TexQuest X-Press Newsletter
Spring 2023
Happy searching TexQuestrians! See you soon!
**Time Sensitive Announcement**
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has made the decision to not renew ImageQuest due to budgetary constraints. Access to the resource will be deactivated 5/31/2023.
As a loyal TexQuest member, Britannica is pleased to offer you the opportunity to renew today at a discounted rate of 20% OFF the list pricing. Renewing is quick and easy, and it will give you uninterrupted access to all the features of ImageQuest. To continue, contact the Britannica sales team at salessupport@eb.com, and they will gladly assist you.
Product Updates
Britannica has updated the interface of the landing page for Britannica Elementary and Britannica Middle school. This update contains:
- An expanded search box, much larger than what was visible before
- Quick links to popular features
- Curriculum focused content
- A new "video of the week" portion
Access the recorded webinar of the update and presentation slide deck below:
Don't forget to visit Britannica Education to access webinars, product guides, and our personal favorite, the asset library with a wide variety of graphic organizers in fillable PDF format.
EBSCO LearningExpress
Here are just a few of the most recent updates/additions:
- Keyboarding/Typing Skills Tutorial
- Additional Microlessons on grammar, mathematics, science, and more!
- Algebra videos
- Learning games on the periodic table, the human body, plant and animal cells, and so much more.
EBSCO has also created setup guides if your district has either Clever or ClassLink.
LearningExpress Clever SSO Setup Guide
LearningExpress ClassLink SSO Setup Guide
You can view a complete list of updates by visiting EBSCO Connect.
Gale has added or updated several fantastic templates, escape rooms, lesson plans and so much more on the Gale Support page. Take a look at just some of the improvements!
Summer Reading activities to prevent learning loss during the summer months
Lesson Plans on a variety of content areas at all levels
Projects including trading cards, bingo games, activity guides, and unit projects
Escape Rooms that offer a fun and educational way to end the school year
Scavenger Hunts that can be used to learn the resources while covering content
Graphic Organizers that can be used in all content areas
Visit Gale Support to view marketing materials, images, training materials, and more!
- New video titles from producers such as PBS Kids and National Geographic
- New games from Mr. Nussbaum's Learning Games and Reading Comprehension Activities
- Expanded bilingual Spanish content to include storybooks, High School Science content, and English Language Literacy resources
For a full list of recently added content, visit Learn360.
ProQuest SIRS Discoverer
ProQuest has added the following new content:
- 3 new controversial issues (Term Limits for Members of the U.S. Congress, Standardized Testing, and Dress Code)
- 10 new animal facts (Burrowing Owl, Capuchin Monkey, Ferret, Gerbil, Grey Parrot, Hornet, Orb Weaver Spider, Ptarmigan, Snug-Nosed Monkey, and Sugar Glider)
- More eBooks to include famous person biographies from publishers such as Mitchell Lane, Lerner, Enslow, and Oxford University Press (Tree Top InFact Series)
Leaving ProQuest SIRS Discoverer: Scholastic backfile content will be removed. The most recent publication date is 2015. Please plan accordingly if you or anyone on your campus uses this content.
- Timely topics such as units to support monthly themes like Asian American Pacific Islander Month and summer reading
- Ready-to-use ideas like genre studies, monthly lesson ideas, and picture book engagement
Be sure to visit TeachingBooks to view these spectacular ideas!
Training Opportunities
TexQuest Basics Statewide Virtual Sessions
Newsletter with registration links and schedule: https://www.smore.com/k7f30
TexQuest Program
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission administers all aspects of the TexQuest program and is responsible for the selection and coordination of all TexQuest resources, as well as district invoicing.
Education Service Center, Region 20 serves as the TexQuest Support Center and is responsible for help desk, technical assistance, outreach, communication, and training to support the program.
TexQuest Support Center
Email: texquest@esc20.info
Website: texquest.net
Location: 1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 844-719-1501