childcare for Essential Workers
Is a parent a healthcare worker? If so, look into chicovidsitters.org. Medical students are volunteering to provide childcare for healthcare workers.
Food Banks in the Area
Komarek School (8940 W 24th Street, North Riverside, IL 60546) will be acting as a site for meal distribution for the Greater Chicago Food Depository Lunch Bus Program. See attached for a flyer with more information about the program or check out their website at https://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/summer-lunch-bus/ for more information. This program allows for any youth 18 or under (not just residents) to access free meals during the summer on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1:35-2:10pm. This is a grab-and-go model while supplies last, so youth will not be able to eat on site. Additionally, parents may pick up meals on behalf of their child(ren). The start date was this past Monday, July 6th and the program will run through August 14th, 2020.
St. Barbara Church
9300 W. 47th St, Brookfield; Mondays 9am- 3pm; Phone: 708-295-7336 ** Please bring identification **
St. Francis Xavier Church
24 N. Spring, LaGrange; Tuesdays 9:30- 11am; Phone: 708- 352-0168
Share Food Share Love
3801 Madison Ave, Brookfield; Tuesdays 7:00pm- 9:00pm and Saturdays 10:00am- 12:00pm; Phone: 630-347-5390
Westchester Food Bank
Westchester Village Hall; 10300 Roosevelt Road, Westchester, IL; Fridays 5:30-7:30pm
Please enter through the Community Room Door on the East Side of Village Hall
**Serves only LaGrange Park residents **
- Riverside Presbyterian Church External Food Pantry
116 Barrypoint, Riverside; 24/7
District 95 Lunches For All:
All D95 students will be eligible to participate in the program.
Summer pickups will be every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00am until Noon at SEG. The pick-ups are now in progress. You can pick up your meals at Door 17 (the door in the alley way). Monday’s pick up will include meals for three days and Wednesday’s pick up will include meals for 4 days.
Lasagna Love
Lasagna Love was started at the beginning of the pandemic, when the founder of Good to Mama was looking for a way to help moms in her community. She and her toddler started making and delivering meals to families in the neighborhood who were struggling, whether that struggle was financial, emotional, or simply a feeling of overwhelm.
Local Mental Health Resources
Sexual Assault
24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (708)482-9600
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800)273-TALK or (800)SUICIDE
The Illinois Department of Human Resources Mental Health Division has launched a free-of-charge emotional support text line, Call4Calm for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19. To speak with a mental health professional you can text "TALK" to 5-5-2-0-2-0. This is free and individuals will remain anonymous.
Individuals can also text 5-5-2-0-2-0 with key words such as "unemployment", "food", "shelter" and receive information on how to navigate and access support and services.
Local Mental Health Agencies
Grandparents Helping to Raise Grandchildren Resources
IPHA AmeriCorps: AgeOptions
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren supports grandparents and older adults age 55 and older who are responsible for children 18 or younger within the home (this individual can be a legal guardian or primary caretaker). By partnering with local agencies and organizations, AgeOptions is able to network individuals through information, connections to support services, and access to support groups.
By contacting their local Caregiver Resource Centers, older individuals caring for children can receive needed supports such as medical coverage, financial assistance, guardianship and legal services. The caregiver’s local Caregiver Resource Center is also able to facilitate supplemental services that complement the care provided by caregivers including transportation, assistive devices, and home modification.
Please see the attached link for additional information about the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program: http://downloads.ageoptions.org/benefits/CARES/GRGProfessionalFlyer.pdf. This additional link is the flyer for grandparents and caregivers: http://downloads.ageoptions.org/benefits/CARES/GRGClientFlyer.pdf. To learn more about Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, feel free to reach out to me Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM at (773)668-3167 or kaitlyn.coleman@ageoptions.org.
Respite Care for Families with Children with Special Needs
Domestic Violence Resources
If you and your children are currently in an unsafe situation, there are people who can help. The agencies below can connect you with supportive services that are safe, free and confidential.
Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline
Call: 1-877-863-6338
The hotline is toll free, confidential, multilingual, and open 24-hours
Domestic Violence Agencies in Illinois
24 hour hotline for domestic violence (708)485-5284; 24 hour crisis hotline (708)745-5277 (PILLARS)
* If you feel more comfortable reaching out to school for assistance, please contact your school social worker at Brook Park, Jenny Castro, or Katie Johns a behavior specialist at SE Gross.
We Are District 95!
Email: jjohnson@district95.org
Website: http://www.district95.org/
Phone: (708) 588-8719