Gator News
West Fork High School Principal's Newsletter
March/April 2023
Lots of information to share in our newsletter. Please be aware of upcoming testing dates. We are now in our final 9 week grading period. Just a few important items...
-Attendance matters each and everyday this last 9 weeks, students who miss 8 days are at risk of not earning credit.
-Students must have an overall average of a 70 in the course to receive credit.
-Students who do not earn 7 credits will not be classified as 10th graders.
As always, please feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions. bheine@newcaneyisd.or or 281-577-2825
Don't forget to order your yearbook! Quantities are limited!
Let's Go Gators!
Bridgett Heine
Upcoming State Testing Dates
Congratulations to West Fork Fine Arts on their Outstanding UIL Achievements!
NCISD BOND 2023 Early Voting
Monday, Apr 24, 2023, 08:00 AM
New Caney Independent School District, TX, USA
Attendance Matters
Despite bad weather and illness, our teachers, families and students have persisted to keep learning happening here at West Fork High School.
● We have approximately 10 school days until our mid-winter break. Unless an illness prevents your child from attending students need to be at school each day.
● Missing just 2 days a month may put your child at risk of loosing credit and not meeting graduation requirements. If your family or your child need support, please reach out for help.
Again, as long as your child is healthy, please make sure they are showing up to class when school is in session. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers. We appreciate everyone’s hard work and commitment to our school community.
Thank you, thank you!
Bridgett Heine, Principal
Congratulations to West Fork Staff Members of the Year!
Ms. Smith
Ms. Macias
Ms. Beaird
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Ms. McCloskey!
April is School Library Month!
Chess and Games
3D Printing
Art and Creativity
The West Fork High School Library has a variety of different activities for students. Students have engaged in service learning, makerspace innovation, and cultural activities throughout the year.
Check Out What's Happening in West Fork HS Classrooms!
Interactive IPC Stations!
Hands-On Learning in Spanish
Engaging English EOC Review
Learn More about Paper!
NCISD Annual Golf Tournament
West Fork High School
Location: 108 Sorters McClellan Road, Kingwood, TX, USA
Phone: 281-577-2825
Twitter: @West_Fork_High