The Cavalier Chronicle
March 2017
President's Message
Editor's Message
I would like to thank all who have provided information to be placed in the newsletter. The only way we are able to have the newsletter we all desire is through sharing. Please keep your brags, photos, and club related information coming. Please feel free to share any suggestions you might have with me at
Today's Inspiration
We all need those little reminders from time to time. If you have a favorite reminder you would like to share please send it to Mark Fitchpatrick at
2017 Specialty
Carla Mathies Judging Critique – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Greater Atlanta, February 4, 2017
I want to thank the club members for their invite to officiate their 16th Annual Specialty show and their wonderful southern hospitality! My favorite events to judge are specialties…having the opportunity to do my beloved Cavalier breed is such a privilege. I also want to thank the exhibitors for supporting the CKCSC of Greater Atlanta Club by making their entries & participating in the day’s events. Specialties are “special” as they afford the opportunity for us to enjoy the company of our fellow exhibitors along with our dogs, what I and many other long timers consider the true “sport” in dog showing. I do hope you took the time to appreciate your fellow exhibitor, whether you won on the day or not!
This year’s entry was evident in quality. Breed characteristics were presented such as gentle happy temperaments, proper melting expressions, outlines of slightly longer than tall bodies being short coupled, with just a few tails carried above the “2 o’clock” acceptable range. Some exhibits had not quite level toplines and some lacked the proper side gait made by reach in front & a sound, driving rear. Overall though an extremely good entry from which to choose the following major award winners:
Winners Dog - #45 Mimric American Heartthrob: Definitely my “cup of tea” as far as style, outline & movement – caught my eye as soon as he walked into the ring. Still maturing but so handsome & royal in appearance. Lovely melting expression with large dark eyes & shape of head. Excellent pigment & chestnut Blenheim color. Just loved his angles front & rear, with well laid back shoulders and level topline. Excellent silky, single coat texture, which some of the other male exhibits lacked on the day. Had proper happy temperament, tail in motion while moving, indicating he’s having fun too! Also awarded him Best of Winners and Best Bred by Exhibitor in show.
Reserve Winners Dog - #35 KBPride Rattlebridge Fergus: Well marked Blenheim, I loved the shape to his head but white showing in one eye took away from expression in comparison to WD. Younger exhibit that has an excellent lay back of shoulder, nice level topline, proper tail-set, and turn to stifle which contributes to his exceptional side gait.
Winners Bitch - #42 Brookhaven Believe in Me: My WB came out of the BBE class, which was my strongest class of the day other than Best of Breed. She was feminine in expression with soft, melting eyes. She had such a lovely outline due to proper proportions – short coupled and shoulders well laid back. Ideal size to me, as I noted there were some entries on larger side. WB appeared square but was of proper length, slightly longer than tall. She also had moderate, straight silky coat, free movement on a looser lead, with straight and true “down & back” gait.
Reserve Winners Bitch - #30 KBPride Rattleridge Etiquette at Tea – From the 12-18 month class, clear winner of “Best Eyes of the Day” category, she had gorgeous, large round DARK brown eyes. She also had excellent pigment & rich chestnut Blenheim markings. Body proportions a tad longer and looser at the elbow than my WB. Loved this RWB’s elegant length & crest of neck, straight level topline and her excellent reach & drive in side gait. As she matures, she’ll be hard to beat!
Best of Breed - #39 GCH Stepamgar Skyfall – This fully mature Blenheim boy stood out to me as I walked down the lineup possessing everything in moderation and such a beautiful head! He had a soft, gentle expression due to his large, round dark eyes and lovely cushioning underneath them with an ear set that frames his proportionate headpiece. Well broken color with pearly white silky coat. Balanced
front to rear with sound construction, short coupled and parallel hindquarters with nice straight hocks.
Moved freely with a level topline and had a friendly temperament with tail wagging indicating his
“happy-go-lucky” attitude. Rounding everything off, he was shown with a proper natural appearance,
presented by his handler impeccably.
Best of Opposite Sex - #22 CH Bonitos Companeros Uhura – Can you say “toy spaniel” – such a
feminine, well-marked Blenheim girl of lovely shape & outline. Had a pleasing head, though I’d prefer a
bit more length of muzzle & underjaw. Nonetheless, she excelled in other confirmation traits such as
topline, tail carriage one of the best of the day & excellent side gait.
Select Dog - #37 GCH Jolainey Touch of Evan – A lot to like about this richly marked Blenheim boy –
“Best Pigment” of the day with lovely eyes and expression, great length of neck blending into well laid
back shoulders, though I’d prefer tighter elbows. Excellent topline and tail set – a tad long in outline
however one of the best side gaits of the day, loves to show!
Select Bitch - #28 CH KBPride La Perle – Younger Blenheim of quality type with beautiful eyes and
expression, rich chestnut markings & excellent pigment. Quite a nice shape with level topline – could
use a bit more lay back of shoulder but does move quite nicely.
AOM 1 - #31 CH Almeara Extra Extraordinary – Richly marked Blenheim dog with such a classic shaped
head, pleasing expression with a moderate stop and proper ear set framing his face. Needs a bit more
maturity in body, but lovely constructed boy with pleasing outline and correct silky coat texture.
AOM 2 - #33 GCHS Aranel Avenger – Another quality dog, beautiful shaped head with dark eyes though
white showing in one which made me prefer the higher placed exhibits. Well bodied with great angles
both in front & rear with excellent reach and drive in addition to a well set-on tail.
Best Puppy in Show - #8 RanLyn’s Cristalle De Chanel – From 9-12 month bitch class, a lovely sized and
balanced youngster, with such a sweet expression! Super mover with gorgeous reach and drive,
beautifully presented.
Best Veteran in Show - #15 Karavale Brookhaven Finn THDA CGCA – At almost 9 years young, this
Blenheim boy was still in super condition – nice mover, great topline, balanced front to rear. Tons of
straight coat to add flash to a boy who loves to show!
Reserve Junior Handler
Recipe of the Month
This is a great healthy recipe for dogs and can be cut in half. Combined with a kibble this recipe lasts about 4-5 days for 4 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Be sure that your vegetable mix contains no garlic or onions! Many breeders avoid pea protein with their breeders. If feeding to a breeder do not pick a blend containing beans would be a perfect choice.
- 3 pounds minced chicken meat
- 2 1/2 cups frozen vegetable blend (no garlic or onions), minced
- 4 cups rice
- 6 1/2 cups water
- Place chicken, vegetables, and rice into a large saucepan or Dutch oven. Stir in water until the mixture is smooth. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
- Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the rice is tender and all of the liquid has been absorbed, about 25 minutes. Cool completely before serving; store covered in the refrigerator.
Natural Remedies
Whelping - Milk Supply - Fenugreek
When you are concerned about your bitche's milk supply post whelping your first “go to” should be Whelping or Nursing Porridge
Icelandic Whelping Porridge
I love to learn and I love science! So thought I would share my latest 'learning moment' with everyone here.Did you know that Oatmeal, as in a good "porridge" is good for nursing bitches? Oats are a galactogogue (something that increases breastmilk production)and are very healthy for for theirdigestive tract as well. Good roughage after whelping to get the system back online.
Next time your bitch whelps try this Porridge Recipe
1 cup steel cut oats (not instant, use slowcook)
2 cups milk or water
1TSP honey or karo syrup
1 raw egg (whisk before adding).
Cook, cool and add 1 cup whole milk yogurt, orgoats milk. In Iceland this is what they give their girls to bring in milk assoon as whelping is finished.
Initially I was like, no seriously you have to be kidding! Then I started the research! Egg is greatprotein, milk for calcium, oatsfor both roughage and galactogogue effect on breast milk production, a touch of glucose forenergy and Viola! A great post whelp breakfast for your girl!
And I have to thank Hildur María Jónsdóttir from this group for this 'learning moment!
Various Mothers Pudding Recipes
You can offer this to her several times a day at body temperature. Let her eat as much as she wants from bowl, off of a spoon, or use a syringe. Can be mixed with her kibble for lunch and dinner, and can give her some before you go to bed. This helps to bring in an abundance of milk and also is a tasty source of calcium.
From Scratch:
Mix the following in a saucepan and cook to pudding consistency.
2/3 cup sugar OR 2 tbs of clear Karo
6 tablespoons cornstarch or flour
4 cups whole milk (or one can evap milk plus equal parts water to make quart, or use goats milk)
4 egg yolks
Using Pudding Mix (cooked kind):
1 large 4 cup size vanilla pudding mix
1/2 cup sugar,
4 cups of milk, and 4 egg yolks.
Cook on low heat to pudding consistency. and offer to new mother at body temperature. She can eat as much as she wants. Has never caused diarrhea and brings in abundance of milk!!!
If these do not work, you should also make sure that your bitch has plenty of liquids (bribe her by putting beef or chicken stock in her water) as this helps with her production. Then consider using Fenugreek. I use this with my girls when they are experiencing problems, but I am very cautious as I do not want to cause mastitis either. Remember your girl does NOT need to be bagged up and exploding with milk for her to be providing enough for her litter. If they are gaining weight, quiet and nursing frequently she is probably doing a great job!
If you need to use Fenugreek this is what I use - Fenugreek 2-3 capsules, 3-4x a day until your bitch smells like Maple Syrup then slowly back off watching milk supply.
News From the Board
Welcome New Member
At our February meeting, we voted into Associate Membership, Shirley Bruno. Shirley lives in Berkeley Lakes and was sponsored by Alice Alford. Welcome Shirley!
Club Programs
We hope you provided input by completing the recent nine-question survey that was emailed out to all members. We are attempting to see what types of programs the members would be interested in and your input is needed! Results are being tabulated from the 18 responses received and will be presented at our Club meeting for discussion.
Would you like to volunteer to put together four programs a year for the club? We are looking for someone to volunteer to coordinate and set up speakers or programs for the club membership. Speakers range from vets, authors, specialists, judges...anyone who we could learn from! The topic does not have to be about showing dogs either! Think about volunteering and let club president Paula Ayers know if you are interested in spear heading this committee!
Even if you cannot volunteer to coordinate four programs a year but you know of a great topic or speaker, drop Paula an email at!
2017 Nominating Committee
The nominating committee for 2017-2018 officers has been formed. Chairperson is Brenda Martz and members are Alice Alford and Hollis Land. Alternates are Mark Fitchpatrick and Margie Roe. All board positions are up for election. The slate presented to the Board on March 14, 2107 by the Nominating Committee is as follows:
President: Paula Ayers
Vice President: Linda Whitmire
Secretary: Sharon Utych
Treasurer: Carol Land
Director: Beverly Manley
Director: Brenda Martz
Director: Mark Fitchpatrick
Floor nominations will be taken at the April regular meeting. Please review the Club By Laws on the website for all the requirements concerning floor nominations.
Winter Specialty Show
The website has been updated to reflect the winners of our February 4 specialty. Be sure to visit the website to also read the judges critique (
If you have win shots taken from the Specialty, please email Sharon Utych a copy to post on the results page.
We are also working on setting up our 2018 show. Plans are to have TWO concurrent specialties (Saturday and Sunday). Saturday will include Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes and Sunday will include Junior Showmanship.
Do You Have A New Title Holder?
Did you know if your cavalier has earned a new title, including AKC Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog titles, you qualify for either a certificate or personalized rosette from the club? Awards are presented at the December Holiday Luncheon. The club program details are on the club website under “Member Achievement Recognition Program” (
Spring Puppy Picnic
Our annual Spring Puppy Picnic will be held on Saturday April 1, 2017 at the Whitmire’s “Field of Dreams” from 11am to 5pm. Please be sure to RSVP to the Evite email invitation that was sent to each member. Join us for some cavalier socializing, health clinics, great food and more!
We will have a junior showmanship clinic where your junior can walk around the ring with a cavalier and learn the basics of how to show. It is a fun experience for the kids and they get to earn a special award!
Our member’s match will be held also. Register at the picnic. The cost per dog, per class entered is $5. There will be ribbons and prizes awarded for each class and also Best of Breed in Match and Best of Opposite in Match. AND NEW THIS YEAR! Enter your pointed cavalier in the “Exhibition Only” category to compete for Best Exhibition Only in Match! To enter as “Exhibition Only”, your cavalier must be AKC pointed with a major, or have attained their championship title.
Fun contests will be held (Register at picnic. The cost is $1 per contest per dog). It’s game on for the biggest eyes, longest ears, best kisser, fastest cookie eater and quickest weave pole run. Prizes awarded and any cavalier can enter!
NEW THIS YEAR is a special Veteran’s Parade. Cavaliers aged 7 years and older can participate. Come walk the ring with your veteran as a short story is told about your cavalier. The parade is free, but please notify Sharon Utych (email: to register to participate, so everything can be coordinated.
Club member Alice Alford will be available to perform AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and AKC Community Canine (CGCA) testing. If your cavalier passes the test, they can register for an official CGC or CGCA title through the AKC! Testing is FREE, so it does not hurt to try the test as most of our cavaliers already can perform the requirements. Visit the AKC website ( to see what is tested.
Health Clinics
We will be holding heart and eye health clinics at the Spring Puppy Picnic. Cost of each clinic, per dog is $35. You can pay at the picnic with cash or check only, or visit our website and prepay using our online store at:
Our doctors for the clinic are:
Cardiologist: Dr. Darlene Blischok-Lapekas , DVM, DACVIM (cardiology)
Opthamologist: Dr. Stacey Andrew DVM, MS, DACVO, DACVIM (opthamology)
If you plan on participating in the eye health clinic, please be at the picnic by 11am as Dr. Andrew is on call that day and will need to leave early.
Eye forms and heart forms will be available at the picnic. You can also go online and complete heart forms to bring to the picnic by visiting:
Meeting Notice
Need Some Sunshine?
Request for Information
The Cavalier Chronicle
Mark Fitchpatrick, editor