Daniel Wright
Students Provide Feedback About Lunches
Students met with the school’s lunch provider, Quest, to share suggestions and ideas about improving the meals at Daniel Wright. They sampled a variety of food. Then, students shared what they liked and disliked about items such as fish and chips, sweet and sour chicken, and pesto cavatappi. Each school receives input from its students annually to determine what is working well with the lunch meals and where improvements can be made. Overall, students who sampled the food selection rated Quest’s food fairly high. Their least favorite item they sampled appeared to be fish and chips. Enjoy pictures of students tasting Quest's entrées.
Upcoming Events
- Snowflake Program: Friday, Feb. 9, for seventh-graders.
- 5Essentials Survey: Student opt out deadline is Noon Friday, Feb. 9, for Grades 4-8.
- No School: Monday, Feb. 19, Presidents' Day.
- Early Dismissal: Friday, Feb. 23.
Student Magazine
Extra, extra, read all about it! We've got stories, comics, opinion pieces, teacher interviews, poetry and more. Enjoy this edition of Dear DW! Student Magazine!
SEL Newsletter
The SEL Trait of the month is Adaptability. We celebrated our students who demonstrated Perseverance for the month of January. Please take a moment to see what we’re doing to showcase Adaptability at DW and how you can keep the conversation going at home! Enjoy the February edition of the DW Social Emotional Learning newsletter.
Cocoa for a Cause
Send your student to school with $$ for a cup of hot cocoa on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, and support the Wright Way Club's National Wildlife Federation fundraiser.
Science Olympiad Places 1st
The Daniel Wright Science Olympiad Team took First Place out of 43 teams at a Solon, Ohio tournament last week. Individual medals won included four eighth place, four seventh place, three sixth place, five fifth place, seven fourth place, two second place, and first place. The team is coached by Lisa Solesky and Prajatka Joshi, with the assistance of parent volunteer event coaches. The team will compete next week in the Los Angeles virtual BirdSO Tournament. GO WARRIORS!
8th Grade Class T-shirt
The PTO is gearing up to celebrate our graduating eighth-graders! Keeping with tradition, the official DW Class of 2024 T-shirts are now on sale!
These commemorative T-shirts have been designed with our class spirit in mind. All graduate names are listed on the back of the shirt. They are a perfect way to showcase your pride and unity as members of the Daniel Wright Junior High School Class of 2024. Order the shirt by Wednesday, Feb. 14. T-shirt delivery will occur by the end of February at school.
- Get your T-shirt today @ https://bit.ly/3uftEcP
All Staff Chili Lunch
PTO is celebrating our D103 staff by treating them to a chili and soup luncheon on Friday, Feb. 9, at all three schools. We are looking for volunteers to make a crockpot of chili or soup (your recipe of choice!) for the luncheons. We are looking for at least 10 servings per crock. We would also like to supplement the chili lunch with desserts (again, recipe of your choice!).
We know not everyone is a chef, so if you would prefer to contribute financially, any donation will allow us to provide salads, decor, and all of the "trimmings".
Thank you so much for helping show the fabulous D103 staff our appreciation for all that they do for our children!
- Sign up today @ bit.ly/D103SignUp
6th Grade Social Dance Update
Tomorrow, Feb. 9, the sixth-grade social dance lessons will be held at Half Day school in the cafeteria. It is for this Friday, only. The time will remain the same 8:15 to 9:30vp.m.
Our final dance lesson will take place back at DW on Friday, Feb. 16. Parents are invited to attend the final lesson and see what all the students have learned (fox trot, salsa, cha-cha, and more). Parents will also have an opportunity to dance with their child and experience the fun for themselves! Parents do not need to wear a dress or suit but are welcome to if you so desire. Anything you would wear for a dinner/evening out with friends would be suitable.
Community News
STEM for Girls
Girls who want to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and math will have a free, hands-on career exploration day, packed with 13 workshops by expert presenters from CLC and the Lake County community. The program seeks to motivate middle school and high school girls interested in STEM careers to become innovative and creative thinkers and to pursue careers in this area. Registration for the CLC program closes Sunday, Feb. 11.
SHS Language Exam
Eighth-graders with prior language coursework or experience, Heritage, or Native speakers interested in taking Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, or Latin must take a benchmark exam for Stevenson High School. If you cannot attend the initial placement exam on Saturday, Dec. 16, you must register for the makeup placement exam scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 17.
- Benchmark Makeup Exam Date: Saturday, Feb. 17 (8 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
- Register: SHS Interest Form
Music Camp
Chicago Summer music camp for ages 5 and older. Early bird deadline is Thursday, Feb. 15.
Daniel Wright Information
- Daniel Wright Calendar of Events
- Daily School Announcements
- Archived Newsletters
- YouTube
- Kendra Perri, Principal
- Dr. Nina Nusbaum, Assistant Principal
- Dr. Susan Baker, Assistant Principal
- 847-604-5280
- Dw_attendance@d103.org