Eagle Crest Family Newsletter
January 12th. 2023
Hello Eagle Crest Families!
Welcome back! With the first full week of school in 2023 under our belts, we are excited and eager to continue both learning and growing during this second half of the year. During our professional learning day last Friday, many of our teachers shared that they love the second half of the year, because this is when they feel like students can truly settle in and accelerate their mastery of skills across the content areas.
Starting next week we will begin preparing for Family/Teacher Conferences. The conference dates are listed below, and you can look for information about signing up and participating in upcoming newsletters.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Amanda Holden
Eagle Crest Elementary School
Hello Eagle Crest Families!
We have had a great week back at Eagle Crest! It was fantastic to welcome back everyones’ smiling faces, and get back into the routines of learning and growing at school.
Now that the weather has finally decided to be winter-like, we wanted to remind everyone of some of our cold weather and snow policies at school.
Students will be bringing home their iPads when inclement weather is forecasted. This may just be precautionary and official decisions for Online Learning Days will be posted on our website and delivered to your IC contacts via phone, text, and/or email messages.
Students will be outside for arrival and recess on most days throughout the winter. If there is too much precipitation or the wind-chill drops too low, then we will shift to indoors. Otherwise, please send your child with adequate clothes for the weather. Coats (and often hats and gloves) can be very helpful on chilly winter days.
Students are allowed to play in the snow at school as long as they are wearing boots. We try to enforce this rule as much as possible because we do not have extra shoes, socks, or many extra clothes to give students who get wet. In addition to boots, students may bring snow pants, gloves, and tennis shoes to change into for PE.
Students are not allowed to throw snow, play on ice patches, or climb the large snow mounds. Please help your child follow these rules before and after school as well.
Lastly, we expect a lot of these winter clothes to end up lost. Don't forget to check the Lost and Found regularly to claim them! See digital Lost & Found linked below,
We appreciate your help to keep all students warm and safe!
All the best,
Lindsey Cheney
Dean of Students
Eagle Crest Elementary School
January 13th - Family Volunteer Training, Eagle Crest Library, 9am
January 16th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17th-20th - ACCESS Testing for Multilingual Learners
January 17th - First Day of AAA
January 24th - PTO Family Tech Talk, 8pm
February 1st - Late Start
February 4th - VEX IQ Robotics Tournament at Eagle Crest
February 7th, 13th, & 15th - Family / Teacher Conferences
Dear Eagle Crest Families,
In lieu of our monthly PTO meeting, we are hosting a virtual Family Tech Talk with an internet safety expert from Trend Micro on Tuesday, January 24th at 8 PM. Spanish translation will be available. Learn more here.
Join this virtual event at:
Passcode: 70409
We have been busy planning an indoor family movie night on Friday, February 10th at 6 p.m. in the Eagle Crest gym! We will be showing the animated film Ratatouille. Be on the lookout for the RSVP link next week.
Volunteer opportunities! Looking ahead to next school year, we have one Executive Board position and several committee positions such as yearbook, assistant treasurer, restaurant fundraiser coordinator and more that need to be filled. Some positions are perfect for sharing with a friend if you don't have enough time. When adults volunteer, all ECES students benefit! View open positions
6,425 Longmont Dairy milk caps were turned in for our fundraiser! Thank you for helping us earn money that supports important enrichment programs such as field trips! Please continue bringing your clean milk caps to the collection bin by the front office.
Take care,
Jenn Pensy, PTO president
The Preschool Department is excited for the opportunities that Universal Preschool will bring to our community. Join the Preschool Department for an open house-style information event at either the Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools or Spark! Discovery Preschool on January 17.
Additional information and event times can be found at svvsd.org/preschool >>
We have an opening for a PART TIME Preschool Paraeducator in our wonderful Pre-K classroom. We are specifically looking for someone to work Wednesdays and Fridays, 8am-3pm. This could be a perfect fit for a parent or family member looking to work the same hours as their child’s schedule at school. We are looking for a thoughtful, kind, caring adult, who has a lot of patience, a heart for small children, and a commitment to public education. If this sounds like you, please reach out and check the job posting on the SVVSD website!
The safety of our school environments has always been a top priority in St. Vrain Valley Schools. As the district continues to invest in security upgrades, mental health resources, counselors, and other supports to ensure the well-being and success of our students, we are excited to share that a new Campus Supervisor position will be provided to all elementary schools in the district.
Currently at all middle and high schools in St. Vrain, Campus Supervisors promote safe and secure learning environments for students by providing an additional layer of facility monitoring, oversight, and communication regarding any potential risks or safety concerns. These roles also play an important part in fostering a positive building environment by building relationships with students and serving as another trusted adult in the building.
If you or someone you know is interested in applying for one of these 26 new positions, a job description and application can be accessed starting Monday, October 31 at https://www.applitrack.com/stvrain/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Security.
Our Music, PE, and Art classes are on a 3 day rotation. Every school day is either a Red, Gold, or Purple day. These colors are shared on our school lunch menu to help families plan ahead for necessary supplies like sneakers for PE.
MySchoolBucks is the website you want to access in order to add funds to your child’s account for purchasing breakfast, lunch, or milk at school. This system will send you reminders and can manage the account of multiple students. Money can also be sent to school by check or cash. Please label any checks or cash with the students first name, last name, and teacher.
If you haven’t yet, you can apply for Free & Reduced meals to see if your family qualifies for free meals. Applying for Free & Reduced lunch will help manage fees (like iPad Insurance or sports) and also helps our school receive additional funds and services. We encourage all families to complete the application.
We send almost all of our messaging in Infinite Campus through SMS text messages and emails. You can change your Contact Preferences in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Navigate to "Settings" and "Contact Preferences". In that section, you will have the opportunity to confirm the accuracy of your phone and email contacts, as well as your "Message Preferences".
Here are screenshots of our suggested Phone Settings and Email Settings.
Contact us if you need any assistance!
Email: holden_amanda@svvsd.org
Website: eces.svvsd.org
Location: 4444 Clover Basin Drive, Longmont, CO, USA
Phone: 303-485-6073
Facebook: facebook.com/EagleCrestES
Twitter: @EagleCrestES
Need support in Spanish?
Contact Natalie Boggess at: boggess_natalie@svvsd.org , 303-702-7872
Fiorella Martinez at: martinez_maria@svvsd.org , 303-702-7896