Let's Talk TPS
District Communication - October 27, 2021

It's Ghost and Goblin Week
TPS Families -
The days are definitely getting shorter, but the amount of work and activities being done by our staff and students remains constant. Our sports teams continue to make us Tiger Proud and our talented theater students are getting closer to their first full musical production in three years! Be sure to save the date and purchase tickets for what is sure to be an incredible show.
As we head into the Halloween weekend, we want to wish all of our ghosts, goblins, wizards, and ghouls a safe, fun trick-or-treating! We also remind you to check your school's website for specific times and guidelines for Halloween-related events and activities. Please be sure to follow the guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
Yours in Education,
Shauna C. DeMarco
Superintendent Tenafly Public Schools
Reminder: No dogs allowed on school grounds
A gentle reminder that with the exception of service animals, dogs are not allowed on school district grounds, playgrounds, or sports fields at any time as explained in Policy 7490. This is for the health and safety of our students and staff members. We ask that those with dogs remain with them on the public sidewalk area and to not be on school grounds. We also ask that your four-footed friend is kept away from others who are picking up/dropping off their children.
Owners of dogs in public locations should be following all borough ordinances related to dogs, such as leash requirements and curbing/cleaning up after their dogs appropriately.
Happening In Our Schools

Pumpkin Characters
Elementary students district-wide have been busy creating pumpkin book characters. Each pumpkin resembles a character from a favorite book. Some characters seen in our schools include the Very Hungry Caterpillar, the Little Mermaid, an Oompa Loompa, the Pigeon, and so many more of our favorite characters! A shout out to our librarians for this fun project and to our talented students for their creations. Pictured here are a few of our Mackay student creations. Our newsletter banner this week showcases some of our Maugham student creations.

Pink Out!
The THS Global Humanitarian Club held a district-wide Pink Out on Tuesday, October 26th. Staff and students wore PINK on an otherwise dreary day in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Students and staff were also invited to purchase a pink bracelet, pin, or sticker. Proceeds and any other donations will go to the Living Beyond Breast Cancer organization. So far, the group has raised more than $200. Pictured: Back-LtoR: Alex Yanowitz, Kasey Ginsburg, Sheryl Kim, Julia Rosenstein, Ms. Williams. Front-LtoR: Jordan Yanowitz, Emily Singer, Annika Bergqvist.
Classroom Candid - First graders learn Ms. Bergamo's original Halloween song

SEPAC Meeting - November 3, 2021
SEPAC will meet on Wednesday, November 3rd, at 9:00AM via Zoom (Click to register) Members of the Child Study Team will be doing a presentation on How to Read an IEP at the next SEPAC meeting.
For more information on SEPAC, visit the Special Services page on the TPS website.

Save the Date - THS Open House for 8th Graders
Open House: in-person on Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00pm. Details to follow.

Audition Dates - Tenafly's Got Talent
Governor's Educator of the Year - Nominate a Teacher/Staff Member
Don't Forget - Update Zoom Today!
Beginning November 1, users will be required to update their Zoom software when it is more than nine months behind the current version. Users will be prompted to update their software if their version falls behind this nine-month window. For example, if the a version of Zoom was released in September 2021, customers who try to access Zoom with a version released before January 2021 must update in order to access the full Zoom functionality. Learn more about the change here.
- Mackay School - byoo@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Maugham School - jferrara@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Smith School - dgeorge@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Stillman School - glander@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Tenafly Middle School - jfabbo@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Tenafly High School - jmorrison@tenafly.k12.nj.us