Week of April 6, 2020
Collegiate Administrator Tidbits
We are extremely excited to have 2 weeks of high school instruction and 1 week of instruction at El Centro College under our belts. To date, students should have the following actions completed:
- submitted 4 assignments in Google Classroom for each high school class.
- accessed and submitted assignments in eCampus for El Centro College classes.
- 100% of our students should have a Chromebook and internet access.
Action Items
- complete the College Access Form (click link).
- log into all college classes during the specified time for the classes you are in.
We have one week remaining in the 5th six weeks of this school year. Parents and scholars please make sure you are in great academic standing with each class as we move into our 6th and final week of the six weeks. There are still no updates provided for high school graduation or El Centro College graduation. I will reach out to you as soon as I receive any updated information.
Your flexibility and willingness to adjust to digital/online learning during this time is greatly appreciated. Continue to be safe during this time.
Ashley A. Duncan
Roosevelt H-TECH Collegiate Administrator
aduncan@ dallasisd.org
Greetings from the Counseling Corner
Greetings H-TECH Family,
As a family here at Roosevelt H-TECH, it is our mission to continue to serve our students and their families with what they need to be successful. Below are the latest updates from the Counselor’s Corner:
- Make sure your student is logging into their high school teachers’ Google Classroom daily during the time they have the class. Attendance is just as important as completing the assignments
- For those senior students who haven’t completed FAFSA/TAFSA or Apply TX, we are still working with EIF to get that done (EIF/Counselor will be reaching out to those students)
- Weekly Zoom meeting times are as follows (only for students w/college classes this semester)
10th Grade: Fridays 11:00am
11th Grade: Tuesdays 12:00pm
12th Grade: Tuesdays 11:00am
- Students screen shots of college grades in Google classroom for your college class(every Friday starting April 3rd)
Helpful Links:
- Let's Talk Link: If you have questions for the district
- Request for Counseling Services: If student/family needs counseling
- Vital Source: Library of College textbooks (student creates an account)
- Texas Health and Human Services:
- Dual Credit Resource
During this time, please be safe and know that if you need us, we are here to serve!!!!!
Mr. Johnson
El Centro College Updates
- Online/Virtual learning began Monday, March 30th for all H-TECH students who are enrolled in courses at El Centro College. Students should have logged onto eCampus to access directions and assignments from professors.
- Dallas ISD's PTECH/ECHS Department created a website to support with issues students may encounter with access to eCampus, submitting assignments and accessing specific links. Please use the Dual Credit Support Site (click link) for support in these areas.
Student Remind Groups
9th grade Business: @96bdgf
10th grade IT: @g3ce7kg
11th grade: @82c9a6c
12th grade: @67h3af
More sections will be added next week.
H-TECH Teachers Weekly Assignments & Updates
Ms. Z. Dixon
Next Week's Assignments:
- EdPuzzle on Solubility Rules - Tuesday, April 7th
- Solubility IP- Thursday, April 9th
- Solubility DOL- Friday, April 10th
- Phet Lab on Voltage- Friday, April 10th
Microsoft Teams Lectures
- Wednesday- A day classes
- Thursday- B day classes
*Please log on at the beginning of your regular class period. After instruction, will be a Q&A session. I suggest keeping a log of questions as you are doing the work to bring to each virtual class.
Ms. S. McKenzie
Here's what to expect in Pre-AP English 1 this week:
- Free Response Question due by Thursday, April 9th @ 4:20pm.
- Can use resources from the internet, or Mr. Scott's class to complete.
- 3 short assignments about citations and sources to prepare students for their upcoming research project due by Friday, April 10th @ 4:20pm.
Confused on the assignments? Ask me questions on Zoom during regular class times! https://zoom.us/j/725684146 Meeting ID: 725-684-146
Attendance: Students must mark themselves present daily BEFORE 4pm by answering the attendance question in the Google Classroom.
Communication: Please check the Google Classroom daily for any updates or additional opportunities.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via Remind with code @mckenziee1 or email at samckenzie@dallasid.org. Looking forward to another week of online learning!!
Ms. C. Elliott
Here's what to expect in Pre AP English II this week:
- Attendance: Students will mark themselves present each day through an attendance question in Google Classroom—students must mark themselves present before 4 PM!
- Assignments: This week's focus will be on in text citations! Students will complete three short assignments to better prepare them for next unit's research task. All assignments will be due Friday, April 10 at 4 PM!
- Communication: Please check the Google Classroom every day for additional updates and opportunities. If you have not joined the Remind, you can do so using the code @elliottol
- Need extra help? Visit me in Zoom office hours (Meeting ID: 891 475 6421 Password: elliottol). I'm available during regular meeting times for 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th periods!
I'm so excited for another week of online learning! If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at chelliott@dallasisd.org
Mr. D. Scott
AP Human Geography – Focus: Distribution of Languages
Graded assignments:
- Questioning Activity – answer questions and make your own about how languages are distributed
- Language DOL2: How are languages distributed? (FRQ – free response question format)
Scaffold activities:
- Distribution of languages - Reading
- Distribution of languages video lecture
- Language vocabulary squares
- Task sheet will be worth bonus points toward graded assignments for the week.
US Government – Focus: Congressional Decision-Making
Graded assignments:
- Application of Congressional knowledge: People’s Pie Congressional Apportionment Game
- Congress DOL: How does Congress respond to the various needs of the people they represent? (MCQ – multiple choice question format)
Scaffold activities:
- Our Nation’s Law Makers (Reading/Slides)
- Article 1, Section 1 of US Constitution (Reading)
- Congressional Committees & Decision-Making video lecture
- Vocabulary brackets (tier/rank words based on importance with justifications)
- Task sheet will be worth bonus points toward graded assignments for the week
Mr. A. Lopez
US History
Assignments for next week – 4/6-4/10
- PowerPoint reading with embedded questions and activities
- Complete the embedded activities and questions on google docs and turn it in online to google classroom
- Complete the online weekly DOL on google classroom (which will only be posted on Friday)
** I will be available for support during your designated class time via SKYPE (972-925-6835) or via Email (ALECLOPEZ@DALLASISD.ORG). You can schedule tutorials by emailing me directly.
Ms. A. Gonzalez
Mrs. A. Gonzalez
Algebra 1 Pre-AP
Students will need to answer the attendance question according to the following schedule.
A days – Monday and Wednesday
B days – Tuesday and Thursday
C days – Everyone on Friday
A video that explains the lesson and activity for the week will be posted Sunday night and will be available to you through google classroom.
There will be two assignments, one due by end of Wednesday and the second due by end of Friday.
You can work on these assignments at any time, but I will be available to help you live during your assigned class time.
Assignments will be checked daily and grades will be posted over the weekend. Assignments will be through Classkick. You can work on an assignment at any time that you would like. I will check these daily and you can look at my comments, or hear my voice messages the next day.
Office hours: I will be available to meet with you, help you live, and answer any questions you may have on the spot, during your assigned class time. We can meet through TEAMS and I will share the link for you to do that.
If you send me a message through google classroom at a different time, I will typically respond within an hour, so check back later.
Ms. K. Jones
Lessons week ending April 10, 2020
Habits of Mind
Monday & Tuesday: Habit 3 - Listening with Understanding and Empathy - Define/Study
Wednesday & Thursday: Habit 4 - Thinking Flexibly - Define/Study
Friday: Habits 3&4 Reflect
Lessons week ending April 17, 2020
Habits of Mind
Monday & Tuesday: Habit 5 - Thinking about your Thinking (Metacognition)- Define/Study
Wednesday & Thursday: Habit 6 - Striving for Accuracy - Define/Study
Friday: Habits 5&6 Reflect
Mr. I. Lim
Mathematics: Live Tutoring
Scholars, we are moving ahead with our online education with the introduction of weekly live tutoring plus review sessions via Zoom. These sessions are planned for 10.30am to 11am on Tuesdays (Geometry) and Wednesdays (Algebra II). Plan ahead by having your questions ready so that we can make the sessions as efficient as possible. You may also send me your questions in advance. Specific details to follow via Google Classroom. Stay safe.
Dr. A. Fiamengo
Hello parents and guardians!
This week Pre-AP Biology students continued our study of ecosystems, focusing on keystone species and trophic cascades. Next week we will continue studying ecosystems looking at how disturbances and changes can impact an organisms and ecosystems through biomagnification and look at which ecosystem concepts are found in “The Lion King” movie. Instead of a written test for the 5th six weeks, students will be writing an obituary either for an organism killed by an invasive species or for an invasive species. Since this is a major grade, please remind your student to review the rubric revise/edit their work and use the originality report feature in Google Classroom prior to submitting their Invasive Species Obituary.
Thursday, April 9th, is the last day of the 5th six-weeks. Please help your student submit any late/missing assignments prior to the end of the grading period. There is a general assignment in Google Classroom where students can post a picture of written assignments from before spring break. I will be reaching out to students with missing tests and quizzes regarding how they can make-up those assessments from before spring break.
Biology assignments are generally posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with assignments due every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, to help students have flexibility of when they complete their assignments. Remember there is a 10-day window for work completion during At-Home Learning, but I hope students will not procrastinate and end up overwhelmed.
Attendance: A reminder that students need to answer the attendance question between 9am and 4pm according to the following schedule.
A days – Monday and Wednesday (1st through 4th periods)
B days – Tuesday and Thursday (5th through 8th periods)
C days – Everyone on Friday (1st through 8th periods)
Going Live: Classes will be meeting for live interaction via Microsoft Teams on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the first 30 minutes of their scheduled class times. I look forward to “seeing” all our scholars (cameras do not need to be turned on).
1st period: Wednesday 10:30 – 11:00 am
2nd period: Wednesday, 1:20 - 1:50 pm
3rd period: Wednesday, 2:20 – 2:50 pm
4th period: Wednesday, 3:20 – 3:50 pm
5th period: Thursday, 10:30 -11:00 am
6th period: Thursday, 1:20 – 1:50 pm
Office hours: I respond to emails and private comments on Google Classroom throughout the school day on Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, generally within an hour. If you or your student need live assistance, please send me a message and we can arrange to meet through Microsoft Teams.
Guardian Summaries: If you have an email address, I highly recommend that you sign up for Guardian summaries (or accept the invitation if one was emailed to you already) on Google Classroom to help you keep abreast of your student's assignments and due dates. You can choose from daily or weekly reports.
COVID-19/Corona Virus Resources
Dallas ISD COVID-19 Information
- Website Link
- At Home Learning Info
- Zoom Access
- Technical Assistance/Support or contact 972.925.5630
COVID-19 Information and Preventative Care Links:
- Oak Cliff Churches Aid Program
- City of Dallas Utilities Resource
- Texas Students Meal Finder
- North Texas Cares
- Health Insurance Assistance
- General Financial Assistance & Support Information
Free Internet Services To Students: 1-844-488-8395
Free Meals @ FDR HS: Thursdays, 10a - 1p
Leadership Team
Ashley A. Duncan, Collegiate Administrator
Dewayne Johnson, Collegiate Counselor
Ida Henry, Workplace Learning Coordinator
Email: aduncan@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/domain/16591
Location: 525 Bonnie View Road, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 972.925.6879