Trident Pānui
Term 4, Week 8
Principal's Message
This week we saw the completion of our junior exams and I would like to congratulate our students on the responsible, serious and committed approach that they took to these important assessments. For our Year Nine students this is quite a milestone - the first time they have had to sit in formal assessment conditions across four core subject areas and work uninterrupted for two hours; they were a credit to the school and to their whānau. The results of the exams, along with the years' worth of assessments across the different curriculum areas, make up the Trident Junior Certificate results which we will celebrate at Junior Prize-Giving. It is a wonderful opportunity to recognise personal excellence, resilience and commitment.
For the first time at Trident, we are running Junior Camps next week with both Year nine and Ten students having the chance to either participate in overnight camps away from home, or the day activities organised for a home based camp. The purpose of camp week is both to offer students experiences beyond their normal comfort zone and to build relationships with staff and students across the year levels and through this extending each individual student’s sense of connection with school. This social aspect is key to students’ personal growth and development and we look forward to watching the junior cohort thrive in these activities. The Board has subsidised the costs of travel for the away camps, and also the costs of the home based activities in order to ensure that there is equity of access for all students. There are lots of options for home based camp including waka ama, roller skating, and surfing; what incredible opportunities for students to experience something new with their friends.
Huge thanks are due to the staff who have worked hard to put together the camps and the programmes on site - it is a significant amount of mahi and please encourage your students to express their gratitude when they take part.
Junior Prize-Giving takes place on Tuesday 12th December and we do hope that you can come along to celebrate with us the 2023 academic year. So much has happened in the last four terms in sport, arts and culture, leadership and academic studies. Your students have shown resilience, creativity, critical-thinking, stamina, compassion, empathy, initiative, innovation - what a year! This is an opportunity to gather and acknowledge them as a group and as individuals and to end the year with a sense of accomplishment. It is also a chance to thank teachers for their efforts for your students and to say goodbye to those who are moving on this year as well as saying farewell to friends for the summer. We do hope that you will be there with us.
Ngā Mihi,
Adrienne Scott-Jones
B.A. (Hons), P.G.C.E
Important Dates
- Monday, 4 December- Friday, 8 December- Junior Camp Week
- Tuesday, 12 December- Junior Prizegiving (Last day of School)
Congratulations and the best of luck to Jadine Black!
Jadine is currently representing New Zealand in Gibraltar at the Junior Darts Corporation competition.
She was selected for the NZ team after being in the top 4 of Junior dart players in NZ.
We wish her all the best for the competition!
Alumni Stefan Etter Donates Creality 3D Printer
Recently, the Technology department was contacted by former student Stefan Etter who is now the director of a super-innovative company Innovative Engines & Engineering “IEE” specialising in 3D printing, 3D scanning, CAD, CAM as well as Bead Blasting - all here in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
Stefan had an industrial standard “Creality” brand 3D printer spare that he wanted to gift back to his old school. His favourite subject was Engineering at school and he has made that his career.
He was inspired by the “Metal Technology” program he undertook with Mr Dobbin which saw him make a 200cc Drift Trike using an old motorbike engine and front Forks. See the photo below.
This Creality 3D printer is a huge asset for our technology department and is in constant use with the students currently working through the Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Technology rotations.
Thank You Stefan - this is already enriching our teaching and learning programmes immensely here in Trident’s Technology Department.
Mr Dobbin and Stefan
Stefan's 200cc Drift Trike from when he was at school
Japanese Students Visit from Hijirigaoka, Tokyo - Homestay families needed
A group of 10 students aged 14-15 years old (male and female) are coming to visit Trident High School from February 23rd to March 6th for 12 nights.
We are looking for families to host the students. Host families will receive $60 a night per student. The students can be hosted individually or in pairs but do require their own rooms.
We urgently need families for 5 students - please contact Hilary Harison by email harisonh@trident.school.nz or phone the school on 073088159.
Thank you for supporting this exchange that enables our Trident students to grow their global citizenship.
Just a reminder before students head off on camp next week, all chromebooks and chargers are due back today.
If students haven't returned their Chromebook and charger they can be dropped off at the office next week.
When students return in 2024 they will be given a Chromebook to kick off the new year.
Library books
If students have any overdue library books, can these please be returned before the end of the year.
Over the summer our library of Ebooks will still be available which can be accessed from our website - https://www.trident.school.nz/library
2024 Stationary
2024 Enrolment information
For those who are ready to enrol students and begin your journey at Trident High School we have online enrolments open and interview bookings available.
Interview- https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/b7TuDmq/step1
To see our prospectus, Year 9 subject selection booklet and learn about our Academic extension programmes, please see our website- https://www.trident.school.nz/2024-enrolments
Trident Health Services
Location: Te Aiōtanga
School Nurse: Monday to Friday from 8:30am until 3:00pm.
For all general health needs.
Doctor: Dr Astrid de Jong
A doctor is available every Tuesday from 9am until 11am.
A physiotherapist is available on Tuesday morning.
Appointments for these services can be made through the school nurse.
This is a free, confidential Health Service.
Trident Bank Account Details
Bank Account 12 3253 0004257 00
You may pay any sports or extra curricular fees directly to our bank account.
Please enter student name of student ID in the deposit details.
School App
Go to the App Store or Play Store on your phone and Search Skool Loops
Once downloaded open the App on your phone and select Trident High School
The App allows you to notify the office of an absentee, view daily notices and access to the parent portal.