The Weekly Newsletter
Important Updates and News 08/20/2023
Week 2 - Fall Semester
Dear Families, Students, Staff and Teachers,
We had a successful first week back to school! 94% of our students were present this week without any absences! Continue encouraging our students to attend school! Next week we will start with our regular bell schedule.
Please see below for news, announcements and awesome opportunities.
Marly Escobar Suarez
Congratulate Ms. D’Amico for her new role as the STEM Assistant Principal!
Ms. D'Amico has been a STEM Team Member since 2014. She has supported the STEM Academy as a Special Education Teacher, Instructional Coach and Summer Bridge Coordinator. We are excited that Ms. D'Amico will continue support our school!
Important Announcements for Families and Students
- Find the Regular Bell Schedule HERE
- Students - keep your friends and our campus safe, See Something? Say Something! by talking to an adult right away or filling out this anonymous form on our website!
- Families - want to leave us feedback? Have a non-urgent question? Use the Parent Feedback Form on our Website!
- Everyone needs help some times; do you need help? Check out these community resources!
Parents and employees can choose to Opt back into receiving Outreach (general) messages by calling (855) 502-7867 from any phone number that was previously Opted-Out. You can also sign up for Parent Portal and get notifications on the Schoology App!
Hurricane Hilary
In preparation for the storm that is expected to impact Southern California, our school has taken several precautions to ensure the safety of our students, including:
- Reviewing school safety plans and training to address the potential impact of inclement weather
- Securing or relocating all objects that may become airborne or prone to wind damage
- Keeping students and staff away from areas with tree branches that could be damaged by high wind
- Addressing areas prone to flooding
- Modifying or cancelling outdoor activities
- Reviewing emergency water, food and first aid supplies
Our school is one of the safest places for students to be in the event of inclement weather. In addition to our strong safety protocols, we will continue to communicate with District operations and local officials to ensure the safety of everyone on campus. For the latest information about the impact of the storm, please visit Updates about our school will also be communicated to families directly.
Thank you for your engagement and support. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 323-817-6465.
Huracan Hilary
Para prepararnos para la tormenta que se espera afectar al sur de California, nuestra escuela ha tomado varias precauciones para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, incluyendo:
Repaso de los planes escolares de seguridad y capacitación para hacer frente al impacto potencial de las inclemencias del tiempo
Asegurar o reubicar todos los objetos que puedan ser levantados por el aire o que puedan ser dañados por el viento.
Mantener a los estudiantes y al personal alejados de las zonas con ramas de árboles que puedan resultar dañadas por el fuerte viento.
Estar atentos a las zonas propensas a inundaciones
Modificar o cancelar las actividades al aire libre
Revisar los suministros de emergencia de agua, alimentos y primeros auxilios.
Nuestra escuela es uno de los lugares más seguros para los estudiantes en caso de inclemencias del tiempo. Además de nuestros sólidos protocolos de seguridad, seguiremos comunicándonos con las operaciones del Distrito y los funcionarios locales para garantizar la seguridad de todas las personas en el plantel escolar.
Para obtener la información más reciente sobre el impacto de la tormenta, por favor visite Actualizaciones sobre nuestra escuela también serán comunicadas directamente a las familias.
Gracias por su compromiso y apoyo. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina llamando al 323-817-6461
ELAC and SSC Orientation and Elections
We encourage you to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the School Site Council (SSC)
The ELAC supports the progress of students who are learning to be bilingual in their home language and English.
School Site Council (SSC)
The SSC makes decisions about STEM’s academic programs, supports services, and the federal funds that are used to improve academic performance of all students that are at risk of failing.
ELAC & SSC Orientations & Elections
When: Sat, August 26, 9:30am – 11:00am
ELAC and SSC Orientation and Elections
Saturday, Aug 26, 2023, 09:30 AM
STEM Expectations
See Something? Say Something
Narcan is available on Campus
College Applications Writing Cafe
College Center Hours
UC Application is Now Open
Senior Northern California College Field Trip
Join ACE Mentor
Attend Informational Meeting on 8/25th at 3:45
Blueprint for Safety Student Presentations
Presentaciones Para los Estudiantes Sobre las Escuelas Seguras
Workshops for Families
How to Safely Send Your Student to School
Como Enviar a su Estudiante a la Escuela de Manera Segura
Attendance Achievement
Logro de Asistencia Escolar
Science Day
9th Grade Supply List
Announcements for Teachers and Staff
- Teachers must sign in at the STEM office first thing in the morning and before 8:05 am to ensure compliance with the EWA.
- Take accurate attendance in each class within the first 10 minutes. Indicate the time of arrival for those students who are tardy and have students sign in using this form.
- Please enforce hall pass rules - One student per pass, sign-out for a pass, wear your lanyard & ID, and no hall passes in the first or last 10 minutes of class!
- Don't forget to wear your lanyard and ID at all times when you are on campus, please also enforce this rule for all your students, especially when they ask to use the pass to exit your room for any reason.
- Textbook Williams Sufficiency Verification is due 8/29 Please complete it in your Teacher Portal:
- Useful faculty links are on our website HERE.