Tiger Tracks
March 6, 2023
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Dear Northern Lights Families,
It is so nice to finally have more daylight showing during the day. It's nice not to arrive in the dark and go home in the dark. However, we still have a lot of snow on the playground and will have it for a long time. Please make sure your child has the appropriate gear for recess. A lot of students are not bringing gloves to school and they are still required.
Upcoming AK Star Testing Days
Our 3rd-8th graders will be taking the AK Star test this spring which will take the place of MAP testing. Please help your child be on time, make sure they are well-rested, and have a good breakfast. The testing may take place all day as the tests are not timed. Please try to not have your student have appointments during these days as once a student leaves for the day, they are not able to make up any portion of that test for the day. Also, students should be free of any phones, electronics, watches (Apple or FitBit types), and earbuds.
March 28th - 8th Grade - Science
March 29th - 5th Grade - Science
April 3: - English Language Arts - 5th-8th Grade
April 4 - Math - 5th-8th Grade
April 5 - English Language Arts 3rd-4th Grade
April 6 - Math - 3rd -4th Grade
Make -Up Testing will take place during the following week. Below is the link for the practice tests. These tests will not provide answers, but they are a resource so your child knows how to utilize the testing tools and to become familiar with the test format.
Family Survey
We are always looking for ways to improve at NLABC. We appreciate all comments and look forward to your participation in the survey.
Our last day of the extended 30 minutes will end on March 9th. Our school day's normal dismissal time of 2:45 pm will resume on Monday, March 20th (start of 4th quarter).
Upcoming Dates
3/10 - Inservice Day (No School)
3/13-3/17 - Spring Break (No School)
3/20 - 4th Quarter Begins
3/23 - MS 3rd Quarter Academic Awards @ 8:30 a.m.
3/24 - 3rd Quarter Academic Awards - Intermediate Grades (4-6) @ 8:30 a.m. and Primary (K-3) @ 9:30 a.m.
3/28 - Science Testing - 8th Grade
3/29 - Science Testing - 5th Grade
3/31 - 2nd Grade RWB - Intermediate Grades (4-6) @ 8:30 a.m. and Primary (K-3) @ 9:30 a.m.
4/4 - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser - Take Over the Old Seward Location from 4-8.
Just a reminder that our PTA meeting is on March 7th at 3:15 in the library.
We have a lot to be proud of here at NLABC 🙌
👏 Our 3rd grade Battle of the Books Team took 7th place in the State battle. This was out of 33 teams of 3rd and 4th graders. It was their first time at a State battle and know that this experience will help them for the next year.
👏 Our Middle School Boys' Basketball teams won their last two games. Both the 7th and 8th grade teams excelled this year and between both teams only lost one game for the entire season! Way to go, Tigers!
🎓We held our National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony for our middle school students and 18 students were inducted into this society and were recognized for their excellence in scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship.
😍 Math and Science Night
We had a great turnout for our Math and Science Night! Over 400 students attended and student, Nason Northcutt won the raffle. Special thanks to Mrs. Madarang for organizing this event and to our PTA for sponsoring it, and to all the volunteers who helped to make it happen.
Thank you!
Other News
How to order 2022-2023 Yearbook
1st - go to ybpay.lifetouch.com or click on the yearbook cover on the right..
2nd - add the yearbook ID code 14576723
3rd - Click NEXT and it will lead you to the prompts for purchasing the yearbook.
Basic soft cover Yearbook is $20. Hardback Cover Yearbook is $25
There are also other packages available at additional cost.
Deadline to place the order is March 27, 2023.
presented by the Anchorage School District Fine Arts Department
Primary Exhibit Location:
Anchorage Museum at Rasmusson Center
March 3 - April 7, 2023
Please click on picture at the top of the page for more information.
Friday April 4, 2023 and Friday April 28, 2023
Please click on picture for more information.