Liberty Ridge Elementary Newsletter
Upcoming Events
12/1-12/10 PTO sponsored candy grams
12/13-12/17 Spirit Week
12/13-1/21 Waiver application window
12/20-12/31 No School Winter Break
1/3/22 School Resumes
December PurposeFull People Trait- Empathy
This month we are talking about the social-emotional skill of Empathy. We are using this definition at school:
Empathy: the ability to understand and connect to the feelings of another.
Empathy is a crucial skill for being in community with others and a powerful skill to develop in personal and professional relationships. We are focusing on a few key pieces of Empathy: knowing how we feel (and having language to describe those feelings!), understanding what others are feeling, and listening to others well so that we can connect in more meaningful ways! We will reflect on powerful images that will inspire conversations about emotions, connection, and friendship. We will think about incredible people like the Indian author Arundhati Roy and our past president Barack Obama have to say about Empathy. We will celebrate what makes us different and find the amazing things that bring us together.
Here are some conversation starters you can use at home with your child to help them continue to learn about empathy:
How do you know what you are feeling? How can you tell how someone else is feeling?
When do you feel most excited? Most upset? Most happy? Most sad?
How do you show Empathy towards your friends when they are sad?
What are things others might do when they’re sad, worried or frustrated? What might they say?
Drop-Off Times
Just a reminder, students can be dropped off curbside at 8:08. This allows the time for them to walk in and get breakfast and then head to class when classroom doors open at 8:10. We cannot let students into classrooms before that time.
Yearbooks Are On Sale
Yearbooks are on sale! $18 until January 2nd. Price will go up to $20 until May 21st. Forms were sent home, you can send it the form (checks payable to LRE PTO) or you may order online at
Water Bottles in Class
Keep Your Child Home When:
- There has a close contact with anyone confirmed to have, or suspected to have COVID-19
- The Student has tested positive for, or is waiting on a test for COVID-19
- The student has been told to self isolate or quarantine by public health or a medical professional
- Any of these symptoms are present:
Fever of 100.4 or higher
Cough- frequent and persistent
Loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
Liberty Ridge Elementary
Location: 12202 209th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4800