Glendale Elementary June News
Hello Glendale Families!
It's hard to believe we're nearing the end of school! It's been a busy and fun-filled year. Wishing you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you in the fall!
The story for this month is: Last Day Blues by Julie Danneberg and Julie Love
What do teachers do for summer vacation? Mrs. Hartwell's students worry that their teacher will miss them while they are gone for the summer. The class comes up with a way to make sure Mrs. Hartwell won't be too sad. But Mrs. Hartwell and the other teachers have some plans of their own. Once again Julie Danneberg and Judy Love bring to life the crazy antics of Mrs. Hartwell and her class.
Always remember to :
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Take care,
Jennifer Molitor
- June 1- Preview Day!
- June 2- Kindergarten Graduation Program 1:30PM
- June 2- 5th Grade Fort Snelling Fieldtrip 11:00AM-3:00PM
- June 2- 1st Grade MN Zoo Fieldtrip 9:45AM-3:15PM
- June 5- Kinder Chutes & Ladders Fieldtrip 9:30AM-1:30PM
- June 5- 2nd Grade Sea Life Fieldtrip 9:30AM-2:00PM
- June 5- 5th Grade McColl 10:45AM-3:15PM
- June 5- 1st Grade McColl 1:35-3:15PM
- June 6- 5th Grade Graduation Program 1:30PM
- June 6- Yearbook Signing 2nd Grade 9:25AM
- June 7- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Early Release 12:50PM
Students at Glendale will be recognized for showing the CARES skills through out the school year. Adults can recognize students who are doing an excellent job demonstrating: Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy or Self control. Students who are recognized will be honored with a certificate, have their names announced at an All School Meeting, will be showcased in the Glendale monthly newsletter and will get to enjoy a cinnamon roll breakfast with Mrs. Molitor & the other recipients during morning meeting.
Congratulations to all of the students that received this award during the 2022-23 School Year! We are SO proud of you & look forward to starting up the tradition again next Fall!
We have a 3 hour early release on Wednesday, June 7th, our last day. A bag lunch will be served to students on that day. All students will be dismissed at 12:50 pm. Please make plans accordingly. We request that all students follow their normal routine home as usual on this busy day. This will help to insure that children get home safely.
The 1st-3rd grade concerts we had last month were INCREDIBLE!
Once again, Mrs. Kaso was a rockstar and didn't disappoint! We are very lucky to have her here at Glendale.
Here is the link to all of the concerts if you weren't able to attend, or just want to enjoy for a 2nd time!
In honor of Youth Appreciation Week, the Prior Lake- Savage Optimist Club celebrated with a recognition lunch at Fong's back in May. We had two Glendale 5th graders who were nominated; Mary Conley from Mrs. Erpenbach's class & Olivia McDowell from Mr. Geisler's class.
These two were recognized for demonstrating sincere devotion to the welfare of others through their service to fellow students, school, community, city or others; along with their willingness to take on projects, concerns for others and desire to improve our society/school environment. Congratulations! We are so proud of you both!
Summer is almost here! Prevent the summer slide with these awesome summer reading opportunities! There are even ways to win free books and other fun prizes!
Keep reading!
**S.O.S** Rex is our beloved Glendale bunny that needs a home for the first part of the summer (June-Mid-July)!
When committing to take Rex, note the following:
- We will pack up and have all the necessary items ready for pick up: bedding, food, cage, fence, play toys, etc.
- 5th Grade Junior Naturalists will train your child on how to care for Rex and clean his cage before he goes home.
- A step by step guide of how to care for Rex is provided.
- One cleaning of the cage is needed on a weekly basis.
(All cleaning materials and new bedding, etc. is provided.)
- Rex is a very easy going bunny and loves spending time with people of all ages
- If you have any questions before deciding, please feel free to contact Megan Young or Julie Donohue
November 27th- December 1st
We look forward to continuing this fun tradition!
Dear Glendale Families,
We recently received the results for the Student, Parent/Caregiver, and Staff Experience Surveys that were administered in February, 2023. This was a new survey that we rolled out this year with our partners at Studer Education. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey; your feedback will be valuable to our continuous improvement.
Glendale is currently in the process of analyzing this data to celebrate what is working well and develop action steps for improvement to continue into next year.
We invite you to look over the results below. For both the student and family surveys you will see the overall score we received. You will also see specific areas that were evaluated as working well and areas for us to focus on improvement.
Student Experience Survey
217 students completed the survey.
The Glendale mean was 4.22 on a 5-point scale.
Areas that are working well include:
I believe my principal is a good leader. (4.61)
I feel my family is treated nicely or with respect at my school. (4.59)
I believe my teachers care about me. (4.59)
I believe my learning is important at my school. (4.54)
Areas for us to focus for improvement include:
I feel safe on the bus. (3.65)
I feel students are nice or show respect to each other at my school. (3.77)
I like going to my school each day. (3.85)
Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey
180 parents/caregivers completed the survey.
The Glendale mean was 4.34 on a 5-point scale.
Areas that are working well include:
I am treated with respect at this school. (4.61)
I believe my child’s learning is a high priority at this school. (4.46)
I believe the school provides a safe environment for my child to learn. (4.45)
Areas for us to focus for improvement include:
I believe school administration makes decisions that are in the best interest of children and families. (3.90)
I regularly receive feedback from school staff on how well my child is learning. (4.10)
I receive positive phone calls, emails, or notes about my child from the school. (3.89)
Thank you again for your support and collaboration. We will look forward to taking next actions and seeking your feedback again next winter. Please consider taking the survey next time, as you can see how important your input will be to us.
Take care,
Jennifer Molitor
Proud to be the Principal at Glendale Elementary School
Report Cards
Student report cards and Fastbridge scores will be available online in Infinite Campus on June 14th. Report cards will reflect 2nd semester academic and social performance.
Moving This Summer?
If you know your family may be moving this summer, please let the Glendale office know. We continually update our enrollment numbers to plan for the upcoming school year.
Summer Information
Bus information and teacher placements for the 2023-24 school year will be posted on Infinite Campus in mid to late August.
Summer Hours
Our office will be open from 8:00 am 2:00 pm MONDAY-THURSDAY.
We can be contacted at 952.226.0200.
Back to school supplies for the 2023-24 school year can now be ordered online. To order go to and register. School supply lists are also posted on our school website.
We will be having "Welcome & Assessment Days" on Tuesday, September 5th & Wednesday, September 6th where your student(s) will get a chance to meet their teacher and learn a little more of how the schedule will look. *Please look for a sign up link to come later this summer. If you have any questions please call the Glendale Office at 952.226.0200
PLSAS elementary schools will again hold "Great Start to Kindergarten." Designated days in
August were set aside for incoming Kindergarten students to come in prior to the school
year to be assessed. This gave the teachers an excellent indication where those students
were academically, so that curriculum planning could begin on day one. This year practice will continue and the dates for our Kindergarten assessments will be August 2nd-10th.
The first day of school next year is Thursday, September 7th with assessment days on September 5th and 6th. The calendar is available at the following website:
Please be sure to check your child(ren)'s School Cafe balances before the end of the school year. Any existing balances will transfer over to next year's accounts. Any negative balances will need to be paid.
*Please note: If your student(s) has a negative account balance, they will not be eligible to receive seconds of the entree.
If this is a hardship for your family & you need assistance, you may apply for the Free/Reduced Lunch program by filling out a form that can be found on the Parent Page of the district website under the School Cafe Logo.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Kitchen Manager, Darin Nedvick, at 952.226.0208 or the office at 952.226.0200.
Thank you Glendale families for a wonderful year and all of your support of the PTC, Glendale students and staff! We had a busy year with many events & activities including Back to School night, Fall Fun Run, Conference Dinners, Spring Fling, Restaurant Nights, Glenmart, and Teacher Appreciation to name a few :)
We are planning and finalizing positions for next year and would love for you to join us! Your involvement can work around your schedule and your time commitment can be as small or as big as works for you! Please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information!
If you haven’t already, please consider giving our Facebook page a like to not miss any important details! PTC will be using our Facebook page for updates, event information, restaurant nights, sharing information and more!
Thanks again for a great year and enjoy the summer!!
Jenny Olson
Glendale PTC President
- We are looking for Glendale volunteers (does not have to be a DOGS member) to volunteer at The Lakefront Music Festival in Prior Lake. You will receive free admission to the festival, a volunteer t-shirt, and we will receive funds back for your efforts that we can use for future school projects. Please scan the QR code on our flyer to register.
- The DOGS 3rd annual golf event will be held on Thursday, August 3rd @ The Wilds Golf Club. Fees include golf, cart, and lunch. We will have a raffle and prizes available after the event. Please sign up using the QR code on our flyer. We look forward to seeing you there!
- We are currently looking for a new Glendale DOGS Leader!!! This is a fun and rewarding position that puts you in touch with other Glendale and Prior Lake Elementary School dads and does not account for much of your time. If you like to participate in school functions, help with school projects, and be a presence at our school, please contact Scott Sanborn @ for more information.
The weather is getting warmer and with that comes wardrobe style changes! We thought it would be a great time to send a friendly reminder about our dress code and what's appropriate to wear to school. This can also be found on our Glendale website in the Student Handbook on pages 13-14.
A dress code policy is in place to encourage students to be dressed appropriately for school activities and in keeping with community standards. This is a joint responsibility of the student and the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s).
Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1) Clothing appropriate for the weather.
2) Clothing that does not create a health or safety hazard.
3) Clothing appropriate for the activity (i.e., physical education or the classroom).
Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1) “Short shorts,” skimpy tank tops, tops that expose the midriff, and other clothing that is not in keeping with community standards.
2) Clothing bearing a message that is lewd, vulgar, or obscene.
3) Apparel promoting products or activities that are illegal for use by minors.
4) Objectionable emblems, badges, symbols, signs, words, objects or pictures on clothing or jewelry communicating a message that is racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory to a protected minority group, evidences gang membership or affiliation, or approves, advances, or provokes any form of religious, racial, or sexual harassment and/or violence against other individuals as defined in policy 413. 5.
5) Any apparel or footwear that would damage school property.
6) Hats are not allowed in the building except with the approval of the building principal (i.e., student undergoing chemotherapy; medical situations).
7) Any item of apparel deemed disruptive to the educational process by an administrator.
Students who are in violation of this policy will be asked to change out of the offensive clothing. Other options may include sending the student home, wearing PE clothes, or other disciplinary actions. If your student questions appropriateness of clothing, they should check in at the office with a principal or counselor before the start of the school day.
More information can be found in School Board policy 504, Student Dress and Appearance.
Glendale Attendance Line 952-226-0201
Glendale Main Office 952-226-0200
Glendale Health Office 952-226-0206
Jennifer Molitor, Principal
Lindsay Comstock, Dean of Students
Dawn Ryan, Head Administrative Assistant
Heather Hartman, Building Administrative Assistant
Andria Turcott, Social Worker
Technology Helpdesk 952-226-0062 or
District Transportation 952-226-0050
Prior Lake Bus Company (after hours) 952-440-1166
Glendale Elementary
Location: 6601 Connelly Parkway, Savage, MN, United States
Phone: (952)226-0200
Twitter: @GlendaleElementary