Tiger Tales Vol. 32
The latest news and updates from LGAE
Greetings Families,
Can you believe that we are entering into our final full week of school? It has been a year like no other. Throughout all the ups and the downs that we have faced, we are ending the year with feelings of gratitude and thanksgiving. We'd like to send a big thank you to all of our families for the endless support and partnership you've provided. So much of the success we have had this year comes from your help. Whether it was supporting your child through Zoom or with their assignments or getting them prepared and ready to be welcomed back to school in-person, your endless dedication and support of LGAE has not gone unnoticed and we are so thankful for a year in partnership with you.
As we enter into these last few days of school, I've included information below about the last day of school. There are specific details for our Hybrid Group A and Group B students as well as students in full distance learning.
As we prepare for next year, we are excited to be planning for a full return to school in the 2021-2022 school year. Please see the message from our Superintendent below with the district's intentions for next year!
Last, I invite you to join me next Friday from 8:30-9:30am in front of the Lemon Grove Recreation Center (just down the street from our school on School Lane) for our final Coffee with the Principal (and the first one that is happening in-person!). The Seven Seas Roasting Co. coffee truck will be parked in the rec center parking lot and providing free coffee, hot chocolate and tea drinks for our families! It will be a great time for us to talk and connect. I hope to see you there!
Ms. Ochi
Information about the Last Day of School
For Group A Hybrid Students:
The last day of school in-person is Tuesday June 15th. Student chromebooks will be collected at school.
Students will have a final class meeting on Zoom on Wednesday June 16th at 9am.
For Group B Hybrid Students:
The last day of school in-person is Friday June 11th. Student chromebooks will be collected at school. Students will be provided with paper assignments for Monday and Tuesday June 14-15.
Students will have a final class meeting on Zoom on Wednesday June 16th at 9am.
For Virtual Students:
The last day of school is Wednesday June 16th.
Each class will have a morning meeting and will be asked to return their chromebooks at school during our chromebook collection windows: 9:30-10:30am or 1-2pm.
6th graders can bring their chromebook to return during the promotion!
A Message from our Superintendent regarding the 2021-2022 School Year
Dear Lemon Grove Families:
Our plan is to welcome all students who wish for a full return to in-person instruction back to school on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. After over a year of change and disruption during the 2020-2021 school year, resuming on campus experiences for our students is our desire and our priority.
We must follow guidelines set by the County of San Diego and the California Department of Public Health, but current information from the California Department of Education (CDE) indicates that we plan for a full return to campuses across LGSD in the Fall. CDE is not providing any waivers for hybrid instructional models in the 2021-2022 school year.
Full return means: 5 days a week, on a regular schedule (M, T, Th, Fri - full days; Wed - minimum day), for ALL school sites.
For those families who do not feel comfortable sending their children back to school full time, the district will offer a full virtual program for those who are interested. Please stay tuned for more details.
Best wishes,
Erica Balakian
Estimadas familias de Lemon Grove:
Nuestro plan es dar la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes que deseen regresar de forma completa a la instrucción en persona de vuelta a la escuela el día 18 de agosto del 2021. Después de más de un año de cambios y alteraciones, es nuestro deseo y nuestra prioridad que nuestros estudiantes regresen a las experiencias del campus escolar. Debemos seguir la normativa marcada por el condado de San Diego y por el departamento de Salud Pública de California, pero información actual por parte del departamento de Educación de California (CDE) sugiere un regreso completo al campus escolar a nivel de todo el distrito escolar de Lemon Grove (LGSD) en el otoño. El CDE no está proporcionando ningún permiso o ´waiver´ para los modelos de instrucción de formato combinado para el año escolar 2021-22.
Regresar de forma completa significa: 5 días a la semana, horario regular (Lu, Ma, Ju, Vi - días de horario completo y Mi - día de salida temprana) para todas las escuelas.
Para aquellas familias que no se sientan cómodas enviando a sus niños de vuelta a la escuela a tiempo completo, el distrito ofrecerá un programa virtual a tiempo completo para aquellos que estén interesados. Por favor estén atentos a más detalles que les vamos a ir ofreciendo.
Mis mejores deseos,
Erica Balakian
Summer Camp Dates
Monday, June 28- Friday, July 23 (The program will be closed on Monday, July 5, 2021)
Summer Camp Hours
Full Day Option: 8:00am-5:30pm
Half Day Option (for students attending the Summer Bridge Program): 12:00pm-5:30pm
Summer Camp Rates
Full Day
Non-Refundable Registration Fee- $25.00 for single student or $30 for all siblings in household
Weekly Rate- $140 per week ($125 for each additional sibling)
Half Day
Non-Refundable Registration Fee- $25.00 for single student or $30 for all siblings in household
Weekly Rate- $70 per week ($50 for each additional sibling)
Subsidy Program Information
Need Assistance with Childcare costs?
Call 1-800-521-0560 or go on online to apply at www.childcaresandiego.com
- First priority for enrollment will go to incoming 1st-8th grade students enrolled in the Lemon Grove School District for the 2021-2022 school year.
Website: lgae.lemongrovesd.net
Location: 7885 Golden Avenue, Lemon Grove, CA, USA
Phone: 619-825-5637