Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: December
Monthly Theme: Staying Well While Finishing Strong
Wellness Corner
Hope you all have a restful and wonderful holiday break. As we are getting back into the swing of things here at Beckman, we at the counseling department are always tapped into the comprehensive well-being of our students and families. With the new year and the new semester, now is the time to take a hard look at what we’ve experienced these last couple years.
The U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory highlighting the national emergency of mental health in youth, calling to attention the importance of recognizing and further understanding the realities of mental health during the pandemic. Knowing that mental health is a part of overall health, we can collectively come together to make adjustments, apply small changes and provide support and care to our teens. We welcome you to explore the advisory in the following link.
The Beckman School Counseling department invites all students to join us for a new series of Lunch & Learn workshops for the spring semester. We have six workshops planned to cover a wide range of topics from social-emotional health to resume workshops and interviewing skills. Please encourage your student(s) to register here.
Parents, please join us for two planned parent workshops for the Spring 2022 semester. Our first workshop, High School 101, is on January 11th from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at the Beckman PAC (recording will be available after). This workshop will cover a wide range of high school related information like graduation requirements, course offerings, getting involved, and much more. Be sure to RSVP.
College and Career Resources
Community College Planning:
IVC, Santiago Canyon, and Orange Coast will all have admission reps available to assist Beckman seniors with applying and registering for classes. See the flyers for dates.Colleges & Military Visits:
We have many community colleges and military visits coming soon. Please check your TUSD student email daily and BHS announcements to keep up to date.
Spring 2022 ROP Classes:
There are still many open classes in ROP for the Spring semester! ROP classes are free, students can earn grades and credits towards graduation, and it is a great way to gain hands-on experience in many careers. Classes are held off site and after school but some have pre-requisites. Please see Ms. McDonald in the Career Center for help choosing or enrolling in a ROP class or visit Coastline Regional Occupational Program Classes (coursestorm.com)
The following are a few Spring 2022 ROP classes available:
- Sports Medicine Internship
- Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
- Automotive Technology Internship
- Baking & Pastry Fundamentals
- Fire Science 101
- Administration of Justice
- Careers with Children Internship
Work Permits:
Work permit applications are available for pick up in the Career Center. Please return completed applications to Ms. McDonald in the Career Center. Allow 1-2 school days for applications to be processed. Please return to the Career Center to pick up your work permit and give to your employer.
Grade Level Info
Senior Scene
FAFSA/Dream Act
Winter Break is a good time to fill out & submit the FAFSA/Dream Act application due March 2, 2022. Here are some resources to help guide you through the process.
Financial Aid: Income Changes Due to the Pandemic
If your family's current financial situation has changed and been adversely impacted by the pandemic, check out this podcast about the process to ask your college to consider these changes in their financial aid package.
We would like to share with you some important information regarding your student's mytusd.org email address.
- As they are working on college applications and are exploring opportunities available after high school, they must be using a personal email address when completing these applications and not the mytusd.org email.
- Once students graduate high school, the Tustin Unified email address will no longer be available to use. Using a personal email address when applying will allow students to continue to receive communication once graduated.
- We wish your family all the best during this application season. The Beckman High staff is here to support you throughout this process!
In November during CCR, the senior class participated in a Financial Aid Overview Lesson created by the Counseling Team. Seniors learned the importance of applying for financial aid, how to identify which financial aid application is right for them, and the different types of financial aid available. They were also connected to resources to help them through the application process. Check out the Pre and Post data to see how the student Financial Aid Skillset developed.
Junior Junction
11th Grade Parent Counselor “Coffee”
- Parents, this year’s 11th Grade Counselor Presentation will be a video sent out the week of January 17-21. It will include important reminders, college and career readiness, and course selection information for senior year. Included will also be a Padlet wall where you can post questions; a counselor will respond within 48 hours.
Career Exploration Activities
- Looking to pass some time over the winter break and explore career/college options?
- Get a refresher on how to log-in and utilize all the career and college exploration tools available to you on Naviance.
- Logging in
- Exploring Career Interests Reference Guide
- College Search Reference Guide
- Roadtrip Nation Roadtrip Nation is included in your Naviance account! Thousands of diverse and interesting interviews from career professionals who work in almost every industry you can think of are available for you to watch now.
Sophomore Stop
Hello Sophomores! It’s finally break time! Two weeks off to reenergize, refocus and renew your strength for second semester.
Without a doubt this has been a hard time for all of us. Take time to stop and reflect on what and who is important in your life. If you are struggling with your mind or emotions, reach out to someone you trust.
Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movie again, call a friend and tell them how special they are to you. Take the time you need to recharge your happiness!
2022, here we come!
Freshman Forum
During CCR, freshman students participated in a Naviance Career Cluster Interest Survey Lesson The slide deck is Here and a recording is Here. Through the survey, students identified personal interests, skills, and values. Naviance then linked them to identify top career clusters related to their personal interests, skills, and values. Finally, freshman added their top career clusters and careers choice to their Naviance favorites. See the pre and post survey data above to see how much the students learned about careers and interests from this lesson.