Sacred Heart School, Mundaring
To Learn, To Care, To Give
Newsletter | Term 1 | Week 2 | 8 February 2024
Principal's Message
What an eventful start to the year!!!
Storms, blackouts, hail, flooding, and heatwaves are not ideal for any beginning of term, but nevertheless, it also brought out the best in the 'Hills' community spirit. A large group of parents (and children) joined together for a P&F Busy Bee to beautify the Nature Playground and tidy up after the storm. As a new principal and parent, I was amazed at the friendly community spirit on show. Thank you to all involved.
In our classrooms, learning is well and truly underway. From name writing in Kindy, rhyming and syllables in Pre-Primary, ordering numbers 1 to 100 in Year 1, recounts in Year 2, narrative writing and eating tomatoes from the vegie patch in Year 3, levels of government in Year 4, creating and ordering large numbers in Year 5, and ministries in Year 6. The richness of education experiences is evident throughout the school. Students are also revisiting the Sacred Heart School Values through the Student Code of Conduct as we seek to build a strong foundation of expectations for high-quality learning to occur.
We were also excited to announce that Edu Dance, a curriculum-based dance company, would be visiting Sacred Heart School throughout Term 1. We are very much looking forward to seeing the final concert on Monday of Week 9.
Over the holidays, the school engaged in Playcheck, a playground auditing company, to complete a detailed review of all playground equipment. The results were pleasing with only a few minor adjustments to attend to ensuring the safety of all our students.
Thank you again to all our Sacred Heart School families for a brilliant start to 2024, and I look forward to seeing you at the P&F Sundowner on Friday 16 February.
God Bless
Mark Tenney
Dates for Your Diary
Tuesday 13 February: Shrove Tuesday - Year 6 Spiritual Ministry Pancakes - Gold Coin Donation
Wednesday 14 February: Ash Wednesday School Mass at 9am - Years 1 to 6
Friday 16 February: P&F Sundowner from 4:30pm
Wednesday 21 February: Assembly at 9am
Friday 1 March: Constable Care Incursion - Pre-Primary to Year 6
Monday 4 March: Labour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 6 March: Assembly at 9am Presented by Year 3
Thursday 28 March: Last Day of Term 1 for our Students
Please note dates are subject to change to school events when due to unforeseen circumstances.
Kindy and Pre-Primary Back to School Video
What an eventful start to the year!!!
Storms, blackouts, hail, flooding, and heatwaves are not ideal for any beginning of term, but nevertheless, it also brought out the best in the 'Hills' community spirit. A large group of parents (and children) joined together for a P&F Busy Bee to beautify the Nature Playground and tidy up after the storm. As a new principal and parent, I was amazed at friendly community spirit on show. Thank you to all involved.
In our classrooms, learning is well and truly underway. From name writing in Kindy, rhyming and syllables in Pre-Primary, ordering numbers 1 to 100 in Year 1, recounts in Year 2, narrative writing and eating tomatoes from the vegie patch in Year 3, levels of government in Year 4, creating and ordering large numbers in Year 5, and ministries in Year 6. The richness of education experiences is evident throughout the school. Students are also revisiting the Sacred Heart School Values through the Student Code of Conduct as we seek to build a strong foundation of expectations for high-quality learning to occur.
We were also excited to announce that Edu Dance, a curriculum-based dance company, would be visiting Sacred Heart School throughout Term 1. We are very much looking forward to seeing the final concert on Monday of Week 9.
Over the holidays, the school engaged in Playcheck, a playground auditing company, to complete a detailed review of all playground equipment. The results were pleasing with only a few minor adjustments to attend to ensuring the safety of all our students.
Thank you again to all our Sacred Heart School families for a brilliant start to 2024, and I look forward to seeing you at the P&F Sundowner on Friday 16 February.
God Bless
Mark Tenney
SeeSaw Snaps
Kindy Library Time
Kindy Story Time
Year 2 Physical Education
Year 6 Leadership Assembly
Our Year 6 students receive their Ministry Badges at the Leadership Assembly yesterday morning. The badges were blessed by Fr John and presented to students as they made their public Leadership Pledge, committing to uphold the schools Gospel values in all they say and do.
We look forward to the inspiration, example, and legacy of this years student leaders.
Merit Award Recipients
Congratulations to all our Merit Award recipients at the Assembly yesterday morning.
Keep up the great work!
Year 6 Spiritual Ministry
Our Year 6 Spiritual Ministry is raising money for the Caritas 2024 Project Compassion Appeal. Next Tuesday 13 February they will be making pancakes and selling them for a gold coin donation at recess. All money raised will go towards Project Compassion.
Lent is a time beginning with Ash Wednesday when we reflect on being even better people of faith through fasting, charity and prayer.
"Together, we can make a difference now, and For All Future Generations."
Administration Housekeeping
Family Details Update & Media Permission Forms
These forms where sent home with families last week and are now due back. Please return your completed forms via the classroom teacher to ensure your contact details are up to date on the school database.
Students with Medical Conditions
It is important that if your child has or has developed a medical condition that you update any changes that have occurred. Once you inform us, if there is more information that we need we will let you know.
Administration of Medication
A reminder that if we are required to give out medication, the relevant form must be completed at the office. We are not able to administer any medication without the form completed and signed by the parents or carers.
Student Absences
If your child is going to be absent or late on a school day please email the school via prior to 9.00am. If the school has not been notified of absence or late arrival an SMS will be sent out at 9:15am to follow up the unexplained absence.
Student Late Arrival
It is necessary for parents to sign their child/ren in at the Office if they arrive late to school - after 8.50am. If your child/ren are going to be collected early parents are required to come to the Office and sign them out. In both cases, a green slip will be given to you for handing to the relevant teacher.
School Fee Accounts
The 2024 Annual Tuition Statements will be emailed to families tomorrow, Friday 9 February 2024.
Health Care Card
Families with a means tested Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card and (Blue) Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Cards are eligible for a discount on school fees (Health Care Card Tuition Scheme Discount). To enable the discount to be applied to your school fee account, please bring your card to the office and fill out the appropriate paperwork as soon as possible. This is a process that is required at the start of each year for all concession card holders.
P&F News
Busy Bee
On Saturday 20 January we held a Busy Bee in the Early Learning Centre nature play area. Thank you to all the families that where able to join us for the morning. Many hands make light work. We will be looking at holding a couple more busy bees throughout this year.
Watch this space!
Sundowner - 16 February from 4.30pm
We will be holding our annual Sundowner on Friday 16 February to welcome all our families to the 2024 school year. Sausage Sizzle, drinks and treats will be available to purchase. Bring along a picnic basket, drinks and blanket.
P&F Meetings
The following dates have been scheduled for the Term 1 and 2 meetings.
- Tuesday 13 February - 2pm to 3pm
- Friday 22 March - 2pm to 3pm
All parents are welcome and encouraged to come along to be part of the planning of events for this year. See where you may be able to help out or be part of one of the sub-committees.
- Easter Raffle
- Mothers Day Stall
- Wood Raffle - Saturday 9 March
- Hot Chocolate and Fruit Toast Morning Tea - Term 2 & 3
P&F 2024 Executive
President: Meegan Mirco
Vice-President: Patrick Johnson
Secretary: Jacinta Tucker
Treasurer: Vacant - If you are interested in taking on this role, please contact the office.
See you at the Sundowner.
Meegan Mirco
P&F President
Canteen News
Our canteen for this year will operate each Wednesday.
QuickCliq Online Canteen Ordering
Canteen orders can be placed using the link below. A log in will need to be set up if it is the first time ordering. To place your order select MEAL ORDER, select your child and start ordering! Orders close at 9am on Wednesdays (Canteen day). If you have not already done so, please update your child's year level and teacher's name for 2024.
Ordering via Quickcliq is the preferred method of ordering for canteen. Cash orders are accepted on the morning and bags are available at the canteen.
Canteen Helpers Needed Each Week
For the canteen to operate each week two volunteers are required. We would love to see the Term 1 roster filled for the term and into next term. Hours: Wednesday’s – 9:00am to 1.30pm. Even if you can only spare an hour or two. This makes such a difference! Maybe able to help with a 9:00am to 11:30am or 11:00am to 1:30pm shift. Experience: No experience required. All training supplied! Duties include counting out chicken nuggets, party pies, sausage rolls ready for the oven. Putting together sandwiches and rolls ready for burgers. Salary: ‘A la carte’ lunch and drink, and best of all meeting other members of our school community – friendship. Bonus: Your children are happy to see you in their favourite place – school. You’ll meet new people and make good friends within our school community.
Thank you to Jackie Kendrick for volunteering to be our coordinator.
Community Notices
Sacred Heart Sporting Group - 2024 Netball Registration
It's time to gear up for an exciting season of netball! The Winter Netball Season 2024 promises not only a thrilling sporting experience but also a chance to build lasting memories on and off the court.
To register for NET (born 2018 or later)
To register for SET or GO (born 2014 – 2017)
To register for JNR or SNR (Born 2013 and earlier)
Should you have any issues registering online, please reach out to Jodie or Wendy at
Registrations are now open online and will close at 6pm on Friday 23 February 2024.
Sacred Heart Parish News
Mass Times:
Saturday: 8:30am and 6:00pm (Vigil)
Sunday: 7:30am (Chidlow) and 9:30am (Mundaring)
Tuesday: 8:30am
Wednesday: 9:00am
Friday: 8:30am
Parish Priest: Fr John Daly
Telephone: 9295 1059
Pastoral Care Coordinator: Deacon Paul Reid (0455 818 718)
The Master's Hand
To begin our year as Sacred Heart School Staff, we used this prayer story as a reminder that we are connected and empowered by the love of God.
Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took the small boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE."
When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit, keep playing."
Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obligatio. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized.
That's the way it is with God. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music. But with the hand of the Master, our life's work truly can be beautiful. Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit, keep playing." Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are playing the concerto of your life. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
200 Coolgardie Street, Mundaring WA 6073