CSO: Chief Science Officers
Information on the CSO Program for Schools
Leadership Training Institute 2023
Spring Cabinet Meeting 2024
Fall Cabinet Meeting 2023
The Chief Science Officer or CSO initiative is a first-of-its-kind program where 6th to 12th grade students serve as their site’s liaison for STEM and innovation. CSOs are part of a cohort of student leaders who experience special leadership training, impact STEM opportunities at their sites and in their local communities, and work as a collective cabinet to give input and ideas to adult STEM leaders in their region. The program seeks to inspire student and community STEM awareness and encourage the pursuit of STEM education and careers, ultimately building a strong 21st century workforce.
Program Goals
- Create a global network of diverse STEM leaders.
- Foster communication and collaboration among CSOs.
- Enrich school STEM culture and career awareness.
- Amplify student voice in STEM conversations in the community.
Individual CSO Goals
- Be a voice for their schools.
- Bring STEM opportunities to their peers.
- Bring change to their communities.
Benefits of Establishing a CSO Program at Your School
Students participate in hands-on learning opportunities geared to practice workplace skills in communication, leadership, strategic planning and team building.
Student voices amplified in their school and community by working on key issues related to civic action and STEM.
Partnerships cultivated with school administrators, teachers, parents, students, and business and community leaders.
Student perspectives incorporated in conversations about STEM and education with local businesses, media and policymakers.
Students practice employability skills such as teamwork, work ethic, critical thinking, problem solving and verbal and written STEM communication with STEM professionals.
Students advocate for STEM in their school and community.
23-24 Student CSO Feedback:
Overall CSO Program Commitments
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment for advisors?
Advisors should meet with their CSOs at least twice a month for 30 minutes to review the CSOs STEM Action Plan progress and their engagement with the Google Classroom resources. Additionally, advisors will need to complete the CSO advisor training program which is four 20-minute webinar modules.
What is the time commitment for students?
CSOs should check in once a week in the Google Classroom for updates and opportunities. CSOs should develop and implement a STEM Action Plan. CSOs should meet with their advisor at least twice a month for 30 minutes to review their STEM Action Plan progress and their engagement with the Google Classroom resources.
How should student elections be handled?
Ideally, students should be elected by their peers. An election can be held school-wide, in an after-school club or in a STEM pathways cohort. It is up to the school to determine how the election can be handled. If a student election is not possible, then students may be elected by teachers and administrators. If a school would like support with the election process, please contact Stacie Isenberg at sisenberg@iu28.org or 724.463.5300 x1216
What are sample STEM Action Plans?
CSOs can choose to hold a STEM night at their school, develop or promote an after-school STEM Club, teach hands-on STEM lessons to elementary school students, organize and implement guest speakers from businesses, higher education and/ or informal science education centers or any other comparable project the CSO wishes to develop and implement.
Are advisors compensated for their time?
Compensation of advisors is left up to the discretion of the school district.
What happens after a school completes the site intent form?
Stacie Isenberg will contact you to provide you with more information for the program and your next steps.
What are the times for the student events?
Times will vary depending on location; however, most will be from 9:00am – 1:00pm.
Next Action Steps
1. Identify / Hire a CSO Advisor for your school
2. Hold elections for 4 CSOs (if feasible).
3. Complete the Site Intent Form (below) by May 31, 2024
4. Each CSO should complete the student registration form (below) by May 31, 2024