The Husky Bulletin 9/1/2023

Principal's Corner
Greetings Oak View Families!
It was so great to see and meet so many of you at our Open House this past Wednesday evening. The feeling in our building was one of excitement and energy to start the new year!
With the new universal breakfast and lunch program this year, we have a new process for our breakfast. Beginning day 1, Tuesday, September 5th, all students will go their classrooms, put away their backpacks, etc., and go to breakfast as a class with their teacher. Being on time to school every day will be very important. This allows students to start the day with their classroom peers and teacher in a more formalized way. It will be a powerful way to start the day with a positive mindset and on track to be successful each day.
Breakfast begins promptly at 9:30 and will end at 10:00 am.
I am looking forward to your partnership this school year!
Ann Mock, Interim Principal
First day of School Reminders
First bell rings at 9:20am
School starts at 9:30am
Parent pick-up kiddos are released at 3:50, door 1.
Bus kiddos are released around 4:05.
Volunteer Coordinator
The beginning of the school year is always the busiest in terms of our volunteer "needs". Right off the bat we will need help/volunteers for the Fun Run on September 29th. We are looking for volunteers to help with the day of tasks- set-up, take-down, pump-up the kids' team, etc. Be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius for these opportunities.
In order to volunteer at Oak View or any building in our district, you need to fill out a volunteer application. These applications expire after 1 year so a new one needs to be filled out every school year.
School Supply Information
Your child's bus information is live in ParentVUE. If your child's bus information is not posted in ParentVUE, please inquire with transportation at 763-391-7244.
As a reminder, transportation is only available to students who live within the Oak View attendance boundaries. To find out if your address, daycare address, etc. is in our boundaries, please click here.
If you have further transportation questions, need to make changes to your student's bus information, etc. please email transportation at BusQuestions@district279.org.
Please download the FirstVIEW app to track your bus. You will need your student's ID number along with an access code. I have attached directions on how to find this information in ParenVUE.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
9/5- First day of school
9/12- PTO Meeting 6pm-7pm
9/18- Fun Run Kick-Off
9/19- Picture Day
9/29- Fun Run
Contact Information
Jody Seppala, Assistant Principal: SeppalaJ@district279.org
Angie Passehl, Secretary: PassehlA@district279.org
Melody Hahn-Merges, Social Worker: hahn-mergesm@district279.org
Terri Simon, Counselor: simont@district279.org