March Newsletter
Cottonwood School
Happy March Cottonwood Families!
Cougar Families,
Thank you all for working in partnership with the school to make the month of February productive, positive, and engaging for our scholars!
The month of March, Women's History Month, began with our Read Across America Week and an amazing Family Reading Night which celebrates the joys of reading and brings awareness to the importance of reading. We hope to motivate kids to read more. One way to do that is to help your child select a book, magazine, or comic book that they can read for their own enjoyment. Another is by reading with our children and discussing what we read to foster a love of reading. I hope you all enjoyed our staff's great rendition of some of our favorite books.
This month we will be reviewing great women in history throughout our classes. Please take time to talk with your children about some of these great people in history.
Take Care,
Mr. Trudel
Cottonwood News Forecast
Take Note
Read Across America Week - February 27th- March 3rd
March is Women's History Month
Family Reading Night- Thursday, March 02nd
Wear your pajamas and bring a comfortable blanket to sit on.
Saturday School - March 11th - 8-12:00 p.m.
Spring Picture Day- Thursday, March 9th
Middle School Cross Country Tournament - March 9th
Daylight Savings Time - March 12th
PTO Meeting March 14th
Elementary Quarter 3 Awards Assembly - March 24rd - 9:20 a.m.
Saturday School - March 25th
Cougar Corridor
Character Corner
For the month of March our school will emphasize the character trait of Attentiveness. Attentiveness can be defined as concentrating on the person or task before me. Some characteristics of Enthusiasm include:
I will look at people when they speak to me.
I will ask questions if I don't understand.
I will sit or stand up straight.
I will not draw attention to myself.
I will not be distracted by others.
We would love to see our students in action demonstrating our character trait! Please e-mail any pictures of your children to Mrs. Niaves (aniaves@hemetusd.org) demonstrating attentiveness in school, around the house or the community so that we can showcase their efforts!
Check This Out!
March is Women's History Month
Women's History Month is celebrated every March to coincide with International Women's Day on March 8. Women's History Month commemorates the history of women's impact in the world and to raise awareness of issues women are facing worldwide, International Women's Day was established to commemorate the movement for women's rights. Congress passed a proclammation in 1987 officially proclaiming that March be Women's History Month.
Little People Big Dreams - Frida Kahlo
I Dissent - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Malala's Magic Pencil - Malala Yousfzai
Cottonwood's Middle School Students Participated in the Teens Against Tobacco Training at the Soboba Event Center
Read Across America Spirit Week Dress Up Days
Family Reading Night
Read Across America Door Decorations
Guest Readers on Campus
February Overview!!
Students Celebrated the Achievements of African Americans during February for Black History Month
PTO Family Sweetheart Hoedown Fun!
Check This Out!!
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