Raleigh Hills Newsletter
April 16, 2021
Message from Mrs. DeMartino
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
It has been so joyful to be able to see students back in person. We are really looking forward to welcoming our middle schoolers on Monday! It is going to be a really special day when we will have all grade levels in the school building. We've been preparing everything to be ready to go. Just a reminder, parent drop off is in the lower lot. Buses will come to the upper lot. When students arrive on campus from parent drop off, they will follow staff instructions to come up the sidewalk. They will not enter the main doors. Instead, staff will direct them to the middle school entrance which is now the double doors just under the stairs to the right of the main doors. Students exiting buses will enter at the same doors. Staff will be on hand to direct students where to go. 6th graders will report to the 6th grade classrooms, 7th graders are in the gym and 8th graders are in the cafeteria. Please do not arrive prior to 8:45 for the AM cohort and 12:30 for the PM cohort. Teachers will be communicating directly with students about their schedules. Bus information will be emailed to you today. If you don't receive it, please go to this website to this website to find your student's bus information.
Middle school hybrid families, please be sure you have read and reviewed the hybrid handbook linked in this newsletter so that you will know all of the safety procedures for keeping kids safe and healthy at school.
And finally, this is the week! Our one and only PTO sponsored fundraiser is this Thursday from 7-8 and it's completely online! Don't forget to RSVP for the auction today!
Warm regards,
Important Dates Next Week!
April 19 - Middle School Hybrid begins - AM Cohort 9-11:15, PM Cohort 12:45-3
April 21 - Family Connection Event at Beaverton High School 6-7pm
April 22 - Virtual Auction - RSVP here
Family Connection Event at Beaverton High School
Day: Wednesday, April 21
Time: 6pm-7pm
Place: Merle Davies Building Parking lot (see map below)
Clothes Closet at Raleigh Hills
Health Curriculum Information - Repeat
Free Books from Beaverton City Library - Repeat
Hybrid Handbook - Repeat
Make sure to read through the handbook so that you can get a good idea of what school will look like when we return.
If you haven't filled out these surveys, please fill them out this weekend. We need this information for Monday! We also need you to give us some information about how your child will go home and their meal preferences. Please fill out these two surveys below.
Meals Survey - CDL and Hybrid
Transportation Survey - Hybrid Only
Library Curbside Checkout Continues! - Repeat
Auction - REPEAT
Student Help Desk
Hours: School Days 8:30-3:30
Phone Number: 503 356-4656Email: shd@beaverton.k12.or.us
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8