Thompson Friday Forecast
December 7, 2018
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
In the coming weeks, our school will be filled with memorable learning events and fun activities. Despite the anticipation of a two-week winter break on the horizon, the Thompson staff will continue to work to make the learning environment meaningful for all. Please encourage your child to focus on the learning at hand and be engaged in learning throughout the next two weeks!
Next Thursday, December 13th our seventh and eighth graders will have the privilege of hearing internet safety presentations from two of our Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Judges. These presentations will include information on safe internet etiquette and safe-guards students should take when working with technology, social media, and the internet. The students will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the get together. The 7th grade presentation will begin at 12:46 pm and the 8th grade presentation at 1:42 pm.
Vaping has become problematic in our high schools and we certainly see it in our middle schools. Parents need to be aware of vaping or juuling. Kids may be doing it for months and you may not know it. Here is a good article for you to read called "What Parents Should Know About the 'Huge Epidemic' of Vaping" found on
Between now and winter break our eighth grade students will be meeting with counselors from both St. Charles East High School and St. Charles North High School to discuss the next steps in their journey to high school.
Enjoy your weekend!
Parent Satisfaction Survey
Every year, District 303 conducts a satisfaction survey that gives us meaningful feedback from our students, teachers, and parents. For the last decade, we have administered a local survey that has provided us with comparable data.
This year, as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) we will now be participating in the statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
We value your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your suggestions for improvement! Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child. To take the parent survey please visit and select the appropriate survey. For more information, please see the letter attached to today's Friday Forecast.
Congratulations to our Thunder Chess Team that tied for 3rd place at last Saturday's Chess Tournament!
PTO Trivia Nights/Open Gym
An Amazing Race is planned for our 6th Graders after school on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. More information on this event will follow.
Thompson Teachers Model What It Means to be a Life-Long Reader...
#bookitforward #globalreadaloud #thomsponpageturners
Kayla's Hope
The Lehmann family is very pleased to announce that Kayla's Hope Foundation is now formed. We are also pleased and humbled to announce that an anonymous donor has come forward with an offer to match every gift to the Kayla's Hope Foundation, dollar-for-dollar, through the end December 2018, up to $10,000. If you are able, please consider making a donation so we can receive the full blessing of this matching gift pledge. If you would like to see what Kayla's Hope Foundation is please click the following link.…/kaylas-hope-found…/
We created this foundation to keep the memory of Kayla alive. We will never forget her and her goodness. She would want us to remember only the best of her and would be pleased that we are giving back to those in need and helping others who may be struggling as she was. Thank you for your support, your prayers and your love. Kayla's Hope is alive.
Holiday Lights Recycling
Drop off working or non-working Holiday Lights in bins in our main foyers. These include:
- Traditional Holiday Lights
- LED Holiday Lights
- Italian Mini Holiday Lights
- Rope Lights
- Extension Cords
Please do not drop off prelit garland, wreaths, trees, or lighted lawn decorations or ornaments.
The City of St. Charles mascot recently stopped by the 7/8 center to promote this program and is pictured here with Grace, Mitch, Morgan, Spencer, and Mr. Morrill. Thank you for your support!
Thompson 18-19 Yearbook
Have you ordered your Thompson 18-19 Yearbook? You can check your PushCoin account to see if you have purchased one by going to 'transactions' and then adjusting the start date back to April 1, 2018. We are extending the due date for ordering books to Thursday, January 17, 2019. Contact Kim Walters ( or 331-228-6410) if you have any questions or need financial assistance.
If you would like to order a year, please view the PushCoin product listings by clicking here.
PTO News
Hello Thompson Families!
Holiday season is upon us! We hope everyone is enjoying the snow! Remember when you are out and about in all the hustle and bustle, Chili's in South Elgin and St. Charles is a great place to stop and grab some grub! Just show the attached flier either on your phone or print it out and 15% will go to Thompson PTO!
With the Holiday Season also comes COOKIE SEASON. Lets send our amazing Thompson staff home with some special treats. Sign up with Sign Up Genius to bring in some yummy cookies!
Our next PTO meeting is this coming Thursday, December 13th at 9:00 am. We will be meeting at the 6th grade center. Please join us!
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Parent University Programs
January 24, 2019
Follow-Up ANGST Session #2
Wasco Elementary LRC - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Click here to register for ANGST Session #2
January 30, 2019
Preventing and Addressing Bullying: Lessons Learned and Resources for Parents
Thompson 6th Grade Cafeteria - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Faculty from the Psychology Department at Northern Illinois University will present practical information from their research and their work as part of a U.S. Department of Education training grant “Project Prevent and Address Bullying.” Thompson Middle School is partnering with NIU on this grant project, bringing resources that will be shared throughout the district. The faculty will present helpful knowledge, tips, and resources parents can use when navigating bullying situations.
Click here to register for this program.
February 20, 2019
Common Sense Approach to Managing Technology: Teaching Children How to Be Good Digital Citizens in the Age of Social Media, Gaming and Screen Time
Wredling Middle School – Cafeteria - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Technology is a part of all our lives. From phones to laptops to video games, we are more “connected” or “plugged in” than ever. How do we help our children (and ourselves) find balance when it comes to the use of technology? During this Parent University we will share tools and strategies to help create balance and set boundaries. The night will feature a panel as well as opportunities for interactive discussion. Come “hang up and hang out”!
Click here to register for this program.
Please click here to view all of the planned Parent University Programs.
6th Grade Homework Lab
Hey 6th Graders! Do you have a missing assignment because you missed a class? Did you get behind on your homework? Need help reviewing for a quiz? OR Do you just want some time and space to organize your stuff?
Homework Lab is the place where you can do all of that every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7:45-8:15 am in room 121 at the 6th grade center. Hope to see you soon!
Homework Helper at the 7/8 Center
Dates to Remember
- Thursday, December 13 - PTO Meeting at the 6th grade center - 9:00 am
- Friday, December 21 - Last Day of School in 2018
- Monday, January 7 - School Resumes
- Tuesday, January 8 - 8th Grade Trivia Night/Open Gym - 3:30 - 5:30 pm
- Thursday, January 10 - 7th Grade Trivia Night/Open Gym - 3:30 - 5:30 pm
- Thursday, January 17 - End of the 2nd Quarter
- Thursday, January 17 - End of the M3 Health Rotation
- Friday, January 18 - Teachers' Work Day - No School for Students
- Monday, January 21 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - Schools are Closed
- Tuesday, January 22 - Start of the M4 Health Rotation
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristy McKnight - Assistant Principal
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100