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We are Kind, We are Learners, We are Leaders
November 20, 2023
Wednesday, November 22 - Early Release - 12:50 pm
A Note From the Principal
Hello NES Families,
We have a short week with Thanksgiving Break coming up. Early Release at 12:50 on Wednesday, then no school on Thursday or Friday. We wish everyone a wonderful week with family, friends, food, and fun. We are grateful for you all.
Katie Brown, Principal
NES Community Attendance Goal
Girls on the Run!
Congratulations to our students who participated in Girls on the Run this year. They met their goal of running a 5K this weekend!
Nooksack Music Concerts 2023-2024
Dear Families:
Here is the plan for our music performances for this school year. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback last spring to help us make decisions together.
- Grades 2 and 3: Wednesday, February 21st from 2:00-2:40pm
- Grades 4 and 5: Tuesday, March 26th from 2:00-2:40pm
- Grades Kinder, TK, and 1: Tuesday, May 21st from 2:00-2:40pm
- 5th grade will also perform at the “Moving On” Ceremony on the last day of school.
- All concerts will be about 30 minutes long.
We will continue to have two grade levels perform together, as opposed to all classes performing at the same concert. On the family survey, we had 84 families respond. 90% of families said they liked this format better. Some of the reasons included:
- Parking was much easier.
- We got to see our children perform more songs.
- K-1 students got to really show their learning by waiting until later in the year; “Little voices got heard!”
- It was less crowded so we could actually see and hear our child better.
- For kids in multiple grades, it allowed them to shine separately, and they could support each other at the rehearsals.
We look forward to some wonderful performances this year. Our students love music, and we look forward to sharing with you throughout the year!
Katie Brown, Principal
Mr. O, Music Teacher
Transitional Kindergarten
Will your child be entering kindergarten in the fall of 2024 and is not currently in a preschool program?
The Nooksack Valley School District is hopeful to offer an additional class of Transitional Kindergarten that will provide a free, full-day transitional kindergarten opportunity for children who are scheduled to enter a kindergarten class in the fall of 2024. This new class would start in January 2024.
What: A free, full day of transitional kindergarten starting in January 2024
When: Students may qualify based on need. After the screening has taken place, you will receive a letter in the mail if your child has qualified or not. Transitional Kindergarten program will follow the regular district calendar.
Where: Located at our elementary schools
Why: This program will focus on social and basic academic skills to help qualifying students get a jumpstart toward success in school.
The Nooksack Valley School District is doing all we can to support all students at every level of education. One goal is to enhance and invest in early childhood learning opportunities. We believe offering Transitional Kindergarten is a positive and critical step in helping your child transition into our schools and start their journey as a lifelong learner.
If you are interested in enrolling them, please call or stop by one of our elementary schools to pick up an application.
Everson Elementary-360-966-2030
Sumas Elementary-360-988-9423
Nooksack Elementary-360-966-3321
Highly Capable Program
Nooksack Valley School District is preparing for its yearly Highly Capable Program referral window running from November 1 through December 14, 2023.
The State of Washington defines highly capable as “students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experience or environments”, as demonstrated by one or more of the multiple learning characteristics specified. The multiple characteristics focus upon (WAC 392-170-035)
If you’d like to refer your student, connect with your child’s teacher to have a conversation about indicators to consider regarding your child and possible referral:
· Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned, and to transfer learning to new situations.
· Capacity and willingness to deal with increasing levels of abstraction and complexity earlier than their chronological peers.
· Ability to make unusual connections among ideas and concepts.
· Ability to learn very quickly in their area(s) of intellectual strength
· Capacity for intense concentration and/or focus
· Ability to apply creative solutions to problem/challenge
El Distrito Escolar de Nooksack Valley se está preparando para el programa de Estudiantes de Alta capacidad y las fechas de referencia son del 1º de noviembre al 14 de diciembre del 2023.
El estado de Washington define a los alumnos de alta capacidad como “alumnos que realizan o muestran potencial de realizan capacidad de niveles académicos avanzados en comparación con alumnos de su edad, experiencia o entorno, demostrado por uno o múltiples características especificadas. Las características múltiples están enfocadas en el (WAC392-170-035)
Si a usted le interesa referir a su alumno, por favor de comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo para saber los indicadores que necesitamos tomar encuentra para posiblemente puedan referir a su hijo:
- Capacidad de aprenden con una profundidad inusual de comprensión, poder retener su aprendizaje, y transferir su aprendizaje a situaciones nuevas.
- Capacidad y voluntad para afrontar niveles crecientes de abstracción y complejidad antes que sus pares cronológicos.
- Habilidad de poder hacer conexiones inusuales entre ideas y conceptos.
- Capacidad de enfocarse y/o poder concentrarse intensamente.
- Habilidad de usar sus habilidades creativas para poder resolver problemas y desafíos.
ASB Cards
What else do I need to know?
Volunteers are Welcome! Please fill out the paperwork
Please click here for the VOLUNTEER PACKET. You can also call the district office at (360) 988-4754 to see if your volunteer status is still active.
Nooksack Elementary School
Location: 3333 Breckenridge Road, Everson, WA, USA
Phone: 3609663321
Twitter: @NVSchools