The Cardinal Connection
September 5th, 2023
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
September 5th: First Day of After-Care Programming (students must registered to attend)
September 8th: Movie Night (gates open at 5:45PM, movie starts at7:15PM
September 11th: Girls On The Run begins
September 12th: In-Person PTA General Body Meeting @6PM (Dinner and child care will be provided)
September 21st: Back to School Night 6:15PM-8PM
September 23rd: DCPS Back to School Block Party
October 4th: Walk and Roll to School Day
9 Tips to Build a Habit of Good Attendance
Outdoor Movie Night - Friday, Sept. 8
Gates open at 5:45 p.m., and the movie starts at 7:15 p.m. Closed captions will be provided. Concessions (pizza, popcorn, snacks and drinks) and J.O. swag will be available for purchase. This event is open to all; please help spread the word to friends and neighbors. Don’t forget to bring your blankets and lawn chairs.
We need volunteers to make the event a success. If you can help, please sign up here.
Girls On the Run...
Girls on the Run Returns to JOW...
Girls on the Run reaches girls at a critical stage, strengthening their confidence at a time when society begins to tell them they can’t. Underscoring the important connection between physical and emotional health, Girls on the Run addresses the whole girl when she needs it the most. Any student who identifies as a girl in grades 3-5 is welcome to join the team. The team will meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:45 pm from September 11 – November 19 (5K date). If you have any questions please contact Ms. Winter Victoria Winter @victoria.winter@k12.dc.gov
In-Person Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting Tues. Sept. 12, @ 6 p.m.
Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the year. Meet the Board members, get updates on some of the work we’re doing, and most importantly, let us know your questions, concerns, and hopes for the year ahead. We are excited to meet you!
Dinner will be provided (starting at 5:30). Childcare will also be provided for current J.O. students only. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend. (An RSVP is not required, but will help us plan for childcare and dinner.)
Membership in the PTA is free and open to all parents, guardians, and staff. Please fill out our membership form to let us know if you're interested in roles like volunteering during events or serving on a committee. To stay up-to-date, visit the school website jowilsondcps.org, follow us on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) @jowpta and like us on Facebook at facebook.com/JOWPTA.
Immediate PTA Leadership Positions Available:
Fundraising Director
Identify and manage fundraising opportunities for J.O. Wilson Elementary School
Build and maintain partnerships with local businesses and residents in the communities
Serve as Chair of the Fundraising and Events Committee
Have a knowledge of parliamentary procedure
Maintain a copy of the J.O. Wilson ES PTA bylaws
Advise the presiding officer on parliamentary law and matters of procedure, when requested
Assist in the administration of officer elections
Please email info@jowilsonpta.org for additional information
Help Care for the J.O. Teachers' Lounge!
The PTA is looking for families who would like to adopt the teachers' lounge for month-long periods throughout the school year to help us maintain it in great condition. This would involve stopping by once or twice during the month, restocking the coffee pods and tea, and anything else you'd like to contribute to show our teachers love (leave them a card? bake some cookies? deliver some flowers?). If you're interested, please reach out to parent Emily Badger at emilybadger@jowilsonpta.org.
Help Support a J.O. Partner
Support a J.O. Partner by Participating in October Events Organized by The Capitol Hill Community Foundation
The Literary Feast - Oct. 28
Dozens of Capitol Hill homes, including J.O. Families, are opening their doors to celebrate great literature, great neighbors, and the great schools that will benefit from this annual fundraiser. Visit the Feast’s website to register for one of our delightful dinners — inspired by a book you select — by Sept. 30 (or before tickets run out)! All proceeds from this event support the Capitol Hill Community Foundation’s Grants to Neighborhood Schools.
Join the Literary Pumpkin Walk and Get on the Map
Transform your yard or stoop into a festive fall display and sign up for inclusion in the Foundation’s Literary Pumpkin Walk map. Choose a book or favorite character, and design a single pumpkin or an entire yard scene. Each year, neighbors vote for their favorite entry, and the Foundation donates $1,000 to a school selected by the winner.
Walk & Roll to School Day
J.O. Wilson is registered for Walk & Roll to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Walk & Roll to School Day is an annual event that involves communities from across the country (and globe!) walking and rolling to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Today, thousands of schools across America — from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico — participate every October. Over time, this celebration has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school.