The Eagle Express
October 27, 2023
Important Dates
Fri., Oct. 27 - Aftercare Closes Early (by 5pm)
Fri., Oct. 27 - CSSE Trunk or Treat (6-8pm)
Sat., Oct. 28 - Holy Fire Middle School Conference
Tues., Oct. 31 - Aftercare Closes Early (by 4:30pm)
Wed., Nov. 1 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Ardoin!
Wed., Nov. 1 - All Saints' Day school mass (8:15am) - regular uniform
Thurs., Nov. 2 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Blakely!
Fri. Nov. 3 - Last Day SALT Food Drive (drop off by 9:30am)
Sun., Nov. 5 - DST ends - fall back!
Sun., Nov. 5 - Youth Group
Tues., Nov. 7 - Spirit Tee Tues/2pm dismissal
Thurs., Nov. 9 - School mass (8:15am)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
CSSE Families:
Fall is here, and it's going to feel like it for sure at Trunk or Treat this evening! Remember to send your kiddos to school with appropriate clothing for Oklahoma's changeable weather. Students will be outside everyday as long as it's not raining and the temperature "feels like" is above freezing. Warm weather items worn INSIDE the building must be our uniform logo items or unembellished as described in our dress code -- no hoodies, non-uniform pullovers, etc. Sweatshirt orders should be in and on their way home as early as next week!
Our first $5 free dress Friday was a success! The funds raised will benefit our safety efforts! We recently wrote a submission and were awarded the OK School Safety and Security Grant to help fund window security film for all of our glass entries. This is a HUGE award and we are thrilled to be able to add this layer of protection for our school.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, support, food, gift cards, emails, etc. Every bit of it is felt and comforts the pain I am enduring with my leg and the new way of living at the moment. I am going to be recovering at home a bit longer, likely through next week after I have my doctor follow up. I am working from home on operational tasks, upcoming parent meetings, and day to day things. I miss seeing our students and staff!
Mrs. Hall has been leading our team and school beautifully while I am home and consults with me often. Her school admin experience has been a true blessing to our school and comfort to me. My extended leadership team, Mrs. Hattaway, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Ison, Dep. Dang, and the office staff, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Metz, and Mrs. Schoppa have really kept the school functioning as always.
We have rescheduled our OK Parental Choice Tax Credit meetings. Please plan to attend either meeting on Sunday, Nov. 12th at 3pm in Ross Hall or Wednesday, Nov. 15th at 8:15am in Ross Hall. Please note the application process now begins in December instead of November. Further information can also be found on the Oklahoma Tax Commission website by following this link:
Save the Date for Turkey Bingo!
4th Grade SALT Food Drive
Our SALT Food drive continues through Friday, November 3rd @ 9:30 a.m. Please join us in being the hands of Jesus that feed hungry people in our community.
Our goal this year is to collect 4,333 lbs. of food! The winning team will receive a free dress day, date TBA. Students should place donations in the bag marked with their team’s names. We are about a quarter of the way to our goal with about 1,068 pounds collected. Please stock up on items to donate if you are out and about at stores this weekend!
*50 lb. or similar giant bags will not be counted toward team goals this year.
*Most needed items are: peanut butter, canned tuna, chicken, salmon, beans, soup, fruits, and vegetables. No glass jars please.
Current Team Standings:
5th place - Kateri - 80 lbs
4th place - Drexel - 152 lbs
3rd place - Patrick - 252 lbs
2nd place - Aquinas - 268 lbs
1st place - Francis - 316 lbs
Veterans Day Mass and Assembly
Thursday, November 9th - All Veterans and Active Duty family members of our St Eugene students are invited to attend 8:15 Mass and a reception afterward in Ross Hall. Our 8th grade students are hosting this very special annual event as part of their SALT focus study for the year. Please RSVP to Nathan Blagg at by November 6th. Please RSVP with the guests name and the name of the Saint Eugene student (with grade level) they are related to.
Eagle Excellence!
CSSE alums, Alex Tran (senior), Oliva Metz (junior), and Kiona Wadmia (freshman) were a part of the Bishop McGuiness volleyball team that won the 5A state championship last weekend. Congratulations!
Mrs. Hall welcomed a new grandbaby last week! It's her first precious girl after having all boys herself, followed by three grandsons! The whole family is happy and doing well.
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
PTO News
Trunk or Treat is TONIGHT! - Please see the ClassTag from this morning for all the details. Park in the front lot only, then walk around to join the fun in the south lot. If you can help clean up, please sign up!
News on Repeat
Art Club Monthly Saturday Sign Ups - Art Club will meet one Saturday a month from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the art room at CSSE. Art Club is open to 2nd-8th grade students. The fee is $75.00. Snacks will be provided, students should bring lunch. Each month will have themed projects, activities, and snacks. Click the link for each month to sign up for November and/or December.
Youth Group
Gain a greater appreciation of the very real Communion of Saints and Angels who surround, help and guide us.
Be encouraged to build a deeper friendship with the Great Cloud of Witnesses as well as our own Guardian Angel. Come to Youth Group November 5th from 6:15-8pm in Ross Hall.
Parish News
Flu Shot Clinic - The St. Eugene Health Ministry Team will host a Flu Shot Clinic on Monday, October 30th in the Garden Room (across from the chapel). Self-pay or medical insurance accepted. Sign up for your flu shot! Open from 9am-12pm.
First Aid +CPR 4 Dummies Class - Learn or refresh your life saving skills by registering for a Heartland CPR class led by parishioner Walaya Lupp. Monday, November 6, 2023 6:30pm (2 hours) in the Meeting Rooms at St. Eugene. $25 per person. *This is NOT an AHA-recognized certification class* Please complete registration online.
St. Eugene Women’s Advent by Candlelight - Sign up to attend individually or hostess a table for you and your friends. If you hostess, you’ll provide wine, appetizers and desserts at a table for eight that you’ve also decorated. You can of course invite your friends to help. Please email or call Karen Robinson at 405.802.4613. Event is Dec. 3rd.
Sunday Breakfast
Sign up to receive the St. Eugene E-Pistle!
Please Pray For...
Please pray for a swift healing for Mrs. Goldsworthy! We hope she is back on her feet soon!
If you would like to include something in the Prayer requests, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
FACTS (District code: TSE-OK)
Safe Environment (contact Jen Goodrich)
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067