The Weekly SharkBeat!
SJHS Weekly Parent Newsletter - November 26, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am looking forward to seeing all our students back at school tomorrow. I hope to see you at one of our events this week!
Thank you for taking the time to review the Weekly Sharkbeat Newsletter. Please check the school website and Facebook page for additional updates and information. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Shark family. Have a great evening, keep swimming forward, and as always, Go SHARKS!
Ryan Poston
November Calendar Dates
Seniors Last Call for Pictures- 11/28
College Funding Coach- 11/29
SJH Teacher of the Year
Congratulations Mrs. Emily Scheffler for being nominated at SJH 2023 Teacher of the Year. We are excited for you and know you will represent us well.
All County Band
On Tuesday afternoon many of our band students traveled to NMB to audition for the All-County Bands. This year we have the largest representation from St. James in the last 13 years. Please congratulate these fine musicians on a job well done.
Wind Ensemble
London Hansen-1st Flute
Mo Salam-3rd Trombone
Joelie Propst 1st Tuba
Concert Band
Sydney Garver 5th Flute
Emma Williams 7th Flute
Benjamin Dameron 12th Flute
Yutang "Jeff" Gao 1st alt. Flute
Jayda Jones 2nd alt. Flute
Aiden Klepper 3rd Bassoon
Sophia Wilson 4th Clarinet
Jenna Benkert 6th Clarinet
Anyuli Sacalxot 11th Clarinet
Gavin Klepper 12th Clarinet
Kegan Catoe 1st Alto Sax
Dylan Jenks 3rd Alto Sax
Mason Dorman 4th Alto Sax
Amanda Hann 2nd Trumpet
Gavin Connery 3rd Trumpet
Preston Beatty 8th Trumpet
Angle Mose 5th French Horn
DJ Mose-Leonard 7th French Horn
Andrew Ferreira 2nd Trombone
Brody Pelno 3rd Trombone
Kimberlyn Moradel 1st Mallets
Austin Tompkins 1st alt. Timpani
All State Choir
Please congratulate the following students for auditioning and being accepted into SC All-State Choir. This is the highest possible honor for an individual choir student in South Carolina!
Amaya Mireles
Sarah Deneen
Judah Speece
Stephanie Short
Fletcher Hendrick
Raelin Dellinger
These students will travel in late February to Winthrop University for three days to participate in a mass choir conducted by a world-renowned guest conductor.
The College Funding Coach
We are excited to announce that St. James High School will be hosting a free event with The College Funding Coach® on November 29th at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. This event is for any family wanting to learn how to pay for college (designed for families with students in grades K – 12).
A Note From Guidance
Seniors and parents:
Mrs. Tubbs has sent out an updated scholarship list to students. The link is included below also.
Underclassmen and parents:
We have started our underclassmen IGP conferences. Your child’s counselor sent out an email to sign up for these conferences. These meetings will discuss plans after high school and course selections for next school year. We would love for you to come in and meet with us. We look forward to mapping out a plan for your child.
Juniors - If you are interested in the telecommunications field after graduation please stop by guidance to learn about an exciting opportunity.
Attendance Make Up School
Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House
Send pop tops in with your student or drop off at the Welcome Desk.
DECA Holiday Tip: Set out a container or cup to collect pop tabs during your holiday festivities with your family and friends!
Early Pick Up
If you plan to pick your student up early or your student will drive off campus early, please send a note with your student to be turned in before school starts at the Welcome Desk. We will verify the note and give your student a pass to meet you or leave at the appropriate time. Sending a note cuts down on class interruptions. Unfortunately, we cannot accept phone calls or emails to dismiss students. We appreciate your help.
Driving On Campus
Parents should always use the front entrance to pick students up for early dismissal. Additionally, we ask that you follow the traffic pattern set forth by SJH. Please do not move cones, go around cones or make unsafe decisions to shorten your time on campus. Please help us keep our students safe by following our traffic patterns.
Help PTSO and Register Your Lowes Food Card
If you would like to get involved and join our PTSO, our next meeting will be held Thursday, December 14th at 5:00.
Cart 2 Class
SAT-ACT Workshops
Mrs. Frick's SAT- ACT weekend workshops are held on Saturday mornings, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9, in D-134. Cost is $10 on The workshop starts at 9:30AM and ends at 11:30AM. All materials will be provided, but students are asked to bring their own calculators if they have them. Each Saturday will be a different topic leading up to each SAT or ACT. Stop by Mrs. Frick's room or email her for more information. Open to grades 9-12.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Powell) Fridays @ 7:45 am in the Auditorium
DECA (Oliver) After school on the 2nd &4th Thursday in Room E-235
Soul Stepperz (Oliver) After school on Tuesday & Wednesday 3:30-5:00 in the Shark
Tri-M Music Honor Society (Bedwell) After school on the 1st Wednesday from 3:20-4:00
Chick-Fil-A Leadership Club (Cutnaw) Meet 1 Wednesday per month from 3:30-4:30 in the Media Center
Science National Honor Society (Ferry) Meet the 1st Thursday of every month from 3:30pm-4:30pm in F-238
Marine Science Club (Glover) Meet the last Thursday of the month from 3:30-4:30 in D107
Math Club (Hitt) Meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 3:15-4:00 in D105
Rubik’s Cube Club- (Hitt) Meet the 2nd Wednesday of the the month from 3:15-4:00 in D105
Hosa (Madi Hess) Meet 2 Wednesdays per month after school in C126
Robotics (Neff) Meets Wednesdays after school from 3:30 to 5:oo in C167
FFA (Hall) Meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 3:30-5:00 in C163
Archery (Currie/Williams) Meet Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:30 in A177 & Cafeteria
Academic Bowl Team (Hitt) Wednesdays D-105, from 3:30-4:15pm
French Club (Roberson) meets 3rd Wednesday of the month in M106 at 3:30
For attendance information please go to the school web page below:
From the SJHS web site go to “Our School” then Click on Attendance.
For further information please contact DeAnna Zirkelbach at 843-650-2448 or email her at
School Lunch
All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2023-2024 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.
St. James Athletics
Please click the Sharks Logo to access our Sharks Athletics Page.
St. James High School
Location: 10800 South Carolina 707, Murrells Inlet, SC, USA
Phone: (843) 650-5600