Masco Memo
October 20th, 2023
Headlines and Highlights
- Mark Your Calendar
- YRBS Survey
- Picture retakes
- Updated: Activities Registration Form
- Peer Tutoring
- Winter Sports Registration
- French Exchange Program
- Masco Buddies
- Peer Leading
- The Miracle Worker
- Musical Bingo
- Morning Update
- Masco Chronicle
- Athletic Schedule
- Tri-Town Council
- Masco Photos
- Algebra II
- Spanish III
- Reminders
- Senior class group photo
- Yearbook sales
Mark Your Calendar
10/19 & 10/20 Drama Production: The Miracle Worker
10/25 Picture Retakes
10/25 Music Bingo
10/26 M-Block, Senior Class Photo
11/8 YRBS survey
11/8-11/9 ELA MCAS
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
As a reminder, on Wednesday, November 8, Masco Middle and High School students will be participating in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The anonymous, self-reported results identify strengths, weaknesses, normative behaviors, perceptions and misperceptions to inform and guide prevention education, as well as serve as a tool to engage in conversations with our youth, families, community members, partners and organizations.
Your child’s participation is voluntary and anonymous; no names will ever be collected, used, or reported. The survey will ask about risk and protective factors including: substance use activity; behaviors related to intentional and unintentional injuries; eating habits and physical activity; sexual health; student’s feeling of school and community connectedness; resistance strategies; use of social media; bullying behaviors; and student’s perceptions of norms and risky behaviors. Find past years’ survey data at: tritowncouncil.org/coalition.
If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please print and return this form no later than Monday, November 6, 2023. Thank you for your cooperation with this important research effort.
Picture Retakes Wednesday
Picture retake/make up day is on Wednesday, October 25th from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM in the Field House. If it is a retake for you, bring the photos you received.
*Updated* Activities Form
The Activities/Club Registration Form has been updated. More clubs were added and some fees have changed. Please check HERE to be sure the form you are sending in is the current one.
Winter Sports Registration
The Winter Sports Registration Form is now live on our athletics web page. Winter sports begin the Monday after Thanksgiving, November 27th. The registration deadline is November 13th. The winter sports practice/tryout schedules will be posted by early November on our athletics web page. If you have questions, you may email the winter coaches. Their names and email addresses are posted on the athletics web page.
Peer Tutoring
Peer tutoring is now accepting applications for both Peer Tutors and for Tutees (students who need a tutor).
French Exchange Program
From October 16th through October 27th, a group of 18 students and 2 teachers from Rennes, France, are visiting the Tri-Town. The students are paired with juniors and seniors from Masco. These photos are from the French exchange welcome party held at the Read home.
Peer Leading
On October 16th Peer Leaders and freshmen had their monthly meeting to check -in and complete a focused activity. This month’s focus was on communication as freshmen worked together to create a Halloween-themed drawing based on the vague clues provided by their Peer Leader. Groups finished with a discussion on why it was challenging and how clear communication is important for success!
The Miracle Worker
The cast and crew had an excellent opening night performance! Come see this special show Friday night at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm, in the auditorium.
Photos from dress rehearsal are courtesy of Masco Theater Company 2023 alumnus, Jared Stromski
The Green Monster Quadratic Project
This week in Mrs. Brouillard, Mr. Kachinski, and Ms. McAuliffe’s Algebra 2 Honors classes, students worked on “The Green Monster Quadratic Project”. In this project, they were required to apply their knowledge of quadratics to determine which Red Sox batter was able to hit a homerun over the green monster. Students were given different information about each batters hits and used it to generate a quadratic function. To visualize the situation, they then were required to graph the trajectory on DESMOS to determine which batters hit made it over the wall.
Spanish III
The Spanish 3 honors classes have been practicing the Preterit/Imperfect (past) tenses. They had a competition to see who created the best art with the best explanation of the story that they read. (And no, the tree is not smoking. He is brushing his teeth with fire.) The activity was created by Profè Tierney and the photos are from Señora Bailey’s classes.
The Chieftain Chronicle
"We are excited to roll out a new year of news coverage in our school newspaper, The Chieftain Chronicle! Our first edition is now out on the Masco website, and linked above. We look forward to a great year with new journalists and we look forward to a great year with new journalists. Thanks to all of you who have agreed to do interviews so far."
- The Chieftain Chronicle Editors
Tri-Town Council
Flatbread fundraiser, tutoring, mentoring, helping our kids, and more from TTC...
or the direct link:
Yearbooks on Sale
2024 Yearbooks are on sale now: http://mascoyearbook.weebly.com/. Senior photos and squares are due Dec.1. Use the same link for any further information on submitting.
Senior Class Photo
The senior class group photo has been postponed to next Thursday, Oct 26, M-block. Students should report to M-block next Thursday for attendance and wait for the announcement to come down to the courtyard.
Masco Class of 2027
Class of 2027 shirts are now on sale. They are $25 and can be ordered directly online at customink.com (search: Masconomet) OR from the QR code on the flyer (linked below) Sales are live now through October 29th! **Important reminder, parents- Please include your student’s name when completing your order form to make for easy pick up in school when the shirts are delivered. Thank you for supporting the class of 2027! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BGD34nLrTPEYjvQmPcNXe2RnyH6671c0/view?usp=share_link