Green Meadow Weekly Update
September 28, 2023
Contact Us
Principal, Robert Rouleau -
Assistant Principal, Karen Lindquist -
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeios -
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
Town Meeting/Green Meadow Building Project
For the upcoming Town Meeting at the Fowler School, we are able to provide childcare. Below are the guidelines. We have several high school and upper middle school students, in addition to at least one adult, who will be providing the much-needed service.
The Green Meadow Building Project will be reviewed and voted on during the Town Meeting on Tuesday, October 10, at the Fowler School. We are providing childcare for children ages 4-10. We ask that all children be toilet trained. Parents and Guardians must remain onsite and provide a name and contact phone number. We anticipate the timeframe from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM.
The Debt Exclusion Vote will be taking place on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (regularly scheduled statewide) at 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM at Fowler for all voting precincts.
School Day
Please note that school begins at 8:30 am and ends at 2:50 pm. Students who ride the bus or are dropped off by their parents will enter the school at 8:25 am through the library doors. Students whom arrive after 8:25 am will enter through the front doors. A staff member will be on duty as of 8:15 am each day.
Preschool students will enter through the front door as of 8:35 am as school begins at 8:40 am.
Curriculum and Assessment Updates
Meet our Counseling Team! Click on the photo to learn more.
Purple Pinky Day - Week of October 23 - 27
Tuesday October 24th is World Polio Day. Rotary International has been working to eliminate Polio for the past 35 years and the world has been getting very close to that goal with Polio now endemic in only two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The Maynard Public Schools has partnered with Middlesex Savings Bank, and our local Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley as we assist with the drive to end Polio once and for all.
Purple Pinky Day is a fundraiser where families across the United States give $1.00, or whatever they think is best, to pay for inoculating kids in the developing countries where Polio still exists. Best of all, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation matches $2 for every $1 raised so your money will go even farther. It costs $1 to inoculate 1 child. Your dollar, coupled with the matching funds, will help ensure 3 children are protected against Polio.
100% of the funds collected here in Maynard will be donated to the campaign to eradicate Polio.
Beginning of the School Year
I am very proud to announce that the past three weeks of school have been smooth. Students are happy as they enter and leave each day. Please do not hesitate to contact teachers via email if you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.
Thank You to Our School Picture Day Volunteers!
Many thanks to our PTO volunteers who helped throughout Picture Day. If your children was absent or you are not satisfied with your child's photo we will have Picture Retakes on November 14.
PTO Updates
Get caught up on all the latest PTO news by visiting the Green Meadow PTO website!
Maynard Fest
Thank you to everyone who participated in Maynard Fest this past weekend.