KES Family Newsletter
October 2022
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Principal Message
As the school year falls into its familiar pattern, I typically ask my own children the same question, "how was school?" The response is the same, "fine." I have to remind myself to phrase the question, "tell me one good thing about your day and one thing that was challenging?" I hope this helps you when you are finding yourself in the same pattern as I often do.
Procedural Updates
Winter weather is upon us. The expectations are listed below for winter gear. If you are in need of assistance, please contact Mrs. Mundigler at jmundigler@kewaskumschools.org
60° and above
Student Choice
50° to 59°
Jacket or Sweatshirt
40° to 49°
Winter Coat
39° or below
Winter Coat, hat, gloves & boots
Playing in the Snow
Winter Coat, boots, snow pants, hat, and gloves required
Welcome Mrs. Dombrock our new School Secretary
PTO updates
Thank you for your support with the Club's Choice Fundraiser, we truly appreciate it! The PTO has been busy preparing for some fun upcoming events. You can find more details below.
- October 20 McTeacher Night from 4:00 - 7:00 at Kewaskum McDonalds
- October 26 Club's Choice Fundraiser Pick Up from 3:00 - 6:00 at Kewaskum Annex Building
- October 28 Trunk or Treat from 6:00 - 7:30 at Kewaskum Playground area
- November 7 PTO Meeting at 6:15 in LGI
KEYS 5K Run/Walk - October 9, 2022
The Kewaskum Youth Scholarship organization (KEYS, Inc.) is a non-profit organization established in 1985 to accept contributions to provide scholarships for Kewaskum High School graduates. Thanks to the great community support, KEYS, Inc. has awarded over $2.7 million in academic scholarships to date. Here are the ways you can help support KEYS, Inc.:
Registration is now open for the 29th Annual KEYS 5K Run/Walk. Follow this link to sign up, donate, or for more information. Sign up before September 30 to ensure receipt of an event shirt.
Message from the Boys & Girls Club
Looking forward to another great year at the
Kewaskum Boys & Girls Club
This year we have a few new programs:
- Science Program: Members will be given a science question, and they will write a hypothesis and do the experiment. Members will also create a science Fair Project and display it at our Science & Art Fair. (TBA)
- Art Program: We have a new art room. Members will learn about different genres and create art from multiple types of mediums to display at our Science & Art Fair. (TBA)
- 3D Printing: Members will use a computer program to design and print their own 3D creations.
As always, we will be introducing the members to our STEAM Program, old-fashioned games, intriguing, thought-provoking, educational, and FUN activities.
If you would like to learn more about our Club or have questions,
please reach out to StefanieU@wcbgc.org or https://www.wcbgc.org/@wcbgc.org
Club hours:
M-F 6:30a.m-school start
M-F End of school – 6:00p.m.
Information on Imagination Destination
Healthy Families Committee
Just a friendly reminder that if you are interested in joining the Healthy Families Committee, please fill out this survey by October 5. The committee will meet three times this school year to gauge the concerns and interest in Mental Health education and awareness in the Kewaskum School District. The Pupil Services team is looking for volunteers to work collaboratively to provide a family/community perspective. This will be in collaboration with our community partner, Professional Services Group. Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Leah Keval, will guide the committees. We hope you can join us and appreciate your time and commitment in advance. Thank you!
- The first meeting will take place on Monday, October 10 in person from 6-7 p.m. in the Kewaskum High School library.
- Second Meeting (Virtual)-Monday, January 9, 6-7 p.m.-Elementary Team only or Monday, January 16, 6-7 p.m.-Secondary Team only
- Third Meeting (Virtual)-Monday, March 13, 6-7 p.m.-Elementary Team only or Monday, March 20, 6-7 p.m.-Secondary Team only
Parent Volunteers
Upcoming Dates
October 4: Mrs. Rink's class to the Horicon Marsh
October 5: Mrs. Hubbard/Mr. McClone's class to Horicon Marsh
October 7: 2nd grade to Pioneer Village
October 13: 6:00 School Board meeting
October 14: 4K Pumpkin Farm field trip
October 20: Picture re-take day, 4:00 McTeacher Night at the Kewaskum McDonald's
October 24: Red Ribbon week begins
October 25: 4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences
October 26: 3:00-6:00 PTO Cookie Dough pick up Annex Building
October 28: No School, 6:00 Trunk or Treat
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101