Dolphin Newsletter
Dear Dolphin Families and Staff
Thank you for hanging in there with us through these first two weeks of school. We know there have been challenges and we appreciate your feedback and your patience as we work diligently to make all of our processes as streamlined as possible for you and your children.
We had our first week of Wednesday read alouds and these sessions were great! This Wednesday we have our first Wednesday fun sessions with Mr. Noyes! We are so excited to see kids so excited for learning and building community with their classmates and their teachers. We continue to look forward to the time where we get to come to school in person, but in the meantime, we will continue to work towards making our interactions fun and bringing a sense of calm and connectedness for all of us. As always, we are here for you, our Clifford families and students. Thanks for a great first two weeks!
Jude Noyes
Please be on the lookout for teacher newsletters today!
Updates on Parent Engagement
We had our first Principal’s coffee on Monday, August 24th and these were some of the questions that came up during our conversation with parents in our community:
What is the flag salute video going to be like?
The Wednesday message will be posted to our Distance Learning Hub and available for you to watch on Wednesday with your student. It will have a pre-recorded message with some announcements, the Pledge of Allegiance and our Dolphin Creed.
What are Wednesdays going to look like?
Teachers will assign asynchronous work to their students, but there will also be several live sessions offered for read alouds and other fun activities. Check the Wednesday schedule for exact information. Parents will also have to submit their child’s attendance using the Google Form that will be sent out on Wednesday mornings.
What is the middle school book club going to be like?
Mr. Noyes and Mrs. Parrish are reading the book Wonder with our middle school students. The students do not need a copy of the book to participate, but are certainly welcome to have one to follow along. Students are invited to sit back and listen and have some discussion based on topics and themes of the book as they emerge. This is not a required session for students, but rather provides them an opportunity to interact with Clifford staff while their teachers have a lesson prep. day. (Check the book out here LINK)
Has there been any feedback from teachers about how parents can support teachers in the classroom?
- It would be great to reach out to your teachers by email (email list can be found here) and ask them if there are ways that you can reach out and support their virtual classroom.
Spotlight on 3rd Grade! Message from our 3rd grade teachers!
Third Grade is Flipping into a New Year!
Third grade has hit the ground running with distance learning. While our amazing students are grasping how to be in Third Grade, they are also learning all sorts of new technology. The students enthusiastically took on the challenge of navigating a chromebook and getting onto a daily meet.
But wait there’s more! We have already introduced Google Docs, Dreambox, EnVision Math Online, Google Forms, and FlipGrid into our school day. Flip Grid is a wonderful program that privately and securely records our students making a directed video. This gives our students the opportunity to use oral language to present knowledge in a digital world. This is just the first of many interactive learning tools we will be utilizing to create a rich, diverse and engaging learning experience for our students. Our classroom community is flexible, polite, respectful, kind, and encouraging! What a tremendous start of the school year!
Please take a virtual tour of some of our awesome 3rd grader students utilizing FlipGrid
Remember to check out our schedule for fun read aloud sessions! This week, since it’s the first Wednesday of the month, check out some activities your student can join with Mr. Noyes too! Check out our schedule here with times and Google Meet links.
- Wed, Sept. 2- Morning Message and Flag Salute uploaded on the Clifford Learning Hub
- Wed, Sept. 2- Fun Wednesday with Mr. Noyes & Read Alouds with Ms. Chilton see schedule here.
- Mon, Sept. 7- Labor Day- No School
- Wed, Sept. 9- 7:00 PM Virtual Board Meeting-Link
- Wed, Sept. 23- 8:30-9:30 (Virtual) Coffee with Dr. Baker, Superintendent. Link available soon.
Virtual Back to School Night
Grades 1-2- September 1st 6PM
Mr. Chun Hoon’s Class September 1st 6PM
Grades 3-5- September 2nd 6PM
Ms. Roesler’s Class September 2nd 6PM
Grades 6-8 September 3rd 6PM
*Teachers will share the B2SN virtual link with families soon.
Tech Support!!
if you're having technical (hardware/software) difficulties with devices:
1) Call the district office at 650-482-2200. Leave a message with your contact info and a description of the issue.
2) Visit the district office if your issue cannot be resolved over the phone. Please make an appointment first.
3) Use these forms for general tech support:
Tech Support Request Form (English)
Tech Support Request Form (Spanish)
Does your student want the chance to be featured in our weekly message video by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance?
Does your student want the chance to be featured in our weekly message video by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance? Please take a video of your student reciting the salute, and try to capture their audio close to your phone, or have them speak with a louder voice. Depending on the amount of submissions we receive, your student may have a chance to be featured in our Wednesday morning message video! Please submit your video here.
Ongoing Services for RCSD Families
Redwood City School District has compiled a number of helpful resources and links to available services help families navigate the challenges of distance learning and the pandemic in general.
"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou
Clifford School
Principal: Jude Noyes
Vice Principal: Tiffany Parrish
Office Manager: Mayra Guerra
Office Assistant: Maria Stockton
Office is open M-F 9-4
Email: jnoyes@rcsdk8.net
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/clifford
Location: 225 Clifford Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2402