Monday Message for Tuesday 10-11-2022
Student Reminders
We hope you all had a great break with your friends and families. This week, we will be reviewing our TeSA expectations with all students. Thank you for helping by reminding your child of these expectations to keep us safe:
1. All students must have a pass to be in the hallway. Students are always granted access to the bathroom or nurse's office, but we need to know where they are at all times!
2. Students should only speak at a level 1 (regular speaking voice) in the cafeteria. We want everyone to be able to talk at their own tables, but no one should be shouting to friends at other tables.
3. Students should never open the exterior doors or go outside of the school building without permission. This includes the Lost & Found, which is located in the front lobby.
Thank you for partnering with us to grow our TeSA STARS!
Artistically & Academically Yours,
Betsy Compton, M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed.
Yearbooks On Sale
Lost & Found
Congratulations Spelling Bee Winners!
Repeated Information
Free Dress Day for Candy = Oct. 12th
PTO will be collecting bags of individually wrapped candy to be handed out at Trunk-or-Treat this year! Bring a bag of your favorite candy, and show us your style with a free dress day! (Students still have to dress out for P.E. and Dance). To be considerate of our students/family members with allergies, please do not purchase candy with nuts.
Free dress consists of clothing of the student’s choice, excluding shorts more than 2 in above the knee, spaghetti straps, short skirts, inappropriate t-shirts, etc. Closed toe, closed heel shoes should still be worn with free dress.
Trunk or Treat = Oct. 22nd
Trunk-or-Treat will be October 22nd from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at TeSA. We still have lots of spots available for trunks: you decorate your car, and PTO will provide the candy to hand out!
Sign up NOW to reserve a spot for your trunk!
Niche Rankings
Niche Rankings are in, and TeSA, FWAFA Elementary, and FWAFA Middle/High School all received an A Niche Grade! Additionally, both schools ranked high compared to other schools!
TeSA - #7 Best Charter Elementary School in DFW Area
FWAFA - #16 Best Charter Elementary School in DFW Area
FWAFA - #7 Best School District in Tarrant County
FWAFA - #7 Best High School for the Arts in Texas
Bus Drivers Needed
Our students are going places and we need YOU to help us get them there! Our Bus Driver position is on an as-needed basis, and a valid Texas Class B-CDL with PS Endorsements is required.
To learn more or apply visit: https://www.atenterprise.powerschool.com/ats/job_board...
Tutoring Opportunity
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to let us know about the HeyTutor sign-up difficulties. These emails helped us discover that HeyTutor changed their platform and sign-up abilities this school year. Since their new platform does not allow for advanced scheduling, we've created a Sign-Up Genius for our TeSA families to book their weekly sessions. To participate in online tutoring, please take the following steps:
1. Use the TeSA Sign-Up Genius to select your child's weekly Math and/or Reading sessions. Each child is limited to two 30-minute sessions per week.
2. Wait to log on to the HeyTutor website until the time your child's session begins.
3. Log on with your child's school email (firstname.lastname@mytcaa.org) and password.
*Reference the DIRECTIONS with screenshots supplied by HeyTutor if you have difficulties.
*Email betsy.compton@mytesa.org if your child does not know his/her password and needs it reset.
TeSA Lunch
1. All visitors must check in and out of the front office.
2. Other children may not join you without written permission.
3. Only people on your approved pick up list may eat lunch with your child.
4. You/your child may not share food with anyone else.
Please email tammy.smith@mytesa.org if you would like to give your approval for your child to eat lunch with another child and his/her parent or if you need to give approval for an adult not on your pick up list to come for lunch.
Lunch Times:
K = 11:00-11:27
1st Red = 11:05-11:32
1st Blue = 11:10-11:37
2nd Red = 11:30-11:57
2nd Blue = 11:35-12:02
3rd = 11:25-11:52
4th = 11:40-12:07
5th = 10:55-11:22
Remote Conferencing
Monday-Friday, 1:00-3:00 p.m.