A Letter From Dr. Carey
October 29, 2021

A Letter From Dr. Carey November 24, 2021
Good Afternoon ESD families,
Hate Has No Home Here
As you are well aware, the purpose of my letter is to share with you important information and highlights from the week here at the Enumclaw School District. I try to share my experiences that in many ways provide a glimpse into who I am as a district leader and more importantly, how the district is meeting the needs of all students.
Sadly, I had an experience this week that although wasn’t completely foreign to me in my many years of life, left me unsettled and disheartened. Without going into much detail, our monthly board meeting was interrupted with spontaneous hate speech that left most of those in attendance shocked and appalled. The words and images used were aimed at degrading people of color. Regardless of whether or not the two individuals who carried out this hateful act were random “zoombombers” or members of our community, the actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
While we continue to navigate through tough situations and topics, by and large our work toward a common end has been civil and focused on the most important thing, the students of this community. We are not unlike most communities that are working hard to make certain that every person feels safe, respected, and valued. This isn’t always easy to do, but it is always the right thing to do.
Over the past 48 hours, I have greatly appreciated the outpouring of support from so many of you. I ask that you continue to model this kindness throughout the greater community.
I hope that each of you makes the time to rest, relax, and enjoy your family and friends during this holiday weekend.