Mrs. Johnson's Classroom Newsletter
May 27-31
This will be my last newsletter! I have throughly enjoyed teaching and spending time with your student this year! It has been my pleasure to get to know each student, to laugh with them, and to see those eyes sparkle as they learn something new.
On Tuesday we will finish reading Charlotte's Web and then we will be watching the G-rated version of it on Wednesday! Students can wear comfy cozy clothing, including pajamas, if they want!
Upcoming Events
May 27th- Memorial Day No School
May 28th- Specials
May 29th- Charlotte's Web movie; Bring home school supplies
May 30th- Field Day! Wear your blue Sunnyside shirt!
- We still need 1 more parent to walk with our class at Field Day! We will be outside from 12:15-2:15. Please let me know if you're able to come walk with our class!
May 31st- Last day of school!
- We are walking to Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun! We will leave around 9:30 and return around 12:15. Your student can bring their backpack with a water bottle if they would like. We will be eating pizza at the park.
- Early release at 12:55.
May 20-24
Upcoming Events
May 22nd- Early Release at 1:25
May 24th- All Library Books Due
May 27th- Memorial Day No School
May 30th- Field Day! Wear your blue Sunnyside shirt!
May 31st- Last day of school! NO LATE START! We are walking to Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun! Early release at 12:55.
We need 1 more volunteer to walk with and supervise our class for Field Day! We will be outside from 12:15-2:15! Let me know if you are available and want to help!
Don't forget to check Class Dojo for pictures of all our End of the School Year Fun!
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we are in Skills 6. We will be introducing the /w/ sound using w and wh. We will also introduce the /ng/ sound.
Math- We will finish Module 13: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones on Monday by taking the test. For the rest of the week we will practice double digit addition and subtraction through activities and games.
Language Arts- We have finished up the final domain for the year! We will use our time to finish our American Symbols books.
Social Studies- We will finish up our discussion of the Statue of Liberty and learn about the Liberty Bell.
Tuesday- specials
Wednesday- early release at 1:25
Friday- last late start, last spelling test
May 13-17
Upcoming Events
May 15th-16th- Last iReady test!
May 17th- Glow Day!
May 24th- All Library Books Due
May 30th- Field Day! Wear your blue Sunnyside shirt!
May 31st- we are walking to Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun!
On May 17th we will celebrate the end of testing by having a Glow Day! Feel free to have your student dress in white or neon colors so they glow under the black lights!
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we are in Skills 6. We will be reviewing the /n/ sound and /s/ sounds. We will practice using pronouns and review adjectives and prepositions.
Math- We started Module 13: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones. We will be working on double digit addition and double digit subtraction.
Language Arts- We will finish up Animal Habitats and will begin our last knowledge domain: Fairlytales! We will read and discuss the stories Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, and The Frog Prince.
Social Studies- We will finish up our discussion of the Statue of Liberty.
Tuesday- specials
Friday- late start, spelling test, GLOW DAY!
May 6-10
Upcoming Events
May 10th- Zoo field trip!
May 24th- All Library Books Due
May 30th- Field Day! Wear your blue Sunnyside shirt!
May 31st- we are walking to Lilac Circle at Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun!
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we are going to begin Skills 6. We will be reviewing 'c' using the sounds /c/ and /s/. and reviewing the 'g' sound using /j/ and /g/. We will introduce the /n/ sound made with 'kn'. We will also be reviewing nouns and pronouns.
Math- We started Module 13: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones. We will be working on double digit addition and double digit subtraction.
Language Arts- We are working on Knowledge 8: Animals and Habitats. We will finish up and test on Thursday.
Social Studies- No Social Studies this week!
Tuesday- specials
Thursday- Knowledge Test!
Friday- late start, spelling test, Zoo Field Trip!
April 29 - May 3
Upcoming Events
May 1st- We will take our very last iStation test this week! Please make sure your student has a good breakfast and gets a good night of sleep. Please remind your student to take their time and do their best on this test!
May 10th- Zoo field trip!
May 30th- Field Day! Wear your blue Sunnyside shirt!
May 31st- we are walking to Lilac Circle at Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun!
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we are going to begin Skills 6. We will be focusing on the /s/ sound made with s and ce. We will also be writing a personal narrative. Students will bring home homework on Tuesday. They will be asked to brainstorm some ideas with their familes on what they could write for a personal narrative.
Math- We finish up Module 12: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones and test on Thursday.
Language Arts- We are working on Knowledge 8: Animals and Habitats. Last week we learned about habitats, the Arctic, and the Sonoran Desert. This week we will learn about the Savannah, Decidious Forest, Tropical, and Freshwater Habitats.
Social Studies- We are learning about American Symbols. This week we will finish our study of the Statue of Liberty.
Tuesday- specials
Wednesday- Last iStation Test!!
Friday- late start, spelling test
April 22-26
Upcoming Events
April 24th- we will be watching the Lorax movie as part of an Earth Day project we will be doing. Please let me know if you do not want your student to watch this movie and I'll provide an alternate activity.
May 10th- Zoo field trip! We need 1 more parent volunteer!
May 31st- we are walking to Lilac Circle at Tautphaus Park for some last day of school fun! We will eat lunch at the park and still need 5 pizzas donated and delievered to us.
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we are going to finish Skills 5. We will start assessing on Tuesday and continue through the week until we are finished. There will be NO SPELLING this week!
Math- We began Module 12: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones last week. We will continue with lesson 3 through lesson 6 this week.
Language Arts- We will finish Knowledge 7: The History of the Earth with a review on Monday and then we will test on Tuesday. We will begin Knowledge 8: Animals and Habitats on Wednesday.
Social Studies- We are learning about American Symbols. This week we will focus on the Statue of Liberty.
Tuesday- Knowledge assessment, specials
Friday- late start
April 15-19
Upcoming Events
April 15-19: Book Fair! More info will be coming home soon!
April 16: Donuts with Grown-Ups! 7:45 am - 8:15 am
April 17- Money due for First Grade t-shirt
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- This week we will focus on the /r/ sound and planning and writing an opinion paragraph. We will also review the /j/ and /l/ sounds.
Math- We will finish up Module 6: Understand Put Together and Take Apart Problems on Monday and Test on Wednesday. We
Language Arts- We are working through Knowledge 7: The History of the Earth. This week we will focus on minearls, the three types of rocks, fossils, and dinosaurs.
Social Studies- We have begun learning about American Symbols. We already learned about the American Flag and our country. This week will learn about and discuss the bald eagle.
Tuesday- Donuts with Grownups, specials
Wednesday- $7 for t-shirt
Friday- late start, spelling test
April 8-12
Upcoming Events
April 15-19: Book Fair! More info will be coming home soon!
April 16: Donuts with Grown-Ups! More info to come!
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- We will begin Skills 5 lesson 11 this week and end with lesson 15! We will be mostly reviewing this week. The review will focus on the sounds of /t/ (t, tt, ed), /d/ (d, dd, ed), /f/ (f, ff), and introduce /v/ (v, ve).
Math- We started Module 6: Understand Put Together and Take Apart Problems last week. We will continue through lesson 6.
Language Arts- We will begin Knowledge 7: The History of the Earth. This week we will focus on the inside of the earth this week.
Tuesday- specials
Friday- late start, spelling test
April 1-5
Upcoming Events
Thank you to the parents who donated snacks for our field trip and candy/surprises for our Easter bunnies! I had SO much fun setting it up after school on Friday! I can't wait to see the faces on our students on Monday!
Monday is also April Fool's Day...I may or may not have some tricks planned for our class!
We will take our monthly iStation test on Tuesday after lunch.
April 15-19: Book Fair! More info will be coming home soon!
Please talk to your student about cleaning up their messes. Our students have started not to care about the mess they make and are leaving it for others to clean up. This has happened in the classroom and it happened in art last Tuesday. Students were 12 minutes late back to our class, leaving us 3 minutes to pack up, because no one would clean up their mess! I have talked with students about being both respectful and responsible but would appreciate it if they got talked to at home too.
What We're Learning
Spelling/Reading- We will begin Skills 5 lesson 6 this week and end with lesson 10! We will be focusing on ch, tch, g, gg, and the /j/ sound (j, g, and ge) . We will also review c, k, ck, and cc. We will work on plural nouns, statements, and questions.
Math- We will finish Module 5: Understand Add To and Take From Problems. We will review and then test on Wednesday. We will start Module 6: Understand Put Together and Take Apart Problems. We will do lesson 1 and 2.
Language Arts- We will finish with Knowlege 6: Astronomy this week. Our last lesson will be on the Solar System. Students will research the planet of their choice and "create" an astronaut picture. We will review on Thursday and test on Friday.
Monday- April Fool's Day
Tuesday- monthly iStation test, specials
Friday- late start, spelling test
Sunnyside Newsletter
Mrs. Julie Johnson
Location: 165 Cobblestone Lane, Idaho Falls, ID, USA
Phone: 208-524-7880